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Everything posted by TobamorisRevenge

  1. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/07/31/executive-order-revised-list-quarantinable-communicable-diseases wonder what they were expecting.....
  2. `Sunderland are ready to move for former Cameroon striker Samuel Eto'o, 33, who is a free agent after being released by Chelsea. ` thats some fall from grace.....stamford bridge to bogside in 3 short months!
  3. mate had this on vinyl back in the 80s..... surreal stuff but funky )
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28524196 playing in the splendid locale of the monkey hangers stadia. Bet the swedish lasses are feeling excited about that! HOpe they havent shaved their legs in protest at the treatmentd of fur related beings, by the locals. WHen will h`pool formally repent of their hideous crimes ? (2pm sunday)
  5. assume thats why he didnt travel to germany.....or was he getting death threats from hardcore anti-tulip extremists from the german right wing?
  6. look forward to hamas being wiped out. Shame the folk of gaza dont have the sense to overthrow them. Gonna make them suffer for their stupidity.
  7. http://www.ascendtech.us/pegatron-geforce-gt220-1gb-video-card_i_vc1gbpegnfgt220.aspx got one for £6.50 off ebay. still may need to try get a 300w psu. will see how it works for few weeks, with existing one. Seems pretty good card for the money......well untillit kills the rest of the pc )
  8. I didnt buy it for gaming. Am involved in an online rpg, which has dated gfx....still 3d tho. http://www.project1999.com/ tbh am not sure wot differnce it makes , but tryiong to get card that runs min of dx10....dx11 would be ubber but not possible i dont think. atmo game runs on dx9c. am harking back to the pleasure of my teenage years, of squeezing the last remnants of a gigantic zit from my face.....pointless, but it feels great. an eg of the graphics.... https://www.youtube.com/user/level1undercon
  9. dutch liberalism affects manu already..... its a happy camp tho:
  10. it arrived, havent played with it much so far. http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-8600-gt/specifications trying to figure out which gfx cards it will take. Has a 250watt psu in it, which means many cards are overpowerd for it. I have a geforce 7600 that will fit, but its a poor card. So searching for better....
  11. for once I agree. +55k to their value per prem match start.....
  12. `The icing on the cake was walking past a very glum and orange sam allardyce at the airport afterwards.` good stuff )
  13. probably been seen before, but http://instagram.com/p/laPCFWEycq/
  14. must be makin sammy ameobi twitchy, cos he normally plays on the left for us also...
  15. Have to admit I didnt know anything about him. He seemed to decent talent, pacey with good dribble. crossing was meh. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2623173/Rolando-Aarons-hailed-Newcastles-high-hope-Peter-Beardsley.html anyone seen much of him? just another squad filler?
  16. there a virus going around CHAMPion lge clubs?
  17. Pardew is probably good at talkin `smooth` to his players, but its his tactical brain that is at fault imo. We forget that the players dont see mike ashley in t he same villainous light as the fans do. eg pardew as his sidekick/croney
  18. makes sense...... `a plugin to pick it out for you` suggestions plz?
  19. the big lebowski hadnt seen it for 18months.... dont watch that many movies these days really.
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