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Everything posted by SteveAustin

  1. The world is a much more dangerous place today following this. Someone must act to shut these fuckers down. If Putin does nothing, this could really take off. We all need to remember what happened 100 years ago following the shooting of an Archduke. This scares the shit out of me.
  2. He did the second half of last season with no striker at all...................
  3. The anger will build as we get nearer the closing of the window, especially those who have renewed on the back of this little transfer flurry. If I was being cynical I would say its been timed very well.
  4. From the above you do get the feeling that could be it, waiting for Cisse to return.
  5. SteveAustin


    Yes Ant, lunacy, I thought this was funny at first, but its just fucking stupid.
  6. SteveAustin


    So you disbelieve in the wave spectrum then? Molecules consist of electrons and protons, so how do these molecules exist without electrons? what forces cause the friction? How are these forces generated? What drives all these forces? Do we have a central power source within our cell? All these questions you raise, blimey. Suppose I should do some work, getting this none existent electricity from one place to the next, its what I get paid for.
  7. SteveAustin


    If you think electricity doesn't exist, which you have stated, please explain lightning strikes and how they occur. Also something on the transmission of data without the electrons the rest of civilisation think it happens with.
  8. There is no point in doing what we have so far in the transfer market if we don't recruit a decent striker or two.
  9. SteveAustin


    Wolfy, are you ignoring the question on lightning?
  10. SteveAustin


    Wolfy, this is getting daft, you have nothing to say, sometimes best to say nothing. On the electricity front, how do you explain a lightning bolt? Electricity, electrons, light, all just words made up and associated to it, but the theory is sound. Give me a rational explanation of how a lighting strike developes and occurs. This happens within our so called cell so should be easily explainable. I await your lack of response with bated breath.
  11. SteveAustin


    I'm not Wolfy, my questioning mind would be interested on what you base your views, nothing can ever be discounted as wrong, so some evidence of your theory would be appreciated.
  12. Would be happy to see Benteke come in, I'm surprised so far with our transfers so maybe its not out of the question.
  13. SteveAustin


    Wolfy, I like exercising my mind, but the only argument that you put up is that you don't believe it or it isn't. If you can give me a shred of evidence of what you mean or how you came to your conclusion, it would be interested. You don't believe what you see with your own eyes? In your mind you can't? On the point about the basis of the technology, you suggested previously that electricity doesn't exist. I have several high level qualifications in electrical and electronic engineering, and have studied the basis on how we transmit/receive data and power, are you telling me this is all made up and some kind of black magic, or a con.............. That just sounds a bit silly and like the rantings of a spoilt child who won't do as he's told, or has done something wrong, you have prove but they just stand there saying I Didn't. Still quite funny though...........
  14. Its bollocks isn't it. The shout of its our religion.................... Let Rasta's openly smoke weed then, that's their religion.
  15. I'm not for jackbooted thugs threatening old men and Britain First hijack anything they can to sensationalise their cause. But on the other side of the coin, we live in a society where you are not allowed to discriminate, for any reason. Male and female toilets, fair enough, but male and female entrances because your religion thinks women are worth less is also wrong. There is too much positive discrimination around for my liking, often it comes form religious groups and their views.
  16. SteveAustin


    So Wolfy, as fair as you are concerned the universe, everything we do and live by is all made up? Or are you just saying we should question it? Personally, If I am living in the Truman Show, whoever has conspired to put this together, be it the Illuminati or some other group, I think they have done a cracking job. The photos you asked about are not taken through a fish eye lens. If you believe in aeroplanes, you can clearly see the curvature of the earth when flying at 30000 feet. Questioning things is always a good thing, but to question the very foundation upon which the technology you are using to question with is based upon seems, well ODD! I believe in bacon and might just go and get myself a sandwich.
  17. SteveAustin


    I find it funny Renton, not been here that long, so maybe just not as sick off it as you. There surely are some loonpots in this world, this may not be provable by physical science, but I have faith that it is correct.
  18. SteveAustin


    No, I don't. This flat earth thing. I jumped out of a plane from 13000 feet, and have pictures from the camera strapped to my head that shows a curvature to the planet. I have not doctored these pictures. So, by physical photographic evidence, I conclude a round structure to the planet. If this is not so, where is the edge?
  19. Agreed clubspindoctor, but your picture makes me want to vomit.
  20. SteveAustin


    I was trying to make it wheaty................
  21. I heard a rumour of Joel Campbell on a six month loan. Hardly the Marquee signing but might plug the gap.
  22. Enjoy the Silence Depeche Mode is on the radio at the moment. first band I ever saw live at the tender age of 13.
  23. SteveAustin


    So how do I know you're not just another piece of fraudulent information being fed to my by the brainwashers? How do I separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were? How do I know there is even wheat or chaff?
  24. SteveAustin


    This is one of the funniest threads I've ever read. Wolfy can I ask a question? As you can see from images taken form telescopes, other planets and their sattelites are round. Given this piece of information, why would our planet be flat, or do you see the info mentioned in this question as wrong?
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