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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Yep you got it trophy, horrible innit. But I think we all know the reasons that Pardew is a poor manager, but who do you think would take the job? Out of the bookies list above I dônt believe any of them would take the job, let alone do any better. My view is the better a coach does at NUFC the more likely he is to lose the players that perform. Ashley really is playing the club like a sports warehouse, and probably gets a hard on at the sums of money hes gambling with, buy at 5 mil, sell at 10+.
  2. I voted no. I believe we cannot attract anyone better and the best long term interests of the club are for Ashley to sell, which he'll only do if either the club makes a loss or his SD investors lose confidence in his brand. I've felt this way ever since hughton was sacked. Pardews track record is not one that shows any evidence he will get us out of the championship, in fact one that we may end up in league one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about thinking that but a big financial disaster seems the only way out for our abused and exploited club. I'll play along though, I reckon we'd only get someone like Michael Appleton, but after his Portsmouth experiences he's well prepared for Ashley regularly chopping and weakening his squad.
  3. I reckon you're off your head if you think Pardew is getting shipped out, and even more so if you think we'll get anyone even anywhere near his poor standard as a replacement. And why the Beardsley hate?? Unbelievable to me ....
  4. The bloke is shite... lol. ok then fella, whatever you say. Talk about extreme to extreme
  5. didn't bite ey.... well its a damn sight better than threads about it being too early to judge Rivere etc...
  6. I'll join this as I like a good HMRC conv with you ewark. I thought that footballers aren't contractors in the līmited company way anymore, HMRC and the FA put a stop to that back in 2012. Or am I mistaken? Also I was for many years a contractor paid into a LTD, and I was an employee , not of the end client but of the LTD. Tax, sick pay etc were all the LTD's responsibility, but ultimately (unless there was a MOO agreement in) the end client WAS tied to the contract terms of employment (cough, enagagement) so you could litigate for the full amount of pay if engagement terms were changed midway though. Bottom line for me is that Hatem is being harshly treated and if hes an employee as I believe all footballers now have to be, he could press for constructive dismissal, but if he is working through his own company then he can only really push for severance with his entire term paid up, bu is ūnlikely to win anything if the club can say he has acted unprofessionally. My 2 cents
  7. whs, though I think cabella has potential, need 20 games or so to judge
  8. Villa fans making themselves look like a set of twats
  9. I must be watching a different game, and yeah andrew, i meant a midfielder would be better in the box than him right now, fuck me williamsons made more space for himself in the box. Hes weak as fuck and constantly static behind defenders.
  10. Anita vs riviera for sub candidate, how the fuck does anita lose that. Wtf is he doing in that vid above?
  11. Well, rivieres just useless :/ hope its just the new league cos he's possibly the shittest striker I've seen in a while at nufc at the moment. Rofl at cabella to williamson in the box, great pass but williamson's volley attempt, he's daydreaming if he thinks he's scoring that, man.
  12. Jaanmat (?) has put in a good account of himself at least.
  13. A little harsh, fuck the premier league, fingers in eyes are never normal. Flat performance from the team though, gouffran must have ran twice as much as most players so far (towards his own goal) and yup riviere looks woeful
  14. stay as it makes fuck all difference whos manager with mike just after free advertising and his money back. To those saying we are the same as lots of other clubs, I dont remember anyone elses having lawsuits and publically recorded scandal than what was shown in the keegan trial. Anyone who would willingly work under that isn't worth having, thus we have pards for the foreseeable.
  15. Heh, interesting he said it before his testimonial rather than afterwards , I thought.
  16. I disagree, given hes using it as a platform for SD and hes egotisitical, he will if the media rightly mocks him.
  17. Lol, still with the defense of all this. I get to say I told you so to those giving me grief earlier in this thread. "i fully expect at least 2 transfers" being my personal fave. Now if only next window these peeps remember the previous ones and stop with the hopeless optimism. Ah well, as nufc.com says, if we dont get injuries we might stay up at least.
  18. Do we know this for a fact? I'm asking as he was publically vocal that he didnt want to leave and was forced. I thought Big Mike wouldn't be the sort of guy to stand for libel. That said, I dont have any links or docos to back that up, but I do remember reading it.
  19. bang on mate, that's my worry with all the french signings tbh.
  20. Oh really, I thought we had to pay him no matter what, if we are putting him in the reserves. If hes on strike then fine. It was a response to the stick him in the reserves comment
  21. Wages etc, why pay him when we can offload him for 10 mil and at least get 5 mil in ashleys pocket. He's clearly not interested in playing for us anymore.
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