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Everything posted by zerosum

  1. considering the scenario we’re facing right now, I’d take him 100%
  2. got a few goosebumps listening to this!
  3. Cadiz or Faro probably best and an hours drive. Edit. Not been but know the coast along there well.
  4. don't watch "how it ends" the new film on netflix, or you'll be disappointed with how it ends. And also the previous hour and 40 minutes. Strange that.
  5. Statue outside. But would block strawberry place .
  6. Fucking get in. Ellis Short just done a Freddy Shepherd on Ol’ Donald
  7. I’d rather take a chance on him than rely on Dwight Gayles 6 or 7 goals per premier league season
  8. Kids are excited for it, might have to go with them
  9. Really? I think he looked decent considering his age a couple of years back at LP
  10. http://www.nufcblog.co.uk/2018/07/18/newcastle-in-talks-with-liverpool-over-surprise-permanent-deal-reporter/ Id take him like. Sell mitro and Gayle and get Rondon also.
  11. Yup a story on Tatooine .. the jawas strike back.
  12. But rafa being the bloke he is, will probably stay this season and say.. did my best everyone but can’t do it anymore. He can walk away with his head held high.
  13. Wouldn’t blame him at all ^ The fans know he’s being led up the garden path. Just a shame it ended up in the usual place.
  14. As for what I’ve been listening to now
  15. I love a bit of old hip hop and rap / drum & bass.. but struggled to get into a lot of this new stuff last few years (mainly the U.K. influence stuff).. But was stuck in hospital last few nights after a complication on an operation and ended up listening to the Charlie Sloth radio one rap show at 9pm .. He’s a bit of an acquired taste as a presenter (a la westwood) but found he played some pretty decent U.K. and US stuff (amongst a few shitty “bruv” “laandaan” type things).
  16. I’d take them ha.. but I’ll trust rafas call. Would love loftus cheek here for sure.
  17. If we sign a new striker, another attacking option (no 10 or winger upgrade) and “hopefully” a full back I will trust rafas judgement on who comes in. Hopefully (also) Murphy picks his performance up this season. He was pretty expensive for us. Blah blah like a new signing
  18. They pulled off the unbelievable by getting Rafa here in the first place. Then convinced him to stay after relegation (well the fans did) .. then don’t even back him after the job he’s done over TWO summer windows. Hoping I wake up one day to 2 or 3 signings .. and look like a mug. But history says that’s unlikely.
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