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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Strange one, but I'd rather we sold and got something out of it, even if its cash in Ashleys pocket so he fucks off sooner. Putting him in reserves costs us too dearly.
  2. Talking about the wonga shirts, I was pleasantly surprised to see the relative lack of them. The Blue Star retro shirt seemed a popular choice though, and its a snazzy kit (I was wearing one myself)
  3. I agree completely, its a keegan situation allover again - if Pardew wanted to go. Getting Kinnear in might actually work against Ashley, but that said, Ashley's probably learnt from his mistakes and reworded the contract since the keegan trial.
  4. Yes, tiote has been shit for ages now, he's the biggest anti-climax of recent years. I heard someone say "kinnear would be better" at the match, I'm still shivering remembering it.
  5. Happy face nailed me on this argument last week though, if you look at the cash in and out since ashley arrive it reads very differently to how we think - hes really not a great deal down on money spent. I'm convinced the figures are misleading, but you can't really argue with them. I think I remember correctly though, Happy Face's figures (the figures) had him as 15 million up at best.
  6. For me mate, he was the only one who made any "chances", just a shame his chances were running it off the touchline and belting it from miles away - but no one else tried anything other than balls over the top - or sideways passing.
  7. I'm getting at the fact that the boo's lasted about 3 seconds and came from a very small section of the crowd.
  8. Do i get to say I told you so, to the flamers ? Anyone at the match this weekend can see where his priorities lie, pushing SD into France.
  9. I've got to say I think I was at a different match to Happy Face, or he wasn't in gallowgate - there was booing at the end, but it was brief and met with a lot of harder applause by everyone round me. It wasn't a massive boo problem . Marveaux deserved it, but I think the boo was more at the sub area rather than anything else, people wanted Shola off . I don't care for the stats Marv was shit, whether thats pardews fault I dont know. I totally don't understand why when WE are in possession we had everyone so narrow. I didn't like the "Where's the signings Joe Kinnear" during the match though, cos I imagine it makes the players feel shit, you're basically saying they aren't good enough. It would have been much better before or after.
  10. also agree with PaddockLad, as usual. A side note, does everyone just have me on fucking ignore or something, or are my posts just that inane?
  11. I was in the gallowgate and didnt hear a lot of booing today, people were pissed off that shola was started over gouffran, the french adverts everywhere , but when cisse came off most assumed he was injured. The most negative stuff i heard, and happen to agree with, is why we were so condensed in the centre of the field, with little wide option when we were in possession. I was actually pleasantly surprised with the positivity at times, and loved the kinnear chants, but thought its not going to fill our existing players with confidence. Marv was piss weak imo, sammy seemed to make an impact.
  12. Too right Tom, he looks about 10 years older already. How the fuck is he smoking a cigar in an airport anyway?
  13. I wish I believed that. Anyone north of Watford is working class to these past 3 governments. Call centres, phone shops, supermarkets and coffee shops are the new coal face. Zero hour contracts etc.
  14. Hmmm. Not sure on that one mate. You can definitely move up and down the class ladder. I come from a working class background, was homeless at 15, in the army at 16 then left at 18, went to uni pretty much off my own back, worked like a bastard for years but have been quite successful as a result. I'd be categorised as middle class, no one would say working class. If you earn more than 28k you're no longer working class by the gvts stupid stats are you? I'm definitely not working class anymore and in some respects I'm glad and in others fucked off. Living in middle class enclaves has taught me that generally the middle class are very lonely, unhappy and pissed off with those above and below. If you live in a working class street you know your neighbours, have a laugh and some fights etc. Here you don't even know your fucking neighbours. To finish with a rant, this is the UK's fucking shitty culture to even have a class system, countries without one have much happier citizens (Australia, Canada for example). Sure some people are richer than others but a blokes a bloke. Look up Aussie battler to see how its even been turned on its head in aus. I hate this class system bullshit.
  15. I'm originally from Harrogate but my grandparents are from the NE. I hated football as a young lad, but my best mates dad had to move down from the toon for his job and used to take us both up to watch the matches with him every single game. Newcastle were shit back then, but it was great crack and atmosphere so it gave me the bug. I've been year on year ever since, apart from my years overseas. Funny as Leeds fans were all around me and I used to get so much shit for not being a Leeds fan, they were doing well too. Now when I'm in toon I get the same shit in reverse . Keegans a Yorkshire Geordie though, so I take solace in that Now I'm going to be even further away in the Caribbean but "fakegeordie" reckons he's never missed a match out there. So for me. Newcastle wasn't a choice , it was a way of life, I like to think it still is. It's far and away the best city I've lived in , in the UK too. (Sydney aus and Vancouver Canada, beats it just by a margin, for me)
  16. Playing it on the floor to midfield then passing it across midfield and whacking it up 30 yards does not mean playing it on the floor to me. But I'm an argumentative cunt today.
  17. So we don't get revenue from any other source? No tv money, selling on fees, tickets etc? Its a pretty good setup he's got. I'm not saying your full of shit, I just find it hard to believe that stat Happy Face, though I know its right.. it just feels the complete opposite. Like he's spending. But on his low cost to sell on high value players. Cabaye sale will fudge those figures by 10 mil if he sells for 15 tomorrow, then it will be 25 mil plus the tv money .
  18. Oh we're starting from scratch aren't we? Why the fuck else would they be actually physically going overseas if they hadn't got anything on. I'm pretty sure abramovich or his guys didn't fly off to fucking Brazil to speak to Oscars agent. Its a fucking mockery.
  19. We don't know anything really though. We cant be sure he doesn't want to play, he could have been instructed not to. No one will ever know the truth about carrolls move, but it sure as hell isn't like either side tell it.
  20. How much income do you think he's going to make this year and last for the club? I know he's got loans to himself to repay right now, but it wont be forever. If he can continue to bring in his green players, put a purple tag on them and sell at 100% mark up, once his debt is repaid do you think he'll turn his back on that? Look at cabaye, he's turned down a 100% mark up for him already wanting more, he cant get that sort of margin in his shitty shops.
  21. I don't get how the first and second statements aren't contradictory. And 86p of every pound Happy Face- WHATWHATWHAT? My horrible thought is that he wont ever leave us until the FA or someone regulates this somehow. If he sees he can pull in 50 mil or so a year, he will stay and continue on this tact. Its pretty obvious its all about the money for him, why would that change? This rich owner thing is fine when they are plowing money in, but no other club has an owner who's intention is to rake it in. Even rich owners ploughing money in as a problem I reckon, as its anti competitive and against the spirit of the sport) If he did this tactic a bit more steadily, he could cream 10-20 mil out of us year on year
  22. I hear what you are saying, but le' hoofball isn't quite the same as long ball. I saw loads of attempts to play the unpassable passes over 30-40 yards, now that's what I call hoofball. To be fair tho, they didn't have much option other to. Reminds me of England in capellos reign, 2 nice passes then a silly long one (in competitive matches , they were fine in friendlies, unlike us)
  23. I'm sure he will, he looks a class act to me, if he can keep that Gallic flair under control
  24. Pardew did have them playing well and got thanked by selling Carroll for 35 and getting fuck all back really. Being devil's advocate, how much do you think its a case of : All new players been fed BS when they arrive and seeing its just a swapshop. I can well see Ashley spinning yarns promising investment and a growing club to them, then they see different. Pardew has had the rug pulled out from under him in so many different ways I bet he's totally fucked off too. Keegan, Houghton and anyone else who's touched us have all been undermined by the owner. Keegan, Houghton and pardew have all made statements along the lines of "I'm guaranteed a signing soon, or I've been assured we are buying this window" just to have his strongest players sold. It all lands at ashleys feet, he made Keegan look shit, shat all over the man who returned us to the premiership and now is making a clown of his new manager too. I have a lot of sympathy for the players and manager.
  25. Bit off topic, but what a bargain rob Elliot was! Unless that's a typo. Also, Enrique was sold cheaply given how he's developed at liverpool
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