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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Wasn't the reason for his dismissal the fact that he made a public announcement that he wanted away if the team didn't progress?
  2. Yeah, what I mean to say though, is that if he cant get a competitive chance now, when we are short.
  3. I would have liked to see him get his competitive chances with us, given that we have limited options up front. From the limited stuff I've seen of him, he does seem to have some standout qualities already, I like his attitude, positioning and speed - but haven't really seen much of him on the ball. At least he'll be playing though.
  4. I'm sad to hear that fella. It was like that back in the ossie days but things can turn around, but I do agree with the sport being broken, its been commercialised far too much. That said, I boycott everything Ashley related , which is ever bloody growing (Sports Direct have pretty much killed off most competition, and now he has Republic too right?) But I still go to every single match I can get a ticket for, just out of nostalgia and loyalty really. As soon as I take my seat in St James' , even when we are shit, I get this boyhood feeling of happiness and excitement.
  5. I need the tune, can't work it out. Cabaye's already gone mentally imo. Hasn't been here for half a season now really.
  6. hahaahah, really, where did that rumor come from? All I really hope for, is that Anita, Sissoko, Arfa , Colo , Krul all have good seasons, settle together and don't get injured. That will keep us up and you know, we could challenge for Europe again with an injury free season, its just a big ask. Surely that would be enough for Ashley to get enough money out the club to sell up and fook off.
  7. Ashley likes a gamble, someone mail him this, maybe he'll put 100k on it and put Mbwia up front
  8. I could argue all day on this one, but its born of frustration really. It is funny though that we have so called accountants saying that if you cross charge across sister companies that it doesn't save tax.. I got my founding though, from a newspaper article saying it was a 1.8 mil deal in the guardian; so only this next year return will really show anything. Just because there was no charge in last years, doesn't mean he cant charge 2 mil for a weeks advertising if he likes, he controls the payment plan after all. anyhoo, I do know that its not very wise to take frustrations out on an internet forum, it just riled me with the "2 years" comment being thrown in by you, ewerk, not me. Then we've got MT fully expecting 2 more signings, and I've only ever heard anything positive about Wonga from toon fans since we got sponsored by them. its madness imo. Back on topic, is there any article anywhere that says why the guys think they didn't get bent? It seems a bit scary that we can't get him, given where hes gone on loan.
  9. Like a few others on here, I have this weird feeling that it wont be as bad as many fear. Man City are under a bit of pressure to make an instant impact , if we set up ultra negatively (like I reckon Pardew will) we may get a point out of this one. Fingers crossed.
  10. This is exactly what im talking about and it is defensive. I never mentioned 2 years, you did, to debunk that more money comes in than out in transfer revenue Nufc charge sports direct for the advertising, thus reducing the proftability of sports direct and saving 20% due on that profit, which would have been subject to tax, while Newcastle "breaks even" as Ashley takes out his loan repayments. Its been media covered all year about linked companies offsetting profit this way, a la Starbuck etc. Ant responds with "nonsense". Opinion polls on here aren't worth much either, I voted keep pards on his thread and its been doctored totally hasn't it? That, for me is defensive.
  11. Rofl great line that. Agree totally but I really hope he does well just to spite Ashley
  12. Hey, no idea. Even the internet cant help me with that one
  13. I wouldn't complain, its been far too long now since he looked like anything near good enough. We need to buy in first though, but I suppose you could say we are strongest in midfield anyway. I just don't think that marveaux is good enough either.
  14. First off, why do you fully expect us to get another striker, what part of the last 4 years makes you think we will buy anything other than the skeleton requirements, or if we do buy another striker it'll be a kid for less than 2 mil I reckon. This is what I was whining about, its just so hopelessly optimistic given the evidence of the past 5 years. If we were going to buy, why didn't we get Cornelius? He's arguably a better prospect. I know of him because fellaini was singing his praises and I thought Everton went for him but he knocked them back. He plays for his local team doesn't he, been there years and years. He also is a regular on the bench for Belgium but I think he's scored a small number for them already in a few appearances. (I also worked with a Belgian fellaini fan, so that's where I've really got it from) Ill bet you a fiver (to bobby foundation), we haven't a hope in hell. If he's snubbed Everton , he's got no baggage like most of our signings and his wage demands to leave his own supported club will be too much for him to *cough* get over the line. That said, I will cream my nickers if we get him. Last edit, I just texted my mate and he reckons he's refused the following clubs so far in the past 4 years, West Ham, Everton, arsenal, Aston villa and you wouldn't believe it Sunderland....... now Marco is known to exaggerate so I guess 60% of that is accurate a quick Google shows this. http://www.caughtoff...-villa-hitlist/ http://www.sportsmol...hase_49412.html http://avillafan.com...ink-for-vossen/ So 60% accurate as suspected !
  15. Lol good point , well made. Yup vossen looks good, but we're dreaming.
  16. Ok, well it came across that way to me, it seems no matter what we do there's a few posters on here who respond to any slur on his behaviour quite strongly. People defend Wonga, and the same say that Sports Direct branding and advertising wasn't just a clever way to shift taxable profits from one of his companies to another (he never pitched St James to anyone I don't reckon) , the same say that we've spent as much as we've brought in. I'm not saying all those points are wrong, cos they are all arguable either way, but to back ALL of them is just as pro as I am negative. Blaming pardew upsets me, its not his fault no one could do anything with the hand he was dealt last year, January signings count for shit, it takes months to integrate / gel. I could go on, but I've done it enough this season break .... I should say I'm not a massive Pardew fan btw, but to say he had a good squad isn't the year I saw, he was absolutely on his bare arse for most of it. Colo flouncing didn't help either. On with me happy face from here on in though, I'm just pleased the seasons starting again and who knows, we may well have another logic defying year of unprecedented success, and if we don't I'll still back the toon no matter what.
  17. well for me, that's no reason to then turn full circle and just put the blinkers on and defend the actions of an idiot. MT , I do think the quality of the squad has dropped, and you kind of say that in your own post, its not the first XI its the whole squad - its absolutely impossible for any club to go a season without losing a player to medium term injury. I still don't think the first XI is as good as the one that Ashley inherited either, but its a matter of subjective opinion . But nuff said, season starts soon so its time for my happy face again. Come on Pards ! fight the good fight , don't let the bastards grind you down etc. The alternative is unthinkable.
  18. What about poor ol cisse, I still think he's got mental ability just no fucker gives him the ball when he wants it, always too late (cabaye does well at this, but cant be arsed lately) come on Pards!!!!!!!
  19. Yep agree, and thanks!! Toontastic is going to be my gateway to Newcastle now, so I'll try be less of a pessimistic cnut
  20. Come on pards, you're our only hope. For all the shit we give him, at least he's actually got some background and achievements in his job. Ash and kin have fuck all in football really. Come on pards!!!!
  21. So selective tho that statement isn't it? How about you extend that window to when Ashley arrived to today, or even 3 years. He only bought in Jan to get hold of the extra prem cash. Look I know I can come across as a miserable sod, but supporting your team is one thing, but trying to paint the club in a positive light is just delusional. In my view its a bloody miracle were still in the premiership after this year on year downsizing of the squad. To not buy anyone this window should illustrate our predicament perfectly. But I guess most others think that we cant do anything , so grin and bear it. I'm more a go to protests sort of person, any bad publicist to Ashley and co is not necessarily bad for the club (in my opinion) he's taking the piss.
  22. Where do you see any surprise there. Given the patter from a lot of people here and elsewhere , the only thing that surprises me is the belief we were going to sign people in this window. We've signed no one. Loans don't really count do they, we don't have him, yet the blinkered masses will tout buy clauses etc that I bet aren't there. If he doesn't go down for rape it will be back to square one for transfer talks and a greatly elevated price from his buy price today, if he does well for us. FFS raaar etc, so frustrated ..... come on nufc, prove me wrong and do well this season, pleeeeeease !
  23. Bit critical I think, the point is still valid, if they were that good its a bit silly to think that Carr sees things that no other top club coach can, we've not even had to compete for most of these players. Every time we do have to compete we lose, a' la gomis, Remy etc. Biggest and unprofessional sure, but he's proven mate and gets over 20 goals guaranteed at the very top level. He alone was Liverpool last year.
  24. I get the arguments both ways and I sit in the camp of : If he's heavier and still able to perform at the same speed then I'm actually happier because he's physically stronger. But, the point I want to make is that this is a result of our hiring policy. If we buy cheap, they are cheap for a reason and it's not being French. Wenger for example, would and does snap up French talent but has omitted all these players , as have the other premiership clubs. I'm not say in by any means that Carr is not great, but its stretching it a bit when we are saying our one scout is better than the teams at Man U, Arsenal etc. There's a reason for the low cost, just wiki or Google Ben arfa's past and its KNOWN that he has attitude and professionalism problems, same way it was known that BA had a dodgy knee, Cabbage has depression, Tiote takes things personally, etc etc. If Ben Arfa had those skills and no problems its unbelievable to me to accept he's worth any less than 15 mil at current prices. If you buy players of this playing quality for the prices and wages we pay, its due to undisclosed or known problems. A few players are squeaky clean and don't get in the team, e.g. Anita , Brig etc, because they allegedly aren't of the same talent level. So its all a balance really. Personally I don't blame any of these players for getting downhearted with the shit they've put up with since arriving from France. Yes they are paid a lot, but they must feel tricked from the sales pitch we gave, it doesn't take a genius to see we are a selling club and they are being advertised badly when the team are so poor, and make no doubt about it, we are poor at the moment *sob*
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