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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Why so? I've always thought it was a great site and pretty impartial mostly too.
  2. Thankfully my company doesn't make losses (touch wood) Quality thread title change
  3. King of information. Problem I have here is that apart from Rafa, I don't think any of those managers are any better than Pardew - or unlikely to come (e.g Roberto Di Matteo , Blanc)
  4. Thanks for carrying this on - that wasn't my point though, unless I wrote it incorrectly, it was that corp tax liability is not carried forward and is only charged once. I'll stop derailing my own thread now though and say that it looks to me like Cabaye can't settle, I expect him to try to leave in the summer - and given his current form and attitude issues I would only be a little gutted, as long as we replace.
  5. Nothing like making an arse of myself on a forum is there Seriously though , I still don't really understand where that 32 mil went.
  6. point four was that the profits were taxed once. that took six million edits , that last post
  7. Uff I'm making this very dry sorry - now given that you are an accountant I'm foxed by HMRC's site and the guidance I've always followed!! http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxon/uk.htm#1 understanding tax credits. I am 100% sure that retained profits are not subject to corporation tax - they get taxed and assessed yearly, as does an individuals income. You can retrospectively get done if you deliberately break the law to reduce liability but it doesn't carry forward mate, that's my understanding anyway. Personal taxes are 41% of gross salary, so yes I am arguing over a (relatively) small amount - its 83k tax. Finally we've said nothing on the 32 million profit that disappeared the next year into a 35 million loss, (so net 3 million loss) I fail to see how, given the sales we've made. Employees NI = £7,214 PAYE = £76,098. on 200K. Maybe I need to hire you to explain the retained profits thing, because my accountant and my other ones have NEVER ever brought previous year profits into a return, ever. It's subject to corp tax on the year its made and that's it. Are you really a chartered accountant or are you pulling my leg?? (not trying to be an arse, honest guv)
  8. why so? (I do have an accountant , I've only manually filed once, many years ago)
  9. I'll add I'm not saying I'm right - but I am a company director myself and file these accounts each year, so I reckon I'm alright at reading them (hopefully!!)
  10. Ok I'll bite on this one Firstly, didn't know that - am surprised. fair comment. Secondly, really ? how do you know Llambias doesnt own shares? It would be strange to have a director who doesnt. 200k a year is still a piss take. Thirdly, Dividends are tax free to a point , you get 10% credit when you cash them. Loan interest is taxable. So you don't pay the first 35k , the second bracket is still low (lower than PAYE) Forthly, it doesn't work like that - you cannot take previous years into account - you either turn profit in that financial year or you dont. (profit BEFORE dividends) Fifthly - bone of contention for me . David Milliband was on 110K at sunderland for example. Sixthly - 50% tax bracket is gone mate, so theres no way his take home is 50% less than his payout, but yeah, thats fair enough. Seventhly : I'm very suspicious of this particular entry regarding 1million being held under "operating leases" - and also the fact that the club has turned 32 million profit in 2010 according to these accounts - and then a loss of 35 million (on what , where is this loss coming from , the boardroom operating costs ????) that's more than balancing the books.
  11. "which is probably the issue, too many football spectators, not enough football supporters" - yup I also think this - the sunderland clear out was just embarrassing and not the conduct of "the most loyal fans in the country" , but yeah, each to his own I suppose.
  12. funny how we are talking about managers we can afford , when Llambias is taking 200k SALARY before dividends and paying fook all corporation tax. There's a fine line between selling "balancing of the books" as being in the genuine interest of the club and balancing the books to ensure that the corp tax liability is 0. 5 years of owning us like this is 1 million cash, in salary alone for 1 director - if you accept that he's likely to sell at equal or greater to the value of the club , that is not good for us. I've been reading the accounts this morning I also noticed that Sports Direct DID NOT pay for the naming of the arena. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/apr/25/sports-direct-mike-ashley-shares) I'm banging on though on that point and derailing my own thread
  13. I really would be pleased (if we can afford it) if we got Rafa. I reckon its a dream though, he's out of our league on many financial levels.
  14. BigW - I'm one of the people who shouts "get out wide". I wasn't aware this was a horrid cliche. Could you advise of a new alternative shout please? I'm a yorkshire man - so shouting Shooooooooot in my accent doesn't quite work.
  15. I wouldn't be so sure we won't agree , but I hope we don't - if it takes another 2 or 3 managers and horrible heart rippingly bad seasons for us to agree. I'm starting with Ashley is evil , mainly due to the Keegan trial - if you haven't read the transcript from that you really should. I could have my mind changed, but I don't really see any progress. All this "i've balanced the books" comes down to nothing if we continually fail and become a dead wood club. This is a man, who I believe is brokering his deals on the premise of "We'll put a minimum fee in " or "come to the premiership and prove yourself" knowing they'll get sold if they bloom. I just can't see him keeping anyone whos on red hot form, if 25 mil comes in; he's said as much. (not big money anymore for the big 4) - so what are we to be? A glorified feeder club? How many other owners have publically set a price on his entire squad?
  16. Spot on, I really hope he gets the send off he deserves. He's been the ultimate loyal player over the years, it must have been so tough up against Shea and then Krul coming into form for what should have been his swansong campaign. I hope carzola doesn't turn up to play and I reckon thats 25% of the threat gone.
  17. sorry to add fuel to the fire, but Its a good thread this. So when you say "Keeping pardew ... equivalent to keeping simpson over deb" , it infers that we have a manager on the market, at our rates and willing to follow Ashleys model who is 3x the manager P is... Thats just not the case. The reality is, get rid of Pardew - and get in someone equal or worse. We can't aim higher than Pardew (and honestly, I think its harsh saying hes shat anyway, given he got Manager of the Year last year" You can't cry stability and not expect to have to take the rough with the smooth. Ashley is a nightmare that causes this in my view, nothing more nothing less. You are looking at what we have had so far - managers from the past, or completely unproven first timers. Pardew imo is probably the best out of what we have had (bar hughton who I was happy with) . Are you saying we should rid of Pardew for someone of the same ilk as his predecessors? the only people I see who can fill the new and past are: 1. Michael Appleton (unproven new, fucked Blackpool up the arse for a "better" contract at pompey) 2. Martin O'Niel, Mick Mcarthy, George Graham, (done it - Daglish). you know what, I'll stick to Pardew and continue to throw my frustration at Ashley for putting us in this position.
  18. Great post OTF. hmm, should add something really. we can replace shola with a 6 foot scarecrow that hopefully we can aim at from our back line.
  19. Not so sure about this one, as you've got Bale at Spurs who probably messes the stats up completely , as hes scored many outside the box.
  20. See, I fundamentally disagree with both of those statements. He has sold our stars, as soon as the offers come in. He's rejected offers from NO-ONE. Given that hes fixed on saying we aren't a selling club - he's going to make public any rejections - he hasn't. Where are these "further quality first teamers?" First off, he didnt support in January, he knee jerked because we dont have enough players We didnt have a first team when we bought them, thus them going straight in. Quality first teamers is a big statement, these players all have to prove themselves and are all gambles (Except Debuachy) - are you seriously thinking that we've got some god like scout who can see things that Man U, Arsenal et al can't? We are buying cheap potential with the hope to sell it at profit and for me its all I can see. I accept that I'm biased , but I'm very pessimistic when it comes to people like Ashley running clubs. Seriously, what more does he have to do to prove the old addage that football fans are stupid and will plough money in the club no matter what. He's so far slandered our favourite manager in recent years (keegan), hired complete jokers, bought players on favour to agents , tried to rename the whole stadium for no reason other than advertising his own brand (at no cost I bet) , made a laughing stock of us for the transfer stories and washing his dirty laundry in public. Tried to say he's doing us a favour, the clubs in trouble , I'll sell at the right price - then not selling when someone actually makes an offer. Sealed us with Wonga , oh christ it just goes on , its all just smoke and mirrors and a fat greedy twat feeding his ego and wallet out of the heritage of our club - a northern club with history and a keen following (or as Ashley sees it , a cheap club with stupid fans and an assured cash cow no matter what he does). There you go, cards on table
  21. I think I am - who is wanted ? None of our players have been good enough this year to interest anyone in the premiership, other than those we've sold and those who may go in the summer.
  22. Left early recently? muhahahaa.
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