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Dr Gloom

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Dr Gloom last won the day on July 8 2024

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    The Big Smurk

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  1. you’re right, we can’t compare eras. doesn’t stop us from doing it though
  2. I lived in Newcastle during that era and I remember keegan as fondly as you do. The whole town was buzzing when the entertainers were in their pomp. I was a teenager at the time and fell in love with the bloke. The thing that evaded Keegan which could elevate Howe in how they’re regarded in the history books is silverware.
  3. all of this is true, but keegan wouldn't last a second in the modern game, which i think is the point gemmill is making. have you heard steve howay talk about their coaching sessions? there was zero tactical information. he just assembled a squad of flair players and they played 5 a side. one of the greatest motivational managers of all time, and a club legend, no doubt but howe is the right manager for this era. if he goes on to win the league cup, he'll have a statue outside the ground.
  4. you could get a fag paper between their win percentages
  5. so much for securing the supply chains of the future if trump really does go ahead and stifle the clean energy transition jobs in the US. all because the oil lobby have him in his pocket. america - and the world - look pretty fucked.
  6. china are already fucking miles ahead in the EV market.
  7. i doubt he'll last long on team trump. not enough space for two egos that size. trump needs to be seen as the main man
  8. i suspect he was bullied at school. revenge of the nerds
  9. Only iust saw this one
  10. yeah, many times. grumpy, quiet and old - posh, it ain't
  11. i'd be gutted to lose eddie. he's building something special and has been at the centre of everything good since the takeover. i'd understand if he fancied a bash at the man city job and wouldn't stand in his way were he to leave. i suspect they would be more likely to go for a more high profile manager from oversees. swap deal for pep?
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