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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Holy fuck Pardew's just gone down 20% in my estimations by that article alone. FFS Tiote was shocking last year at times, what the fuck is wrong with having 3 players for the same positions? You play 2 of them and bench the other you stupid fuck. If you want a number 10 then fucking buy one, or use who is a number 10 in your fucking squad (even Campbell). This will destroy Sissokos morale, hes already said - along with the INTERNATIONAL MANAGER that hes not a 10, hes a DMF. For fucks sake. Absolutely raging, there's more swearing in this post than my entire posting career. Holy fuck we're relegated, that's it ..... We need a fucking revolution, 55,000 fans should go into St James and kick the fuckers out and all their furniture come season end.
  2. where are the compliments? Have we had a good transfer window under Ashley? Hasn't it always been overshadowed by selling our best talent and then rushing to find a guy to fill the hole?
  3. This sums up my thoughts on it: http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-articles/newcastle-uniteds-transfer-news-laid-bare/
  4. Whos Simon Bird? "you're a cnut" there you go, I've told you to your face.
  5. I'd argue that Zonal marking has only become popular because players aren't allowed to tackle anymore. But that's just my jaded interpretation. I'm a bit older, I'd say tv coverage in the 80s was BETTER than it was now - there were matches on every single saturday live and they all kicked off at nearly the same time. Sky brought the selection of teams , but have fucked the game for real supporters by dictating some of the most incredulous timings that we now take for granted. Travelling to London on a monday for a 8pm kick off is just plain stupid and in no ones interests but Sky. But ho hum.
  6. Ok I'm not saying I want them , but : Ravel Morrison - 500k bid, they wanted 1 mil, then 750k we didn't meet it. We refused Ba a new contract that wanted 70k instead of 50k - that would have taken away the release clause and he prob would have gone to Chelsea anyway, but not for the pittance we got for him (given his record) There are certainly more than this though, as I remember swearing over one of them (french target)- 500k extra wanted on a 2mil deal or something. A side note, but Wonga and muslim french speaking players is just fucking stupid, despite what UK views on Wonga might be, its just stupid. http://www.allmyfootballnews.com/football/papiss-cisse-edges-towards-anzhi-transfer-after-refusing-to-wear-newcastle-shirt#.Ud1s9j7gWc8
  7. CT come on, you know we've missed people for the sake of 500,000. It's too late already to at least not have names going round and real offers in. Nothing is going to change and we don't have the squad to take these casualties season on season. Yes I'd love to get rid of Gosling, perch, Williamson, Simpson etc - but we haven't got any fucking replacements in at all have we? We're fucked.
  8. Hmm I'm not sure, I used to watch match of the day religiously, all the other teams matches etc - but now its just a polluted playground for the worlds millionaires - we haven't seen a decent gelled team in years outside of the top 4. I reckon its overhyped , the rules are taking the piss - I mean seriously we've eroded the game so much that tackling is as good as illegal now. Players pushing refs, clearly swearing on tv, our British superstar is a worse cheat than even the very worst Italian of the 90's (gareth bale etc). It's kick and rush instant results bollocks, with GOALS GOALS GOALS decided by the FA years ago, as sky was asking for it. Gawd, I'm happy this month ey?
  9. Well, you've seen my attempt jonasjuice . RE: Liverpool I reckon perhaps so. I think in the second half of last season they looked like the players were "getting the plan" . I picked the relegation (GAH!) because our team will be even less than it was last year by the start of this, guaranteed imo. Villa are probably better squad wise and have experience now of the battle if they get in the relegation mixer *Sob* emoticon needed.
  10. Modern football as in Premiership? Like the German coaches say - its kick and rush. here endeth my tactical knowledge. The games shite compared to 20 years ago - after a spell of being better 10 years ago.
  11. Ok, I'll chance my arm: Man Utd Chelsea Liverpool Man City Arsenal Tottenham Everton Swansea West Ham West Brom Fulham Southampton Cardiff Norwich Villa Stoke Sunderland Newcastle Hull Palace
  12. Nice prediction, I reckon you should work at a bookies Head office. Not sure on Man U 4th tho, but way better than I can predict.
  13. I think he's handled the situation really really well there.
  14. All in good humor, but we'll never agree on that. We can't field that team, its fictitious. That's the same team we had last year, they are not robots and we can't expect all 11 to be fit. I'd also reckon that nearly everyone has a better team than us, the table never lies. We were almost the worst of those that didn't go down. We need 4 or 5 players in, not players out. For years we've suffered a slow but guaranteed erosion of our first team , with many players - right back to the start of Ashleys campaign - sold and not replaced. We're still needing replacements for Lovenkrads / Barton / Williamson / Simpson etc as far as I'm concerned. You need at least 17 FIRST TEAM QUALITY players to compete in this league. Kids breaking in should find themselves on the bench next to someone who narrowly misses out on first team (e.g Sissoko / Tiote, only 1 can really be played in DMF) - what we have is young prospects entirely populating our bench. Which other club does that , other than those that get relegated (and even they didnt). I'm sick to the fuckin back teeth of seeing us disgrace ourselves in cup competitions (especially Europe) and take offense to anyone who thinks that Europe was too much for us last year - it was too much for us as they give it fuck all value, didn't buy in and it sets an awful example of us to Europe. Who the hell would want to come to NUFC if they'd seen how we throw trophies away every single year. I'm sick of us doing this every year and the hopelessly optimistic geordie fan spouting how things will change next year.. Why do we want to throw away every cup to face a relegation or mid table battle at the end. Win something FFS. heh, end rant.
  15. Shola is perhaps > Bent though
  16. lol. 8th with that team, I wish I had your optimistic thinking. It's going to take a miracle to even see us stay up this year. Ashley learns nothing and continues to make mistakes. I mean , with no knowledge at all anyone would struggle to make the CONSISTENTLY bad decisions NUFC has. 8th , seriously? Have you seen who the "lesser" clubs are buying and who we are buying? Did you see NUFC last year struggle by using these unproven unconditioned players for 1st teamers? Streete for gawds sake.
  17. Don't worry - it will seem acceptable when Mike gets a better offer from the The Bangladesh Garment Factory for sponsor and we bring in Gazza as a player coach on two 8-Ace a day as payment.
  18. Does anyone seriously want this player? For me, his best years are already behind him and he's played for the Mackems too.
  19. "we should be fine as long as we get a striker in"..... If we buy fookin Van persie we'll still be in the shit. How many long ball headers will he score? Our team last year was just woeful at getting the ball to strikers feet - seriously I must have been watching a different team. Since NUFC's original entry into the Premiership I struggle to think of a season with so many consistently awful performances (even Ruud's team was better).
  20. I can't believe anyone thinks we've got a good first team. 3 of them are liable to injury, 1 cant seem to get fit (arfa) , and we have absolutely fook all cover anywhere that I know of , unless we are talking unproven "potential" players like most of our midfield. I'll chance my arm tho and pick Krul Deb Colo/Mbwia Taylor Haidara Sissoko Arfa Cabaye Santon Cisse Gouffran
  21. And that's more desirable than what I think will happen. (and I don't think the scenario above is anywhere near desirable).
  22. *sings* Dreeeeeeam, Dream Dream Dreeeeam...
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