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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Indirect investment and people attack to defend Wonga . lol right, that's not just defending them because they are a toon sponsor is it?
  2. How is the squad depth better? The first team might be , but the squad depth isnt there at all is it? Christ we don't have a second player for some positions (I don't count Williamson as a viable option, but Perchy was) Whos going to play on the right / left wing if arfa is injured, cos sticking Sissoko in there insults everyone concerned. I've been a supporter of Pardew, but even I've had enough of seeing him waste sissoko all the bloody time. Every time we play him in that position I think we erode his instinct in his proper position. I think the same can be said of Cabaye too, he's not in the correct position. Play Sissoko or Tiote and Cabaye OR anita / brig ffs.
  3. Kudos to Meenzer, great post. hahahahaha
  4. nah, I don't want flame wars, I like it here and like the banter tbh. But there's defo a few here, just as much as a few miserable sods like me. As a side note, I'm not a mackam, but am emigrating to the caribbean soon, so this will be a great lifeline to the toon for me. I never forget me roots (and my retirement plan is to settle back in the toon with my season ticket).
  5. rofl, as if it isn't photoshopped. Reminds me of that brilliant issue of (the mag?) with the "Lets all laugh at sunderland" cover. Loved that, and still have my copy framed at home in my office.
  6. Really? I share a lot of that kids views to be honest - I do think there's a fine line between being a loyal supporter and being an evangelist that can only spin positives. I know I fit firmly in the negative twat category, but some others here definately fall into the blindfold option too. I might be following my trend on here of defending the indefensible, but I don't see a lot of mackam type slagging in here, just honest and pessimistic views.
  7. Where have you been "to dumb"? I've not seen a post from you since I joined recently, but every single one has been either magnificently cutting or raised a smile. Quality.
  8. Geordies can have to work in Sunderland you know. I did for a year back in 2001. Playing devils advocate, but I hope you're sure - new members don't grow on trees you know.
  9. Well, given the amount of people not happy for him to come, I think it's pretty nailed on that he will.
  10. Surprise surprise but misery moo here doesn't think we should buy the dick. He turned us down for money He got accused of Rape He isn't even all that good at QPR. It's coming to something if our best bet is trying to get remy on the cheap because he's facing charges and not made an impact.
  11. It still puts it in perspective for those that make out its a mass of money to Mike. If you work off 1750 tops out of a 15000 savings account. I bet he's bet more on the bloody gee gees.
  12. well, I can only blame the education system - I was always taught that we don't have the same Billion as the US, which strictly speaking we dont (science papers still use the UK Billion) It's americanisms. But for world finance it made sense to change apparently.
  13. Yeah, I think hes a wing back. He's a much improved player at Liverpool too imo.
  14. lol, well it took some time , but I've finally showed my ability to post tosh topics. Doh! FFS I knew I was confused over the american and UK billion - but yep after checking the "treasury" decided that we would use the american standard now and not the UK one. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-61424,00.html) UK Billion has 12 zeros, the treasury decided it didnt when in inflation. 1,700,000,000,000 = 1.7 billion 200,000,000 = 200 million 1,700,000,000,000 / 100 = 17,000,000,000 = 1 % (or 17 million) Thats my excuse anyhoo. So same argument and 10% 15,000 and £1,500 Although its even better for ashley as its not a proportion of his income at all, but his MASSIVE savings.
  15. nah it doesnt equate to formation does it? I'm not saying I'm right mind, just debating. You can have a 442 with wingbacks can't you? You can even have 442 with wingbacks and attacking midfielders if you want to overload (Man u did this a lot a few years ago), but they've got to be very good and usually come with 2 DMF . I also thought Wingbacks came when 5-3-2 became popular, not 352 - 3 5 2 is defensive wingers right? as in the players aren't defenders starting from the back but wingers who defend. (WingBACKS mean to me that they start at the backline). In fact - Yahoo answers wins http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080127040654AAUg9F2 (I know its shit, just saying for a laff).
  16. lol, there's no defending the fucker now. But I suppose we get what we ask for, mercenaries.
  17. Firstly , that topic header is all wrong I mean't to say 1.17% of your worth , which to most is their yearly salary at most) Cos that's what 200 mil is to ashley. started this in another thread and enjoyed the banter. So hypothetically speaking, if you had a neighbor who chanted get out of our street you fat geordie wanker in front of your child - and you earned 15,000 a year. Would you spend £175 (1.17%) on some trees that blocked all daylight from his home, if you knew it would really upset him, for example? Another question, would you spend that on me fookin off the forum and stopping banging on about this? - (Paypal account given on request!)
  18. ,We were shocking, why the hell Pardew didn't give the bench lads more of a run out, I've no idea. Why bring players on, in a friendly for 10 minutes - smacked of desperation to get a result in a fookin friendly. Bet it was hot as hell too. Talks about fitness then does stupid shit like that. (a'la Ben Arfa on that frozen shitty pitch).
  19. heh yeah, they are pop/punk though, so tell him to shove it They are far more pop than punk. Pop means popular music right?
  20. Multipost, but you just got that in as I was writing. I see the opposite here - it seems inconceivable that he will address it. The whole reason we needed to emergency buy those players was due to him doing exactly what he's done every year again. I fail to understand some people on here who are so optimistic that something that's been the same EVERY YEAR since Ashley's arrival is suddenly going to do a full 180. If we do get relegated our best hope is Ashley gives up as the "business" becomes even more unprofitable. For those optimists, tell me a year where we strengthened our team, just 1 .
  21. I wish I had your optimism, it's sad innit I dont even think outgoings mean incomings , given the evidence of the last few years. Maybe 2 outgoings buy 1 player at 40% total sale value at best Something that I haven't seen picked up on here is that we appear to only spend big money on players who have something devaluing them - but could easily make a quick buck on. E.G Cabaye, depression - Tiote , attitude - Ben Arfa serious fallings out at most of his past clubs - Demba Ba - dodgy knee. All bought on the cheap - and I think whatever people say about Pardew he's been very good at developing troubled players. Cabaye's the only one out of that group that I think has been a failure in that respect . Tiote, Ben Arfa & Demba Ba have all increased value massively. I honestly think Cabaye is just not performing for us at all - He was magnificent at first, but he's just been crap - I'd rather have Brigicantspellhisnamefortoffee or Anita every single day. Sure he can score a free kick, but last night he couldnt control a ball to feet from 5 yards away and just seems totally despondent.
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