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Everything posted by SteveAustin

  1. They've won it, nice day for it too.
  2. I think it saved a lot of arguments during the World Cup. But the FA will need a 254 man committee debating it for the next 27 years before the decide to give it a trial. Perhaps the Premier League could introduce it themselves. If FIFA say its OK, its OK. Isn't that right Mr Blatter?
  3. This is a non football related memory of a great man. I was watching the Great North Run on telly, and he was stood in a podium on the starting line. A bloke stuck his hand up for a high five and Bobby obliged. He stood there for the next ten minutes or so and High fived anyone that was lucky enough to get close enough and get their hand in the air. His hand must have been stinging, but he never took in away and didn't refuse anyone who tried to do it. Many people that day would have run their race with that in their hearts. He was not only a great footballing brain, but a true gent.
  4. Sadly Park Life, that is the fact of the matter, war makes money.
  5. Someone tell that kid about the socks and trainers rule FFS.
  6. Has he ever really been the same since De Jong smashed him up, probably not. Shame to see him go and good luck in Italy.
  7. They will be relying on there youth policy and hoping the young lads come good.
  8. I hope to whatever the powers there are that we never ever see that on an NUFC strip.
  9. Fuck Remy and Redknapp they deserve each other. Hopefully he'll stay at QPR and get a nasty niggle that keeps he benched all season. Redknapp can then blame this for his sacking at Christmas. Rubber faced cunt.
  10. I see the phrases 'Settling in period' ' Adjusting to the pace of the premier league' ' getting used to life in the north east' being trucked out if he doesn't perform.
  11. Quest is on channel 38 Freeview and 176 Sky. ewerk, you have missed the joys of Cash Cab and Total fishing on weekend mornings
  12. All our games are going to be on Quest TV, just seen it on .com. Happy with that.
  13. NJS, I think you could include most of Europe in that. The Dutch, Spanish and French all to a fairly decent hand in carving up the World for their own profits, with the US and Germany joining in when it suited them.
  14. I hope the lad comes good, nothing else really to say until he's been tested properly.
  15. Shame for HBA, but no surprise for the other two, Obertan has been worse than useless. My mate from manc land actually laughed at me when we signed Obertan.
  16. And one down in Taiwan as well, not a good month for flying...........
  17. Goes back far further than the creation of the Israeli state. Arabs and Jews have been fighting over the 'Holy land' for hundreds and hundreds of years the death toll likely runs to hundreds of thousands. Releigious crackpots shaking the tree and shooting at what comes of, both sides are as bad as the other. At this present time Israel (the Jewish Homeland) have the upper hand due to their backing from the West. If the US pulled its backing of Israel, this would happen the other way round and very quickly. Fucking ridiculous all ways round. Put the guns down, have a chat, look to the future and live in peace.
  18. Mo Farah's pulled out, lazy git!
  19. Sheezuz if I should up for a shit the mess would be tremendous, sitting down for me is a containment exercise.
  20. Amazing how from toonraiders post, showing respect for the dead, a ridiculous personal argument comes into the thread, got to love the internet...................
  21. Just starting the American trilogy by James Ellroy, read a lot of his other stuff but not this three yet.
  22. They are fucking minges though and would appear to be prepared to cut their noses off..................................
  23. If you are employed on a fixed term contract and then told you have to leave before the end of that contract and earn less money, what would you do. I see that as what is happening to Jonas. He's a work horse at best and has never set the league on fire, else he would have been sold for a profit. Fatman wants him of the wage bill as he doesn't figure in Pardews plans (whatever they may be, if he even knows himself, the cunt). Jonas can sit tight, earn himself a nice little nest egg and then toddle of home and play for his local team in Argentina for a couple of years and live like a king. The club is at fault not him.
  24. The point made about if Andy Carroll wasn't local no-one would be interested stands for me. Stay away, would be expensive and doesn't play enough. Even in his successful time here, he was injured a good amount of the time, a lot self inflicted
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