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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. As much as I agree on Gosling, they really need to buy replacements first. We can't just cut off 5 players when we struggled to field a team AT ALL at times last year.
  2. Provident's alright, my mum still uses them even though shes not short of money - she sees the vouchers as a way to budget , rather than going and using her bank card.. Weird, but she likes it. They've always been great with her - but its been the same guy for 20 years.
  3. Finally a player that I actually like. that said there's fook all chance of him coming here as he makes our Muslim players look non-religious. Rumour has it he doesnt often make it through a full training session as he breaks for prayers. Wonga will put an end to this though.
  4. I think Shepard and Ashley are as bad as each other. Ewerk, I agree that Ashley is clever enough to see that and that's why he's effectively not looking to sell and never has been. In my view, the club has that debt to ashley - not any future owner - it shouldn't be included in the price as its essentially the same as having a bank loan. I also take a bit of resentment to any owner of a football club saying hes "paid money out of his own pocket" when they haven't they've just loaned it. Smurke and mirrors if you ask me.
  5. I thought he did well for us, especially towards the end . I actually thought he put in some stella performances last year and was a vast improvement on the year before. I know he's a squad player, but he was a versatile and committed one. Here we go again, selling from our now piss takingly wafer thin squad , without buying first.....
  6. Thanks!!!! Ah, another player I was totally wrong about. I thought he looked mint when he first came, but he was very crap really.
  7. Hmmmm. Acuna or Viana? that's going to bug me ....
  8. its not like that at all...... oh dear. its all BS from Wonga.... If the gvt cut the fuck out of your benefits and you've got a house bought under the Brown "boom" years, then mothers will borrow to feed their children. Try getting money out of a bank when you're wealthy - its still bloody hard at the moment because the gvt is giving them free money to "lend" which they aren't. This is also why savings rates are less than inflation - they don't need to borrow, but don't want to lend to you either. Take a look at this: http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2012/may/22/oft-criticises-wonga-debt-collection They also have a fake collection agency that is actually internal. 200 quid can easily become 1000 in a month if they charge you late payment fees on top of that interest rate and then compound it, which is what I believe they do. The OFT cant touch them as there aren't really any rules about such whoreage of rates.
  9. He's a defensive midfielder, both him and his international manager said so in an interview in La Monde or whatever its called. He clearly said hes a DFM but will play whatever position is asked of him, to which his international manager added that he didn't feel it benefitted Sissokos development / play style. I concur, and my opinion is more important than anyones so there.
  10. I'm not sure David, I'd say the 3rd choice is reserve player. My worry here is , all its going to take is a red card and an injury and you're screwed. Most clubs have more than 3 players for these positions don't they? And 3 strikers at least also. I reckon we have less cover than any other team in the premiership and it shows. We've got to have the smallest squad now , but I'm no statto so I'm not 100%.
  11. I still think they are nothing more than corporate loan sharks.. fookers. Try telling the 18 year old who they gave 200 quid to and now owes over a grand that its good. Seriously, I'd be happier with Wonga if they showed some corporate responsibility and vetted their applicants. They don't, but then no-ones asking them to either, in their defense.
  12. We have lost players, we've just released a handful. I know most of them aren't quite good enough, but I'm especially uncomfortable about Simpson going to QPR after being released. We've already got a threadbare squad, as Keegan says I feel the strategy needs to be to replace and then sell. Having 2 defenders for 1 position is not enough, especially when we are asking them to be defensive wingers (more chance of hamstrings / injuries etc).
  13. Quality banter on this thread, cheers for the giggles on a crap day!
  14. uff. This window is horribly familiar.... Why do we deserve this. I fully expect pards to have 6 less players in the squad (shit or not) come game 1. We'll probably buy some absolute waste on the last day of the window and play him in 2 games. Gah....
  15. But seriously, the whole "hes paid off debt" thing is bollocks. He hasn't - if he wanted to pay it off he'd make a cash donation / injection of the money and not put it as a loan. Same as Chelsea (826mil ) we have a bill to ashley rather than a bill to a bank. The chelsea stat really makes me smile inside, Abramovich has them totally by the short and curlies. That debt is unpayable imo. To be fair though, by him doing that he has saved the club substantial amounts of interest etc. So he has given some money, but not out of his pocket at all. If Newcastle goes close to bust he can genuinely just strip all the assets and take the cash I think - that said, there's no way in hell Newcastle Council would ever sanction any redevelopment on the ground if the club closed down. I think they're really good at protecting the club and do all they can.
  16. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/exclusive-mike-ashley-ready-to-sell-newcastle--for-267m-8673777.html
  17. If we're to even try and swallow that crap, it's better to call Newcastle "here" rather than continually refer to it as "there" , like you are just visiting from your true home (if only)
  18. Well after trying to be all nice and welcoming too ;D damn, my ploy is murdered by the admin.
  19. I reckon Joe's a man with his finger on the pulse and probably has a very high level of computer literacy. I'm really looking forward to his postings here.
  20. I haven't seen him on any other forums either though. I wanted to make a nice welcome mat.
  21. Hey Joe, I was delighted to read the article this weekend where you were quoted as saying: ""I always go to their forums and loved having the craic with them around the city when I was manager there." I'd be delighted to see your input here, on one of the most popular Newcastle fan forums. Come on Joe, give us a post!
  22. Can we delete this thread , my memories, and all just pretend this isn't happening? I seriously think Ashley might have a buyer for next year and just wants to exact revenge for hounding him out the stands.
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