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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I hope some of the squeaky bums have calmed down now. The way some people paint it on here you'd think we were already in the relegation zone. But no doubt this will go down as a massive failure by the manager / players and not in fact, the board and the direction of the club. I once again look forward to being the only fan (in my circle) whos pissed off that we've sacked yet another manager to start from scratch. Manager of the year last year to lets sack him and get in a defensive french geezer in the space of 10 months.
  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Tiote is not what I thought he was on arrival. He's a liability in my opinion. Too right about Krul.
  3. Why did I deserve being called a mackem? Arseburger.
  4. On a side note, anyone catch Carolls "spin roond a threpny bit" in the box and shot?
  5. So what about the loss of Tiote, Cabaye, Ben Arfa, Colocinni, STaylor etc? it's only Ba missing for that period that counts?
  6. If that's an offer, whatever you prefer.
  7. In my view, yes I would keep him. I'm not overly fond of him and I don't think hes a top class manager - but the alternatives for me are not good. I thought when we got rid of Hughton for Pardew that it wasn't his management skills that needed replacing but his attitude that he probably wanted to build the squad after promotion, not decimate it. I reckon Pardew was in to "take the club forward" because of his tolerance of lack of control over players in and out, when Hughton was probably becoming very optimistic about his and the clubs future, but about to have his hopes dashed. I don't for 1 second think Caroll deal was done in 24 hours, I think Ashley would have known what he was doing to sell him at that price (did he know before Liverpool sold Torres even, then gazump them for a bigger price at the last minute?) I don't believe we can keep anyone half decent with the board structure, unless we get a foreigner whos used to it - but then the wages aren't going to be there. Given that pardew was manager of the year last year , and that hes had players removed and not replaced - I think it would be unwise to think a change of management can change our situation of running with a less than skeleton squad and having an owner whos willing (on 2 occasions now) to sell our main goalscorers and not replace them. I think its nice to think theres a way out for us, but I believe we're stuck with each other as long and honestly believe hes the best we are going to get following the outcome of the Keegan trial and the clubs mission statement.
  8. Sorry, not convinced. Marveaux and Ferguson are not worthy of the hope put on them. Marveaux has the heart of a mouse and Ferguson looks like Anderton without the maturity.
  9. I just don't get these comments. He's got 5 fresh foreign untried players he had to dump straight into the first team. How much is motivation down to him? If they don't want to play for their new club after just 5 games or so, what can we do? For me, as soon as Europe faded, so did some of our new guys. I really really don't want to be on the manager merrygo round again - not with this board.
  10. And those of us still lucky enough to live in the toon... Going out and getting fucked up doesn't happen here much. Now, where's me olive oil?
  11. Comfortable win for the toon I can feel it in me waters.
  12. Why am I excited about tomorrow? I don't understand it, I was filled with dread all week lurking on the forums , but somehow I feel this could be a positive turning point and we could beat West Ham without giving them a look in. Must be the drugs.
  13. For me, you can't follow that with sack the manager, that's the opposite signal to send. What you are saying to the squad AGAIN there, is don't worry too much about following current managers ethos, he'll be gone in a year at most. To be a good leader, you need good followers below you - e.g. whether his tactics are right or wrong, you follow him without question, respecting the leadership.
  14. urgh, this puma stuff is awful. It feels awful too - My Virgin money shirt brought sneers of ick from my family.
  15. To say Liverpool were no good is tosh. Yes we were awful , but Liverpool played very well in the first half - they might well put that down as their best team performance all year.
  16. Say no to drugs. Mackems or not, that is complete bollocks.
  17. I reckon you can say what you want to try and make yourselves feel better. It's highly unlikely that 3 seperate publications would run a complete cock and bull story. It was an obvious risk of our policy, now its happening - burying your head in the sand isnt the answer. I believe people are kidding themselves, because the alternative is (in my view) the truth - you accept that commercialism has ruined the top flight and that finally we are a victim of it. We will never get Ashley out for as long as he sees a personal benefit to himself. The problems lie much higher than the players or the manager, but we are powerless to do anything about it. So instead we'll pretend the media are liars everytime and everything is hunky dory. If you have a first team that comprises of the makeup of ours, cliques are going to happen. Maybe not 100% , but what I am 100% on is that you cannot buy 5 players all from outside the league, in January and expect them to turn the team around instantly. Next year, we'll see the quality of these signings, one way or the other.
  18. No question that that (fitness) is Ben Arfa imo.
  19. It's true then... damn it. I could have sworn I'd saw Cabaye and Sissoko laugh off some instructions a few matches ago - seems I did... They need a very hard kick up the arse if this is the case - I can't believe Cabaye is so involved and Pardews kept him as skipper.
  20. Have we sold out on our allocation of tickets? I can't find jack on the official website.
  21. Unfortunately it looked like his players did give a fuck, but more in a way of oh my god what the fuck have I signed up for - these are shit. That bothers me . How anyone can say think they had a good performance, but the team let them down is beyond me. From my perspective it looked more like a blame game and a total lack of playing that I've honestly never seen , a lot of our lads just stopped even jogging to press - just stood with hands on hips. I also agree that the defence was put under far too much pressure and the selection of defenders was right (e.g no williamson).
  22. Gah! what a horrid topic header . We aren't getting relegated and we'd never be able to build an "English" team unless it was a crap one. No one can, thats the problem and thats also the problem behind our international team. The premiership does not encourage young players to do anything other than kick and rush football - I believe the German coach was spot on with his assessment. Sure its great to watch, but it doesn't produce quality technical footballers, that's why we have such a huge number of foreign players in our league. My opinion... So its right
  23. I vote we lock this thread and nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
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