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catmag last won the day on August 17 2022

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  • Birthday February 24

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  1. Hopefully he’s such a precious little bitch that he’ll drag them all down with him now and do a Cummings
  2. After already having a week off I had to ring today to say I’ll be off for at least another. Still testing positive on day 8 and not sure whether it’s because I’m a first-timer but fucking hell man, it’s knocked me sideways. Constant dizziness at the moment. I’m just wandering round the house like a zombie half-heartedly doing jobs that can’t wait.
  3. Yeah we only test new admissions if symptomatic but there’s been a few slipped through the net that have caused havoc once confirmed. I get that we have to live with it but also need to limit the spread amongst the most clinically vulnerable. And poor anaesthetic nurses who get roped into helping on wards when they’re short-staffed.
  4. What the fuck? Mask-wearing is still mandatory at our place in all clinical areas as standard. That’s madness.
  5. There’s a first time for everything and this might just be it.
  6. Thanks. I think the fevers have stopped and now just feel fluey and wiped out. Work rules say I have to go back if negative on days 5&6 which is unlikely. I’m definitely off til at least a week today unless still testing positive next Wed. Having not had it until now it’s made me extremely grateful for the vaccine and boosters that I’ve had. And also reflect on seeing so many patients die at the beginning. It’s quite surreal ☹️
  7. I can guarantee it would me shouting “Nooooooooooo!!!!” as said man stood up and unleashed a torrent of sewage across my shoes, scrubs and floor. I had my fave Jimmy Anderson socks on too. Poor Jimmy 😢
  8. I was wrestling with a shit-covered man and bum dialled you! That’s what you get for being first in my phone list 😂 I had to send 3 apologetic texts that next morning. Mortified 🥺
  9. I have. I know exactly where I got it and I’m annoyed but it was pretty unavoidable. It was a vulnerable patient with Covid, Alzheimer’s and constant diarrhoea that I had to clean up several times. I had PPE but it was relentless. Started with fevers on Sun night and have been rotten ever since.
  10. Well this virus business is shit, innit?
  11. What kind of dickhead would roster themselves on nightshift when the clocks go back an hour. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep, knobheads 😖
  12. My teenager is better behaved than you lot 😄
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