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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Just infect 60% low riskers with small amounts then. Sorted.
  2. They probably have. Short supplies and bidding wars are more lucrative
  3. Convince everybody it's not that bad first with some fake numbers, ensuring they remain unprepared. Not suspicious at all.
  4. Well my experience is that we aren't building engines for a lot of countries that we usually build for and our build plan is almost exclusively Chinese engines. Not like a country that is still managing a health crisis, but one that has flipped a seemingly critical situation, eradicated covid and is operating almost normally even in non-essential industry. I don't get how they got here from a period of ignorance and spiralling out of control, in a short period of time and with less deaths than forewarned countries. That's not racist. It's suspicious behaviour and we have every right to be suspicious given how they carried on early doors (I.e suspiciously)
  5. How do we get to an election from here though? No chance or requirement for them to call one themselves.
  6. How long could an initial loading phase last? It seems odd that it's so mild and asymptomatic to some but so deadly to others. Almost like it's been designed and created for maximum disruption.
  7. He's a problem to be dealt with in the aftermath. In my brief stint at 3m, I was working on a production line that had been stood for years out of action after being installed during SARS. It was a truly impressive line and was installed and set up in just a few weeks during that crisis. It could bray 200k masks out in a 12 hour shift. Sorting out similar facilities for gowns and other p.p.e should and could have been relatively simple.
  8. Can't remember that mate.
  9. Edwards will be seething when Rafa comes back and gives Caulkin all the exclusives
  10. I don't really know. J69s version of the science is how I thought things worked. I would want to know how long after exposure you started to make antibodies. I also find it suspect that he managed to evade infection for so long even though he essentially discovered this thing. Surely he would have caught it when it was an unknown rather than several months later after embarrassing his government
  11. I think 0.2% is or was the quoted death rate for his age group at the time. Then there were reports that the media were told to report him as still being treated when he was already dead.
  12. I've read or seen it mentioned, to my surprise, that you can be infected with different levels of the virus? Is that accurate? Does that theoretically mean a sick person exposed to more virus could become sicker?
  13. I got banned for reviewing KCG's novella. Where is the consistency?!
  14. Come on now, it's not cone shaped
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8232471/Arturo-Vidal-interested-signing-Newcastle-United-hire-Max-Allegri.html
  16. We should just buy the vaccine off China. We're just collateral anyway
  17. The government needs to be firm with companies. What I've noticed is an increasing risk that people have taken precautionary self isolation and of course without testing don't know whether it was covid-19. There then exists a stigma to self isolation if you develop symptoms in the future. Company I work for let people have up to two weeks childcare allowance but if you've taken 2 weeks self isolating then you lose your entitlement. Basically sending out a "2 weeks max" message to workers. Made worse is the fact that the 2 metre rule is being very loosely policed.
  18. Body temperature checks at work going well. Giving out hypothermia readings all week "probably because it's a bit chilly outside".
  19. Fairly sure I've got it. Been getting the worst night sweats. Only a very mild and very occasional cough though.
  20. So are were still looking at a fatality rate below 2%?
  21. Why are cases:deaths ratios so off? Like USA had 7x cases but only 3x deaths?
  22. Hilarious how he doesn't seem to understand what's going on from a business or legal perspective but just goes for it and publishes whatever is in his head
  23. Wonder if this is China's revenge on Trump.
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