Not got a lot of hope for us this season, De Jong is already grizzling about being made to run in training, HBA will be rotting on the bench, because he wont swallow what Pardew gives him.
Rumours of transfers abound, With nothing being sorted.
We need a goal scorer and a decent injury free centre back to bring the back line into order. If we get that and don't sell too many we may just do OK.
Tenth is the target and I cant really see much better than that.
Hoping Manure are seriously disappointed with Van Gaal.
Top Four as follows:
1- Chelsea
2- City
3- Arsenal
4- Liverpool
Manure Everton and Tottenham will battle for 5-7th.
Relegation will be Derby, Burnley for sure, with the rest scrapping to stay above 18th.
With the situation as it is (fuckface 1, 2 and 3 in charge) I'm not sure an 18th would do the club any harm as a whole, and our last season in the Championship was the best one we've had for years. I like watching us win, whoever its against.