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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. I wonder where all this p.p.e the world is fighting over is coming from. Probably the same country ordering unprecedented numbers of engines at work. Suspicious.
  2. Liverpool has worse transport links to London than we do. BuT hOw Do tHeY sIgN aNyOnE?
  3. Why won't we buy MBappe like? He's playing in a one team division and we'd be one of a couple of clubs rich enough...
  4. I think it's ironic that the thread was deliberately started and then seemingly came to a grinding halt.
  5. So what's the most plausible conspiracy theory? The whole thing reeks. I wonder if we ever find out the truth.
  6. He'll already have his eye on some sad high street brands that covid pushes to desperation.
  7. Renaming "Bar Nine" to Shearer's would be on the to-do list. That anyone even goes in after that obvious slap-in-the-face to Big Al is a indictment of how many thick shites support us.
  8. Dennis Wise's forehead will emerge and then a few minutes later the rest of his face to tell us that he told us that Ashley would only sell to somebody capable of taking the club forward and that we should be thankful. Ignoring the fact that he was engaging with Peter Kenyons attempts to sofa scrape.
  9. This goes through and it makes Benitez one of the clubs most important figures ever. It was obvious that him coming here and talking the clubs potential up turned Stavely on probably those involved here. You have to bring him back as your first move
  10. There was a deal in place for pif to buy the mackems but it fell through when it transpired that sports unwashing wasn't what they were after.
  11. Well if all else fails to disperse the crowd of people, you of course send in Gene Hunt.
  12. Obviously I thought this virus would die out quick and left the booming 3m facemask job to return to my old job. Another pearler of a decision. Anyhoo. On our way in they're taking our temperature by making us queue (2m apart obv) and stand in front of a thermal camera. I drove to work yesterday with the heating on full blast but alas the camera said I was fine. Any tips?
  13. Bet the effective immunity he gets from this is class for the rest of us.
  14. Strategic early contamination before the plebs are fighting over the ventilators.
  15. I'd like to apologise to @Rentonfor taking the piss the other week. It's getting to me a bit now. And now I've lost gym access that keeps me relatively sane.
  16. It's surreal all of this. Feel like I'm in a film.
  17. Mr Tumble - a previously cocky FLT driver who came to work with broken fingers following a pissed fall.
  18. Fred West - suspected a a trail of bodies for years but in the end got done for child porn. Porky pig - team leader with a stutter. Bare belly - fat lad who's gut was always hanging out the bottom
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