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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Right, so please someone put me straight. Horror tackle on Haidara - ref didnt see it - FA say they cant take retrospective action. Suarez bites Ivanvoic - ref didnt see it - "The FA said the match officials had not seen it during the game at Anfield and it had been "retrospectively reviewed"." ey....
  2. I think I should be able to manage Newcastle, because there aren't enough Managers in the premier league with cysts on their balls that wont go away. For every job given to a black manager I think they should have interviewed at least one person with a really uncomfortable cyst just in the "seating" area of his plums. Lets call it the Buster Gonad rule.
  3. I think he (was?) a quality player myself . To say hes not good enough for our first team is harsh - given how Jonas has been asked to play, Taylors first choice for that role in my book.
  4. given the recovery times and the chances of re-occurence - yes. No worries about the newbies even, the banter is missed where I'm living at the moment.
  5. that video just made me think he's less interesting (50 sec goal aside).
  6. There are 192 Uefa Pro Licence owners in England and 14 of those are black coaches - I assume that includes Chris Hughton, Powel at al. so less than 20.
  7. Given that there's perhaps only 20 black managers in the english game - it's a bit silly. They'd argue they are trying to increase that number, but its football getting involved in politics and not really appropriate, I reckon. The problem is that not enough black people want to be manager, or that club owners are slightly racist - this is a reflection of society or conditions, not football.
  8. I think the language of the report says it is the same knee. Such a shame for smiler.
  9. I'm a company director and I am duty bound to release accounts every year and I don't detail any interest on directors loans.I just have to fill out a CT61 so the interest is taxable (this is personal tax, not corporation tax) The interest just gets lumped all under the same category of non-re-imbursable expenses. Caveats here - I'm not an accountant and only run a LTD company.
  10. That's very nice if true (i'm not saying its not, I just don't know how you could tell). I thought he'd be too shrewd a businessman to at least not charge the equivalent inflation value. Chelsea are screwed though, I remember reading that Roman had them at 4.5% interest on his money - given that they've spent hundreds of millions its scary for them. I always smile when the fans get anywhere near attacking Roman in the stands (The guy's a real crim imo.)
  11. This is many foreign owners trick. Roman A at chelsea has done a magnificent job. Money into the company is marked as a loan - so Roman hasn't put anything into Chelsea - Chelsea is in massive debt to Roman, with a very unfavourable interest rate. Same with NUFC and Ashley. Always annoyed me in the media when they talk about foreign owners "buying players" - they are not, they are financing the club at cost and the club is buying players. If Roman wanted to , he could force Chelsea into liquidation and perhaps even turn a long term profit on his loans. My view.
  12. Getting a bit worried about his durability now.
  13. Mental. Yeah, lets change manager when we've got owners that seem able to annoy anyone by overriding them. Did you read the outcome of the Keegan trial? I'm happy we've got a manager of Pardew's standard to be honest, I think we're dreaming of anyone better. So, another for the keep him in camp - I reckon he can take the crap the board give him.
  14. Nail on head mate. I reckon selling cabaye would be a nail in our coffin too - given his supposed influence among the french players.
  15. It's such a tough position tactically though - we are in this position (in the latter half of the season) due to giving the opposition too much respect (IMO) and setting out defensively. But then he plays an offensive formation against Sunderland and the players don't adapt (or he picks an offensive team and tells them to play defensively). Either way, our current team seems hamstrung by a lack of creativity that can only come with confidence from playing offensively and beating opponents. Going to be an interesting run in, and though I do feel that you can argue that we deserve to be in the relegation battle - I can't see us really getting dragged in. I'm a minority that expects a bounce back against WBA, even if its just a point.
  16. I had to pick up this one. We are now paying a burden of a reliance for power on the EU - which is arguable higher in cost (both security and financially) as it has put us at the mercy of people like Russia and France. Most UK businesses are now foreign owned multinationals, that pay nothing into society and offer mainly part time, low paid work that is not secure. The Nissan factory is but 1 example of the sold "Free market" that has actually benefited the north east. Thatcher's view was that people could just move to work in London. This view is the same with the current (thinly vieled) drive to offload public services to the private sector. This holds nothing towards family, friends, people who care for others etc. Thatcher made London better, not the UK as a whole. Look at the North East - nearly everything built (including roads, Council Buildings, the Sunderland Technology centre) are all EU funded, nothing has come from the free market other than a brief stint of call centres. A government has a responsibility to ensure that it acts in the interests of all its citizens fairly, not just the wealthy with a vested interest in the stock exchange. Its much bigger than Economics, and Economics was all she cared about IMO.
  17. shameful, but some of the meme's are brilliant, love the star wars one.
  18. lol egg on my face then. From the experiences I've had, people have remained on medication and never truly recovered.
  19. what an ignorant comment, how pleased you must be to know no-one who has suffered - or suffered yourself. Depression is crippling for some people.
  20. I'm not sure about this link between long ball football and Andy, and him being useless in any other position. He was alright with his feet when I remember him, and to be perfectly honest, I think having a towering number nine thump in crosses is the sort of football that I enjoyed watching at St James. Bobby and Keegan (although they both had better wingers imo). Don't remember anyone saying "pfft, another header from a cross for shearer or ferdinand, this isn't the sort of football I want to see".
  21. If he's got depression, as in clinically - it never "goes away" it just lulls and peaks. I also thought this, he's not looked himself for a few months now. For me, Marv isn't quite there yet - he doesn't seem to have the mentality to match his footballing abilities. There's no point in good dribbling and distribution if you don't think you can beat anyone ; and make little effort to get into positions to receive the ball. I think the sissoko up front thing is madness, and I'd rather put Cabaye there , which isn't ideal either. Sissoko is definately more geared up to carry the ball out of defence and into attack .
  22. Enjoy it - it'll be the last for another 12 years .
  23. well for me we did a whole lot of hoofing yesterday. Does it count as a long ball if its a high ball into the box from 20 yards, we did that all afternoon yesterday.
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