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About BetweenTheSticks

  • Birthday 03/08/1991

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  1. Can't wait for the meltdown when his first team selection includes Krafth and Fraser ahead of Fede and Almiron.
  2. Tapping up might have been the wrong term to use. All I'm trying to say is the last 18 months they were fighting to buy the club. If they knew when court proceedings started that it was highly likely that they would get the takeover through they could have started sounding out a director of football and a manager. There's a chance that it all happened so fast and this is just how it is.
  3. It could have very much been along those lines minus the don't take any other jobs. It could have been the most informal conversation just sounding out interest. Also maybe I'm wrong.
  4. Not so much of an interview but more a good old fashioned tapping up. I'd assume that conversations between managers and agents would have happened without being formal.
  5. That was definitely Plan A. As mentioned though things change quickly and not just with our club. It just feels like we needed a plan B,C,D,E and F. Nothing like a knee jerk reaction though is there right. Wa doomed.
  6. Yeah I do think... I'd have been sure they'd have spent the last 18 months speaking to people who they had an interest in employing had they thought the takeover was going through. It's starting to look more and more like it's caught them off guard as much as it did with us fans. That or it's just a complete shit show.
  7. I think how fast the takeover went through has actually caused us a few problems now. All recruitment of staff is going to be rushed due to the position we find ourselves in the league.
  8. I just hope if it is Howe he has learnt how to spend money. Solanke and Ibe
  9. You just know how his logical answer would be a cricket ball is smaller than a football. Simple fucker that he is.
  10. I just keep reminding myself that nothing has really changed yet. It's still the same players that can't change until January. It's the same coaches until we pick a manager. We just have to hope when a manager is sorted he gets his coaching staff in and we start trying to work what we have into something effective for the short term. It was also a game against Chelsea. A depleted Chelsea side but we absolutely fucking stink at football and they don't.
  11. All this excitement is enough to make you log on and post for the first time since 2014 instead of the usual lurking about in the misery. Has Bruce been given the bullet yet?
  12. Ultimately I think the final say lies with the tea lady...
  13. I had Newcastle half time Oldham full time at 40-1 just with a daft couple of quid. Basically I couldn't care less that we lost!
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