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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Toontastic member: I'm feeling down Other members: have a wank!
  2. They're the second richest family in the country I thought. Tory donators though
  3. Aye, how they have even got any jurisdiction over club ownership is mental. Especially when they are misusing it to protect their own interests. We should just proceed with the sale and see if they've got the bollocks to try and do something about it.
  4. They're shooting themselves in the foot really. If pif invest in a foreign club it closes the gap between that league and the PL. Nufc fans should reject the product completely from here. The PL have fucked us. Full boycotts for all televised matches from SJP should be the first thing. Make them show an empty stadium on TV.
  5. He's an awful player that wrestles more than he plays football. If he was playing for us he'd give 2 penalties away a game minimum.
  6. Almost as daft as subsidising unhealthy food and lying around and closing gyms when there's a virus around that is worse for fatties.
  7. It's not their place to push for the bid to be presented differently. They should have either accepted or rejected it in line with the test as it was presented. Simples.
  8. Rewriting the test to me is an admission that they know they're on shaky legal ground. Go for the throat.
  9. I don't see why he should be berated for arsenal wanting to pay him less than they are contracted to. They're owned by billionaires, why should millionaires let them off with money?
  10. Giving a free free lolly away seems a bit thrifty
  11. https://mobile.twitter.com/swainyFTM/status/1293859859587387392
  12. It's police dogs I feel for. Doing all the real work whilst the police ride about on stupid horses. I stand by police dogs.
  13. You just writing it off then? Do people just take this sort of thing on the chin?
  14. Wonder what he's given them in lieu of the holiday they were promised. A disciplinary probs
  15. Lagging behind everyone in the race for herd immunity. Surprised they don't know more about it, they've got plenty of sheep. Losers!
  16. That'll do. On whether our new at the time forward line would outscore the old one. We had 4 players each iirc but can't remember the exact details. Pissed it anyway. Food bank will do. Was going to say the Donkey Sanctuary but I'm still convinced it's a scam
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