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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Done a mint job so far hasn't he? Loaned a relegated player to give him premiership matches and failed to bring a fellow snake into the club.
  2. I just hope we manage to stay up, until Ashley gets his money back. I'm really not feeling good about the season ahead though, its like we are liquidising stock. Sure we've bought in the last two years, but we've always been decreasing the value of the squad (e.g total spend is always less than income from transfers). There are a lot of gambles in our squad now, more so than dependables; but who knows, they might click and all perform hey? It should go without saying that we haven't actually bought anyone this window.
  3. Yep there's another. Great player for us, shame he wasn't there in Gillespie's time , we always were short on the right if I remember correctly. Funny, dalglish was a shat manager, and did rid of too many of Keegan players imo, but his signings weren't bad, sales aside.
  4. Hey, well we will see how lucky I am if I make it through the probationary period I'm a freelance techy, subject matter expert for a niche Microsoft product called DPM (backup). The jobs full time tho and nothing to do with dpm, minimum 2 years after 3 months probation. I've not worked as a full time employee for 7 years, so it's going to be a challenge that could go either way. That's my cover story anyway :-> I'm looking forward to coming back home to Newcastle after 2 years out there, when I get back it will be 15 years since I lived there :/ But I'll be waving goodbye to I.T.
  5. Heh, he got speed, given and ketsbia I think, he defo got didi hamman. Its like George Lucas with films.
  6. Wow, the mind boggles. He did alright signings wise for us , or my minds playing tricks on me
  7. Makes me feel better after your "I hate your posts more than anyone" Cant get much lower than stealing from a charity. I worked for one and just quit because I felt I wasn't saving them money anymore, just costing , but to rip one off is unspeakable.
  8. London evening standard on Tuesday last week, I'm packing as I'm working overseas for two years and grumbled at it this morning, as I tore it up for packing Similar things are written and talked about in the office every week, a lot of guys down here do seem to think we are all miners with chips on our shoulders. I do have a Thatcher chip on my shoulder tho, most people loved her in my workplaces.
  9. I think we just lack players, the squad is far too thin, all our backup is championship level at best. Let's see though, Pardew might learn and adjust to spite the guys above him, who are clearly trying to get Joe in and him out. Going by brada though, he's not for changing. I actually liked his defensive tactics in his first season, building from the back etc and patient build ups. But it just doesn't work when the team is under pressure. I hope we stay up this year, but think its going to be very difficult for pardew and co. If he keeps us up again, he's a good manager in my book. Getting us to where he did in the Europa with a second string was an achievement for me last year.
  10. I've worked in maidenhead, reading, canary wharf and Guildford, all Tory, all think we are leeches. I've had people ask just how bad is it, as they have genuinely never been north of Birmingham, at best. This is in every job I've had for the past 4 years. Most have never been further north than Watford gap. Here's a quote from the London evening standard on Friday: (edit Tuesday) The context is fracking "This will upset many who don't agree with a city state, but London has subsidised the far north for too long. Fracking will allow these northern cities to finally make their own income and release the burden of mass unemployment and social problems that cost London so dearly" It makes my blood boil, for too long? What you mean after the creation of the industrial revolution, north sea oil, manufacturing, coal etc. Is this unemployment and social unrest due to the fact that they raped us of all our industry, in the name of the city? We can get coal cheaper from France! - yep until you destroy your domestic production, then watch the price rise. So if this is fine to print in the local paper, I think you've been lucky in who you've met, or me unlucky. Getting sponsored by Wonga doesn't help imo. Lol, end rant. Honest
  11. I'm 2 stone lighter this year, fishy.
  12. For me, I suppose it is caring what others think, but only in the way that I want Newcastle to do well as a city etc, it really winds me up that, for example, the bbc always show the dregs when they are showing geordies. This long running stereotype of us being hard, in a dangerous city full of chavs and gangsters, and jesmond aside, no wealthy people. It definitely works against us and is a reason why investment in the north is so shite; because its these twats down here with the money... Seriously, when was the las time a UK firm invested here on its own money, WITHOUT the help of EU funding, its all EU regeneration money. I know by the way that the stereotype is rubbish, I've lived all around the UK and many cities around the world and Newcastle is among the very best.
  13. This will be fuckin ace. Shame there's no way I can watch it tho, ill be emigrated by then :/
  14. EDIT , yup sorry fish, I stand corrected, after looking it up.
  15. Now see , this is what I tried t avoid. You're rebuttal was Google Barclays , insinuating that they so the same business But balls to this, you're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to think its misguided, vice versa etc. You can't play the fooling regs card and then advertise them and say its fine cos the law hasn't changed. I'm pretty sure there's no law stopping me from shagging 14 year olds in Canada, but if I was, would you be happy to have my face / name across the shirt if I paid the same money, but then say well its Canadas fault for not regulating the age of consent at 16? But balls to this, you're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to think its misguided, vice versa etc
  16. Ok I'll bite Man UTD did today. Chelsea often do Man city nearly always do.
  17. I've given my opinion and that's it, don't want a big flame war. Ill never put a high street bank in the same bracket as Wonga ever. What grinds my gears is if Barclays did offer a loan at any APR to a customer using the same terms as Wonga, the FSA would murder them under responsible lending rules. As a side note, I was fucked off at McDonald's sponsoring the football today, wtf have McDonald's got to do with sport and health? The FA should have more scruples. This kind of thing always makes me whiny. If you don't think Wonga has tarnished the reputation of the NE or our affiliation doesn't just confirm stereotypes then that's fine with me, really, but I'm not budging its fuckin embarrassing to me. I've taken enough shit in London and don't need the club plastering our players in a "peasant loan" company (not my term) I don't see anyone advertising beer directly to alcoholics / homeless / vulnerable either. Alcohol adverts are actually subject to control , you wont see it during daytime tv hours like Wonga. Rant over
  18. We differ on this ant, and we are both entitled to our opinions. Barclays sell banking services under the FSA and would never issue loans on Wongas terms for two reasons, 1 the FSA and 2 the damage to reputation. Unfortunately the FSA is being very slow to change regs to enforce rules, they didn't see this coming, as usual. Look how they sat on PPI for over 10 years before actually dealing with anything. Carling sell beer, at a price at purchase that someone can enjoy. What they don't do, is advertise to alcoholics in parks , the parallel being when do you see Wonga adverts? Thanks to gov't cuts there genuinely are parents out there who cannot feed their kids, and I've seen too many stories of people being fleeced by Wonga. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2012/mar/01/wonga-real-cost-payday-loan Totally different organisations. Oh and nice one peasepud
  19. Hmm, I didn't see any confidence myself, they looked pretty much the same as last year. Positives same as you tho, colo was ace, arfa looked fit.
  20. Well I'm different. I think they are shit loan sharks who market exclusively to people who can't afford loans in a disgustingly profiteering way. The view southerners have of the north is only further blemished by this sort of deal. Its a disgrace in my opinion, which I am entitled to. I have very little doubt that once the Tories are out and the recession is over in 10 years we'll have retrospective action against them in the same ilk as PPI, but I reckon Wonga will wind up by then You will never see a decent club touch them with a barge pole. Blackpool, centre of the homeless uk, worst health and worse prospects were also Wonga sponsored, read into that what you will. Yet another insult from Ashleys time.
  21. Agree totally with that, but I did honestly think Jonas had a good game today - he actually put crosses into the right places nearly every time and also drew a lot of fouls. Cabaye doesn't want to play for us, it seems - or he's depressed. Arfa still looked pacey despite his larger build too.
  22. We scored from a corner - Ben Arfa - Colo combo... Get in.
  23. Penalty to Braga, Deb foul. Converted (piss weak) 0-1
  24. Well I differ, carrick wouldn't be 20 mil and is a far better player no?
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