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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Oh it's worse than that, I'm not basing it on last season as I believe we had a better squad then. All these new signings aren't going to settle in this shitstorm. I hope I'm wrong, but I can smell relegation here . But yeah, I'm pessimistic, but it goes right back to the early days of Ashley. For me, every year just gets worse. We finish in a European place, we sell sell sell. We get promoted on the first ask from the championship, we sack the guy and the players who were loyal and stuck through it too. What exactly was the motivation behind getting rid of Houghton ... I suspected racism or something, but its more likely that he too kicked back at the owners. For me, Pardew was right and didn't even go far enough in shifting responsibility to the board. We get into Europe and he's forced to play kids, I suspect to raise value - rather than actually buy to compete in it. Given the fact that the premiership is the richest league in the world, with 60+ million in TV fees alone, I don't buy the austerity shit .. Anyone got any rope?
  2. Optimism of the very highest order that, we'll be horrible unsettled and the players will be playing like they are scared of possession, perhaps even worse so than last year.
  3. Ok I'll chance my arm on the rumor mill I've been subjected to this morning. Cabaye out, Sissoko out !!! (really???!!) , Cisse out!!!... I sincerely hope all these predictions are wrong.
  4. Cabaye to Pardew: "Boss, Joe's just called me Kebab!" Pardew (while shaking head): "Oh sheesh.." Cabaye: "Not you too.."
  5. Personally, I hope he lasts as long as possible - years even, bringing the team on and having them publically brought down by Ashley + co again. A second constructive dismissal case on the same owner through the FA should result in Ashley going.... A wank , I think .....
  6. Sorry, didn't see that before I posted. I hope it doesn't happen, as romantic as it sounds it's just financially very very difficult to ever get back to the championship, let alone the premiership
  7. It's called denial mate, and as douglas said we're suckers for that. Ashley needs to go , or I seriously do worry that we wont have a NUFC to follow anymore. It really is that serious to me, I haven't seen anything that suggests Ashley loves the club, but plenty to suggest he loves exploiting it.
  8. Cheers for replying, I'll agree to disagree. I don't see this as his own money at all, if the club goes bust he'll get his money back as the first creditor, or have it insured. But then, I'm just as likely to be wrong as you are, so I quit
  9. Funny that, I'm the opposite, International and Local football is proper football , everyone who plays for England is English etc. it's a much purer game - are you saying you're giving up on it because we don't win? seems to me the mirror opposite of why I'm upset with Premier League football.
  10. I think that's highly subjective. He got us on the cheap, has only LOANED everything, which were probably insured on his side anyway. He's a gambler , but he's not betting with his own money is he?
  11. grr the editor wont work on my IE10 :/ wall of text tastic.
  12. I'm pulling you on that one. How is his personal investment hundreds of millions? If he does decide to sell (though he wont, cos its a great vehicle for him) he'll recoup the money he spent buying it. All money given is loaned to us (abramovich styley). What has he spent exactly? How much did he pay on behalf of Sports Direct for his advertising too? Remember when he said he'd sell for the same money he put in, then the guy came forward and Ashley then says "put money on the table" , so he does, then it all gets reported as no one was serious. This guy is taking the piss and taking us with him. It's fuckin embarassing and I for one can't continue to even give the guy any credit now at all. This proves once and for all that old addage from Douglas. Last thing, this "interest free" loan is only interest free in line with inflation right? At a time that interest rates on fixed term savings / investments are below inflation.... Could be a rumour, but I'll throw it in there while ranting about Ashleys "charity" to the club.give the guy any credit now at all.
  13. aye, but I bet you had to use a spell checker for that one.
  14. It's all fucking smoke and mirrors again, as Ashley drives to make us profitable - fuck the football..
  15. Thanks for the belly laugh in what is a fuckin shocking day... We're just a fucking joke , we really are.
  16. sure, and I agree with your point. BUT Wonga are purely lending, and are very very aggressive with the profit they generate from that.
  17. I suppose. The difference is that Virgin Money are a retail bank - Wonga are purely lenders, and the worst kind at that. My view will always be that NUFC's affiliation with Wonga is shameful, we should have more scruples than that. But with those two at the top, they care little about the toon, its reputation or anything, I reckon they think we're all just northern monkeys who are too stupid and fickle to ever complain with our wallets....
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/22857014 Do you think the whole team could do it? On Moral grounds ;->
  19. Hmm, how can you slate Cabaye for not being bothered, then in the very next sentence say that Jonas needs to go for completely the opposite reason. Jonas gives 100% every match. Getting rid of Cisse would without a doubt destroy any chances of being in the premiership in 2015/16. We've only got 1 striker for gawds sake. I disagree on Tiote too, he can go already , we've got better players in the squad already. Selling anyone from our squad without replacing first would be tragic, we're already struggling with the squad we have.
  20. same. I think he just had nervous nerris moments.
  21. huh? Are you saying I'm a sockie ? or asking for CT to chirp in?
  22. Sorry for continually bumping the thread - is there a link or way of seeing this if I missed it? It's my personal ambition to listen to every single soundbite that comes from Kev's mouth.
  23. new comments? or the ones from his trial?
  24. I hope so, I'm really in two minds about Cabaye , I've had a proper rollercoaster ride with him. When he first arrived, I don't know why exactly but I really saw a lot of Rob Lee in his play . But then just three weeks after, he took a heavy tackle and showed his gallic flair, taking his gloves off and throwing them on the floor, sat on his bum with a proper tantrum. This really put me off him, if he can dish it out he needs to take it. Then, he starts playing out of his skin, with killer longfield passes perfectly into his targets stride. But, this last year he's just been woeful, all gallic flair and too much despondant play. I'm just not sure what sort of player Cabaye actually is, and if he even wants to play properly anymore. I've seen him do far too much strolling around without intent.
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