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TheGingerQuiff last won the day on April 6 2021

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  1. With difficulty and a lot of pressure being put on your legs
  2. Make vague doxxing threats then prepare for to he inconvenienced
  3. You get that Subject Access Request seen to then mate
  4. I think Keegan wouldn't be so naive as to try it with this shower of fuckin' shit.
  5. You sound surprised I honestly don't know what is wrong with people. This shit cunt has been out of a job for over a year after Bournmouth(!!!) sacked him. Is it just because they dare not admit that the new owners made a spectacularly shit appointment? It's Eddie fuckin' Howe.
  6. We thought we were getting a student of the modern game and we're getting 1990s Keegan tactics.
  7. You've got some fucking neck coming in here after what your countryman has done AGAIN
  8. Yet he picked the player that cost us the game by doing something fucking stupid when he first came to watch us. How many ppg is it to going to be after this? It was a shit appointment. End of.
  9. Looking defensively tight again, Eddie. Really shored things up after conceding 3 to Brentford.
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