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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Right that's it. I've seen the last picture on here and there's no defending him - it's actually worse now in my book that he is using religion that he doesn't even follow seriously as an excuse. Bacon slice to the face.
  2. I disagree again, my understanding of wing back / full back is: Wingback is a defender & a winger with defensive duties, usually players drop back to fill the gap. E.G. Leighton Baines / Gary Neville etc. His job is to bring the ball forward himself and distribute accordingly - he's supposed to pass off the ball when he comes under pressure but is free to go all the way to the touchline and cross. Fullback is a wide defender, who's area of operation is from the touchline to the halfway line only . E.G. Phil Neville. If he passes the half way line he's not doing his job , unless it really is totally clear ahead of him, where he's still expected to pass it off - not go to the touchline and chuck in a cross. Wingbacks play in teams who either have very advanced Left sided midfielders (who really play LW , RW but a little behind the strikers) or defensive wide midfielders (rare as rocking horse shit nowadays). Fullbacks play in teams who have attacking midfielders / wingers in front of them. Pardew likes to mix the two and expect his wingers to be defenders also - e.g Jonas and Ben Arfa - and that , for me, is where we go wrong (although arguably Jonas is a defensive Left sided midfielder now, as his crossing is pointless and his pace isn't quite as good). Lol, we could be here all day.
  3. On topic, I watched it last night and just saw the same team that shat themselves last year, doing the same stuff and also arguing with eath other. As posted before though, both Vuckic and Gouffran were our best players by a country mile and vuckic was only on a short time for the wrong positioned sissoko. Take what you want, but we shouldn't be conceding goals like that. Tiote and cabaye were our worst players imo. Cabaye was just shocking, his first touch was awful all game long.
  4. Well said. Piss poor so far, players arguing with each other already, never a good sign. Did ameobi genuinelly hurt his arm? That dive earlier was risky if he did. Soft soft goal
  5. "Is a Joke" and that's the thread finished
  6. After all the ranting I've done on here defending the lad for having some kind of integrity - I'll be getting a plane over to wherever the fuck he goes and giving him a slap round the face with a slice of bacon.
  7. Well that's Cisse fucked innit. I'm still not convinced it's him, but if no lawsuit comes then it defo is.
  8. Again, I do think he's good at rambling to the media. Much better than jokeinear. I do wish that they would stop saying that European Cup competitions are a hinderance. I'd rather we play to win a cup than just write them off every year, its getting embarrassing . (Although I reckon Pardew did very well with his 2nd string in that competition to be honest). Cheers for posting that CT.
  9. Oh that's some good news, maybe its our good news day today at last )))
  10. That could be any black guy in a wooly hat, it might be my monitor but all I can see is his nose, its poorly lit and hes directly below a light source. Would put this argument to bed if it was though.
  11. hahahahahaha, In all seriousness, do you reckon that really is the truth? I mean that would be a top drawer way to wind up Pards wouldn't it? "But Joe, I'm really worried for the future we are going to struggle to survive" "Don't worry Pards mate, we've got a guy coming in tomorrow who really will clarify our stance on the future, no worries" Regarding Gignac, you're right - but if we do get him its only to replace Cisse - and then we'll forget about the need for another striker "They wanted a striker, we bought one, if Cisse hadn't left us in the shit we'd have 2 strikers , honest guv"
  12. I hope so , I really do. And then you can all flame the shit out of me until I become a bit more positive ! I just can't see it on past evidence. I don't think any purchase has improved us from who we sold , which seems a bold statement but I still count Demba Ba as replacing Leon Best, Lovenkrads, Caroll , which while he's obviosuly a better player than each one, he's not better than the sum total. I think the same is happening again, and this is now our third cycle. I'd seriously be happy if Ashley re-invested just 50% of his sales , but I don't think that's been done.
  13. Can I have some of what you're drinking? I can smell the hopeless optimism and short memory from here? We're fucked mate, once again we're selling and not buying anywhere near the quality required to even replace , let alone to improve the squad. Unlike those who just stop caring because we're going to lose , it doesn't affect me, that's what Supporting is supposed to mean. I'll cheer them on whatever, but I have zero optimism of anything good happening. I pin my hopes on Pardew actually being good and surprising us all by keeping this joke in the upper half of the table. edit -> after coming down from my supporting high, it should be added I went to a total of 9 matches last year - so perhaps if I'd had to sit through the home games at the end of the season it may have broken me. But I still remember Ossie and things still aren't quite as bad as that yet.
  14. Sure. <Sarcasm mode on> He doesn't have the knowledge to hear the media response to Kinnear and decide to cancel his appointment does he, cos he's stupid. That's how he built his empire.. <sarcasm off> Anyhoo, there's people who sit on both sides of the argument and I'd bet we are both wrong on either side. Something is fishy to me, but not others. You can think I'm a nobber, I'll just think you're blinded by loyalty I'll stop now , promise. To say something positive, Vuckic (sp?) looks good now.
  15. He is selling off all the players , and replacing them with half value ones at best
  16. pfft spend.. that's my only real argument. And yes they are VERY different to ordinary LTD companies. It is ILLEGAL for a MD to run a company deliberately at a loss if its insolvent, yet we've never seen one wound up by anyone other than HMRC for not paying taxes. Chelsea are insolvent by the letter of the law aren't they? They owe 800 mil to Roman and still purchase players. I could be wrong, but I doubt I'd get away with that in the real business world. We wont agree, I'm not saying you're an arse or anything like that , as I can see your point of view, I just don't believe it. Ashley is a brilliant businessman but imo most MD's have some kind of personality defect and his is he likes to destroy anyone who crosses him. You can't become a millionaire without knowing how to turn people over. If he wound up NUFC , it would be defeat wouldn't it? But if he runs it as he is now, not costing him any money but guaranteed to really upset the people who crossed him, I reckon that's a win. Ive worked in boardrooms for far too long , so I accept that I'm jaded - but ego would be damaged by winding up or selling (as hed be out of the club , like his enemy wants). Far better to have a plaything to gamble with at our expense.
  17. Back on topic, quality quote on sky about this: "Pardew has a bad start to season. Gets the boot. Joe gets gaffa job- back room staff in place. Simples really" makes sense to me
  18. Continue to be in denial when all evidence says otherwise if you want, its your right to think what you want. Shutting us down wouldn't be an easy thing to do would it? Football clubs are a bit different to a regular LTD aren't they? This is the UK's 5th Richest Man - hes hit success everywhere he has been - do you seriously believe deep down that these are "mistakes" ?
  19. re-enforces my negativity and spideysense saying that Ashley is just genuinely out to teach us a lesson after abusing him at St James all that time ago. Ever since then he's been inexplicably ruining the club. This just serves as further proof , hes probably thinking "this will teach the stupid northern twats, 200 mil is pocket money the fookin povos"
  20. Cos its one of the smallest assets he has and hes a known "Hardman" with anyone who crosses him , which In his mind definitely includes us. NUFC is a plaything for him, not his core business at all. Its the same as me lighting a fiver when I've got a 100,000 in my hand imo. Time will tell, but the fellas not stupid , that's for sure - but a lot of people who only know about his NUFC time might think he is. E.G. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/newcastle-owner-mike-ashley-wants-blood-after-last-seasons-trauma--and-it-wont-stop-with-managing-director-derek-llambias-8665918.html Wont forgive the people who "Made" him spend 40 million. What fucking 40 mil? It's all just a game, he thinks we are thick twats and given the fact that so many still buy shirts etc , or even defend him still - or hold hope that we're going to re-invest sales money (like every sale its , well he said we'll spend if he sells - he NEVER FOOKIN DOES!) he may have a point
  21. Ashley is destroying us on purpose, anyone from a town named after Hymen can't be trusted. He's thought fuck us all after the verbal abuse in the early days where he wasn't welcome in the stands. It's now the only reasonable explanation. Ashley is no idiot , I genuinely don't believe he can be this inept after his killer instinct success against all his rivals in business.
  22. By all rights we should already have about 40 mil from other sales.
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