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Dr Gloom

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Everything posted by Dr Gloom

  1. we need to make a move sharkish or else i can't see this wondow going swimmingly
  2. how old is babel? he looks a young whipper snapper to me
  3. ...can we kipper this thread bumped to the top though just in case?
  4. can't see us doing much eel-ing and dealing in this transfer window
  5. aye and west ham. could be your proverbrial one season wonder.
  6. leazesmag has gone to the point of no return with his, frankly, ridiculous argument that we need attackers and not defenders. it is obvious that we are crying out for new defenders AND attackers.
  7. *walks in to thread* "C U N T !" *walks out*
  8. i would have taken a punt on lauren since he only went for around a million quid. he's got to be a better bet than carr - i've got a feeling we could regret not going for him just as we did after roeder chose to ignoring campbell. good midfield cover too.
  9. Montella, Niell, Lauren and Carew, there's 4 off the top of my head who would walk into our starting line up, and were all relatively cheap. These are all good examples of us not signing players for the sake of it just to get people in. I wouldn't want any of them long term for one reason or another. montella and lauren would have been decent purchases Hindsight is fantastic isn't it. that's foresight, or a lack of it on our part tbh or dare i say the 'p' word?
  10. Montella, Niell, Lauren and Carew, there's 4 off the top of my head who would walk into our starting line up, and were all relatively cheap. These are all good examples of us not signing players for the sake of it just to get people in. I wouldn't want any of them long term for one reason or another. montella and lauren would have been decent purchases
  11. cutting it find are we? nufc.co.uk really need to sack their proof readers. the number of typos for an official site is very poor.
  12. Oooo, hello About time we started to even up the Ugly Gap in the squad. Reckon we can still farm Milner out to Villa? liverpool win the award for ugliest collection of forwards in the premiership. not an oil painting among these 4:
  13. probably a good thing tbh - we're always gash ont he live games
  14. i can see us struggling to beat villa at home. says it all really.
  15. good luck getting a striker any better than sibierski with 24 hours of the window left.
  16. don't expect this one to happen now - alan "i expect emerton to have signed by the weekend" oliver has poo-pooed it
  17. with half a season to go and only one day before thew window shuts, a team fighting for their lives are hardly going to sell their best striker.
  18. stevie taylor? i quite like the idea of two big knuckle-dragging brutes at the back
  19. fucking hell. is it me or are his hand abnormally big?
  20. it could have meant a good deal more money for the club...
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