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Dr Gloom

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Everything posted by Dr Gloom

  1. what a load of bollocks sol. comes with the territory and the £100k + per week wages.
  2. Sounds like an excuse a whining fatty ballaty would make for not excercising. it's been a while since i last heard that expression
  3. aren't you intolerant of rude middle class people?
  4. I cant stand that like. Ive never ever been overweight but even when ive been remotely close ive found out the best way to do exercise from home etc etc and its always worked a treat but i do understand some people who are git fucking fat, cause it must be rock to do that first push up/run or whatever... no excuses imo. they're fat disgusting and vile to look at. i'm all up for an apartheid against fat people.
  5. fat people do my head in too. do some excersise and stop eating so much crap you fat piece of shit
  6. definitely. and at the expense of some creative midfielders too please
  7. i avoid it at all costs. i know so many people that won't consider living in an area that isn't on a tube line. i don't get it. the overground is the way forward. the tube is absolutely revolting, especially at rush hour. The Overground, a.k.a the Stab Train at least you occasionally get a seat, and there's less chance of you standing with your face in someone's armpit for a 30 minute commute.
  8. me too. has to be done tbf. unless you think it's acceptable for your lady to grow a jungle down there, you shouldn't either. it's common courtesy really
  9. i was a mag in the womb so 10 billion mag points for me
  10. apparantly we're being linked with a january move for him.
  11. i love the smell of skunk pesonally. where about do you live btw? i'm in east dulwich aka west peckham
  12. yeah, in public places like trains no less. as if people talking loudly on mobile phones on trains wasn't bad enough....since when did this become socially acceptable? they should be fucking shot.
  13. yes. the fuckers. and the conversation always goes the same.... "hi. yeah. i'm on the train...."
  14. i avoid it at all costs. i know so many people that won't consider living in an area that isn't on a tube line. i don't get it. the overground is the way forward. the tube is absolutely revolting, especially at rush hour.
  15. Can't you get a monthly pass doon your way? you can do but it's cheaper to use the oyster card top up thing
  16. don't forget people who take an age getting a train ticket at the ticket machine so by the time you've pegged it up to the platform, your train has pulled away. die you fuckers die
  17. No exculpatory statements allowed. I once stole a car and parked it down a subway cool. i used to be a bit of a teenage rogue. saturday nights sleeping rough would end up with us taking acid, stealing milk from outside people's house and kicking in people's fences/gates/for sale signs
  18. nice to hear a story like this doesn't involve one of our lot for once
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