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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I'm not sure how much perception it is tbh. I've felt Tiote has obviously deteriorated and stats can be deceiving too. E.G a completed pass can mean a 15 footer to space and a mans feet , or a pass 1 foot to a player to get immediately disposed under pressure. My grief other than the cards has been the fact that hes willing to hold onto the ball that little bit too long, then offload it in a way which makes the other player totally overwhelmed immediately.
  2. I'm with you on that, this is as good as putting our best players in the shop window "Newcastle are prepared for enquiries for Hatem Ben Arfa, Yohan Cabaye and Papiss Cissé but are not in the mood to sell any of them unless they receive “game-changing offers”"
  3. I've said it before in this thread , I'll say it again. Andy Carrol can do a lot more than head the ball - this association with him and hoofball hasn't been helped by Brendan Rodgers ... He played very well with his feet in the games I saw him in.
  4. hate saying it, but shiter than that for me. I was also calling everyone for bedwetting about relegation this year , so I'm optimistic too. I predict next year to be one of the toughest yet , I reckon we'll lose another couple of first teamers (if anyone wants them) and don't expect any established signings, just more of the same bargain bucket gambles , with silly release clauses.
  5. glad to hear it, because again all the guys sat around me thought it was necessary and were even mentioning things like alzheimers etc... disgusting. He over achieved with us, not under , Shearer was one of those players that played beyond his sell by date , both internationally and domestically. Don't get me wrong, I'm a shearer fan - but I think both England and NUFC were held back a bit by the insistence to keep playing him when perhaps others should have had their chance, with a shearer on for the last 40 mins option.
  6. yep, not to get too Statto about it, but it would also be even more damning if put alongside the actual squad sizes. Man U for example have a massive squad so I'd expect a higher number of days out.
  7. Did he disrespect Bobby? I thought he was one of Bobby's darlings.....
  8. Cant find anything about it, do you have a link?
  9. I wish it was as easy as this, I've felt this for years but you can't take the love of the club away. (even if it was for what it was, rather than is) As NHL isnt that popular over here, there's a recent event that's worth noting that *might* happen in football. NHL players get silly wages, for years it became like the premiership is now - a few elite clubs , playing players with no affilitation or loyalty to the area and club - winning every year. Canadian players got annoyed (even though they did it themselves) that US teams were winning the Stanley Cup with more Canadian players than the canadian teams (due to big money deals). This does end soon People also got annoyed that the money from the game was going to TV and individual clubs, nothing to the association, nothing to develop grass roots hockey for everyone and nothing for actual performance. So , they all got together in the equivalent of the PFA and demanded a wage cap, also Playoff performance related bonuses and a sizable "tax" on clubs to invest in developing the game elsewhere. The players associated won and the cap has even been decreased again last year. They still would now, if they really cared for the game rather than the wallets - a player strike kills everyone involved and demands action. I'd love to see this happen in football - the Fifa finance rules are just a crappy token gesture. Collective bargaining is easy and simple for them to put in, but of course they wont - because they are creaming off the money as much as everyone else. This is probably at least 60% factually correct
  10. That's just silly talk :/ Getting rid of a striker shouldn't be an option for 40 mil unless we have another already :/ Great Suarez vid, laughing hard at points.
  11. I'd seriously rank him below quite a few players. He had a good spell mid season but that's about it. Being different again I'd have to say that either Cisse (even though he doesn't seem to understand the offside rule) or Taylor (the number of goal-line clearances) or even Jonas for his workrate over Cabaye (gawd, that's saying something)
  12. Let's be fair, hes come into a team that's been decimated through the middle - although he's had some rough matches he really has been under far too much sustained pressure. I'm quite impressed with him to be honest, and think Keepers don't really seem to mature until their mid to late 20's anyway.
  13. Because there really wasn't that much of a stink among my mates at the time - and not much pitch side protest either? or did I miss something?
  14. this seems to have gone dead... thought there was a glimmer of light in the end of the season with getting andy back with 20 mil profit , but looks like naaaa.
  15. I seriously wouldn't ... she's proper manky in those pictures.
  16. wow, just voted on this poll - unbelievable with the 80%+ strongly disagree (although that was my vote).
  17. personally I think you can't blame the companies , it needs regulation - no company would dare risk the damage to reputation or lack of repayment back in the day. Now these companies are insured to their teeth. It needs an acceptable lending case. It's no different to the vouchers you used to buy on the door step , but its being done in a way where face to face contact is not required - so there's a major check on ability to repay immediately lost.
  18. ooh you big clever bastard He's up to no good I tell ya... (tinfoil hat on)... I tell ya.
  19. Messi's coming - you heard it here first. Oh and Big Les is making a comeback to fit perfectly into the "shola" role. As far as ben arfa not being worth 10 million - maybe on 2010 prices , but its going bonkers. For me, Ben Arfa is one of those players that you can tell is a world class player - if he looks like good with the nufc squad round him, imagine what he'd be like with a team of world classers around him.
  20. I think thats the problem mate, the business model targets people who can't budget to have 20 quid at the end of the week after the beers and fags - who are simple. Or worse even it preys on really desperate people who just need to make ends meets to feed themselves and their families. I seriously know a family where I live in the South East , where Mum eats 2 meals a week because she's so skint with the kids. 2000% APR+ needs banning and the lending industry regulated - but ho hum - as the years go by more and more of the "football heritage" is dying in the name of cash.
  21. In my living memory (since 1977) it was probably the euro game against Scotland where Gazza scored that absolutely wonder goal in 96, but I was lucky enough to be there and just the right age to have a proper all week piss up to boot.
  22. On topic, I'm perhaps one of the dying minority on here who thinks that its a good thing we're giving Pardew another year. I blame most of this on the board, I've said before I believe any manager would struggle with the deck hes been given. But to be perfectly honest, its more a case of better the devil the know - I just can't see us getting anyone "as good" as him as a replacement - now that's a sobering thought.
  23. Whilst you did give me a good beating over my personal take on the accounts, I would argue that its not a simple as that - given that he's tied it to Sports Direct as far as advertising revenue goes. He draws profit and dividend from Sports Direct, he gave "Free" advertising to it from NUFC ... So in part he probably has had a few mil out of the club, but indirectly (and finally this is something I think is fact, rather than conjecture) I reckon if hes cutting costs for Sports Direct, by using NUFC - that can still be seen as taking money out the club - if he'd offered NIKE the kind of coverage he's had for SD, it would cost them millions. I wish I had more, cos my spidey sense says Mike must have ulterior motives, maybe this will stick a bit ?
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