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Everything posted by FeedTheHoss
@FrPaul_Stone @Pmacgiollabhain @RangersFC My 5 year old daughter could paint the Sistine chapel with her crayons qu… https://t.co/hxitLozKSM
@InTheBookClub @GrahamSpiers Ah, so you're one of those who think you'd have won the game in hand, beat Celtic twic… https://t.co/jy0TsQg7iw
@My_Metro I've been waiting almost TWO MONTHS for my corporate metro season ticket refund. Had it submitted to you… https://t.co/CoOTFyHA0L
RT @MartinR16416014: “You think coz you’re Scottish that you’re bad?”......think thats an aye 😂😂 @jamesenglish0
@LukeEdwardsTele The amount of people I saw out jogging this morning, I thought if stumbled on to the fucking great… https://t.co/du0DPdXfdp
@jamesenglish0 @YouTube You did all the hard work mate! Let me know when you're next in Newcastle and ill take you… https://t.co/MJ9xocOusX
RT @sid_lambert: It’s Shay Given’s birthday. You remember him. Nothing gets between him and his dinner. https://t.co/e0QP9E0fa5
@TaylorandBesty @ManuLonjon I don't drink.... So it Diet Pepsi cans for me 🤣 https://t.co/kbsTWtZiRx
@Glen_Joseph That tune is up there, by the way. Someone needs to have 'rock you like a hurricane'.... Looking forwa… https://t.co/go7LpIHfu9
@redhead_ordead @THFCjustBrian Well then, I'm off to call him a massive cunt. Let's see how we get on? 😉
RT @Fobwashed: The summon magic in FFVII Remake is wild af ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://t.co/e1zRGrXbwF
@michaelsheen just watching 'quiz' with my wife, she says "fucking hell man, he's a chameleon".... Compliment of th… https://t.co/70ItJmxrgY
@UKHonor when is emui 10 coming for honor 9x in the UK. Have been told march, April and also may? Not good enough.… https://t.co/MuBXUCB2l2
@FrPaul_Stone @TheTributeAct I've got jelly in the house, but must remember to buy ice cream next time I go shopping 😉🍀
@AmeliaRoseTighe Where the fuck are you buying laptops from for 10 grand? You're so out of touch, it's laughable. Fucks sake man 😞
@SparklySunshiny @HuaweiMobileIE @HuaweiMobileUK @T_Raycer Yeah. I was going to root it and put a custom rom on. Can't even fucking do that