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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Poor Gouffy, it's not his fault pardew wants a box to box left back and he just happens to play LM. Not lookin forward to this one, leicester haven't looked that bad so far. I wish he'd play with two strikers though.
  2. scoobos


    Post 206 and earlier. Whilst I agree that beheadings etc are happening in the african continent , I've seen nothing on this scale EVER, we are talking thousands man, every week. The evidence is appalling. France intervened in Mali shortly after a massacre of less than 200 civilians, IS have done thousands by the looks of it. South America doesn't even compare , what are you talking about there? (meant in the best possible way), whos killing / enslaving entire populations of towns ? I just feel its being played down a bit , although i've stopped looking at their stuff since it's been doing my head in!
  3. scoobos


    Hmm not so sure about that, the author boiled my blood pretty early on in the article with the phrase "everyone should just calm down".. When mass killings of civilians and beheadings of hundreds of children is happening, the last thing humanity should do is calm down. Very insensitive and stupid thing to say. It's like being aware of the holocaust during the stalingrad years and us saying, calm down, the russians will quell them. We obviously didnt know about the death camps at that time, and its a rather crude example, but fuck me , saying ignore it is sickening to me. Watched the vid in the link above, it was very interesting , but still in my view IS is not looking like a currently US funded organisation but more a child of tjay behaviour, that wants to revert to the pre CIA borders. Very good video though, Americans really should be force fed this stuff, it's appalling what they have done in the past. For me, most anti american sentiment in the world is brought on by their foreign policy and games, but it doesn't mitigate a need to clean up the mess and (I'm dreaming) expose the US as the instigator with evidence to the world afterwards.
  4. He looks much more of a tough nut without his hair like.
  5. My quick answer to the thread topic. REMEMBER YOU WORK FOR THE POPULACE and not the other way around you fucking crooks. Having lived in many different cultures and countries now, it's not fucking acceptable for england to pay such high taxation just to let you fuckers bolster GDP at the cost of the general populace's standard of living. Oh and Ewark, who the hell pays the 50p tax rate anyway? It's all dodged and corporation tax has been lowered year on year. Oh and don't get me started on HMRC and their fucking dinner deals with the multinationals. It's robbery. At least labour spent money on public services, even if it was more money than they had. Inflation has also been rising steadily and the personal allowance has NEVER been tied to inflation, which it bloody should be. Last point on a gvt. scam for the rich , increasing V.A.T to 20% and not increasing the flat rate schemes, so businesses charge 20% but only pass on 14.5 (at best) to HMRC. Corrupt and crooked as they come in westminster,
  6. Probably a bit old school, but Revolver by the beatles, for me like. Great album
  7. scoobos


    Thanks for the link, I'll watch it this week. Background aside, my concerns remain of the current status. As an insight to me, I hold multifaceted views on big politics, I wasn't popular after september the 11th as it happened shortly after I learned about the USA and Isreal, Lebanon and the fact that they irradiated their own people during the cold war. So I'm not carrying a one sided agenda, and I do think we can destroy them at the moment, but not with airstrikes or apathy. I want us to do what the French did in Mali but that boat is sailing as they grow in experience and power. That aside, the current position doesn't seem as controllable as people have comfort in thinking. I still doubt the us fund them as Islamic State, and daily see victories for them and losses for humanity. The famous troop running incident in Iraq that has led us to think that it's a matter of them being poor soilders, but the propoganda video from IS shows the big picture. They systemstically target leadership of the military and heads of departments in house to house searches before the assault, as they encircle positions very quickly in their shitty little jeeps. Once they are in the murders begin, the women get enslaved then they move on with some new recruits (or in IS terms, those that repent in the mosque meeting, after a short demonstration of street killing) Rantings again , but yeah I'll go watch that vid and stay off watching IS as i've become obssessed, maybe Island fever, I haven't been off in a year.
  8. Bit of an old thread bump, I just bought this for xbox one at a staggering cost of 100 cayman dollars (80 quid). On my xbox one it looks fook all like the e3 video and its a pretty dead city. All the npcs repeat the same damn lines over and over like a game from 5 years ago. Only 3 hours in but I hope it picks up, the online hacking game is pretty cool though!
  9. scoobos


    Ok. I hold a different view, I suppose time will tell. Good debate though. They are still very much active in syria and there are over 50,000 of them according to reports. 10,000 on baghdad today. I'm not sure they are money motivated, watching the leaders speeches, they remind me of the Khymer Rouge in that they seem very uneducated and to me they do seem motivated by ideology. The thing that struck me the most is that they dont seem to have any thought as to whos going to produce the things they need such as cars, technology etc if they get what they want. They expanded rather than got out, they want to restore the borders to pre- british / western borders. They want syria to iraq on all sides, they may well achieve this I reckon, then thats why I start to get a bit of a squeaky bum. A magazine they published this month has the IS flag on the vatican.
  10. God knows, I watched two episodes years ago and thought I work with enough Eton twats to watch them be stupid fuckwits on TV too.
  11. scoobos


    If that is so, then why did we lose afganistan?
  12. scoobos


    I knew osama was helped, but I mean in terms of isis and modern times, fighting the ruskies was decades ago, it's not relevant now is it? That history does not back the view given that they were armed to destabilise syria, which is of little value to us anyway.
  13. scoobos


    I don't understand the view that the US has been arming them. I've personally seen or read no evidence to suggest it either. They are stealing US equipment from the enemy, not being issued it. This whole syria thing seems misguided, when did we ever arm Al Q? The leadership of ISIS were all locked up by us in Iraq until 18 months ago, and separated from Al Q not by their choice either. Believing our <2000 (1608 ?) strong special forces could wipe over 50,000 troops is a bit bonkers too. if you watch any of their propoganda videos you see lots of them die, but they have taken US held positions when fighting alongside Al Q, and you can clearly see them rout the enemy. These airstrikes aren't working either, in last weeks vid, they were slaughtering kurds and laughing as the single jet plane flew overhead and took out one of their 30 or so jeeps. Sure its propaganda and I do accept that, but theres no fooling on the territory they control. I guess time will tell, I just worry that without free media , we are being fed a crock of shit on how we can change anything without a proper full scale ground war. It doesnt help that we've had a sham war on terror, that was really about the petro dollar and oil, now the real thing is rearing up and we are jaded. I know im ranting a little, but really I dont see any evidence to support the theories of US support (Turkey is looking dodgy tbh) and think this is just another darfur / mini holocaust scenario where the west has its eyes closed. When they are capturing soilders by the thousands and executing them, raiding houses of all the anti terrorism leaders and beheading them (co-incidentally in offices that we set up , further debunking the us support theory) and finally street to street raping and enslaving women, shooting all men who don't join and beheading children, something needs to be done in the name of humanity. All with the caveat of my opinion, but I do feel that sites like I've mentiined before are moral and that its immoral to not make the public aware of what has gone on, we did it post holocaust, lets not do it again post Islamic State. alright , im off me soapbox now !
  14. so sad seeing him without his hair, but a great effort from him.
  15. scoobos


    So nothing then? Well, after all the stuff i've seen and read over the past 6 months they scare the shit out of me. They are making nazi germany look moderate.
  16. scoobos


    the propaganda video I mentioned isn't ghoulish as such, its just showing it how it is, the reason I brought it up is that people seem to think this is a cooked up western non existent threat. Mock my view that IS is not a result of us bombing syria all you want. These guys have already fucked the kurdish fighters and are aiming for europe , primarily rome. They are nutters and need stamping out . Once they get their total border with europe and iran, its going to be a shit load harder to stop them. I'll bite Park Life and if I've been a tit I'll hold my hands up, but debating with "you are so factually wrong....." without actually contesting any statement or giving any indication of whats wrong, just suggests that you believe your VIEW is fact. Also, if you're going to use big words like moribund , learn what it means
  17. scoobos


    If anyones in any doubt of how scarily fucked these guys are, check out "clanging of the swords IV" , there's a subtitled version on live leak. Its very graphic, but its perhaps the best insight into their methods and strength.
  18. Is MINT! Finally a decent lord of the rings based game, it's got a top combat system and really dynamic rivals setup. Worth a go for anyone who might have dismissed it as a shitty film tie in.
  19. Xbox 360 + Xbox One: De Guvnor 1 Wii-U De-Guvnor
  20. scoobos


    With you Fish, i only read the last page of comments, so fair does. Rob, as much as I advocated your view during the aftermath of the gulf war, Islamic State is a different beast . The funding aspect is scary, and they are very very efficient. This isnt a case of stand back and they will stay in their back yards, imo. This is possibly the biggest threat of a world war in decades. Blaming the current state of syria on western bombing is absurd, we didnt do anything there for decades , and didnt even intervene when he was chemically bombing civilians. This isnt a simple arab vs western thing like Al Q. Islamic state are killing everyone who opposes, īncluding arabs. Look on the web at them beheading civilians outside mosques they are blowing up afterwards.
  21. scoobos


    The rush, Fish, is because thousands of innocent people are dying and in the most horrendous ways possible. Check on liveleak to see little 6 year old girls with no heads. After hitler and bosnia we know whats going to happen, with the added threat that they are a very real and immediate threat to Europe. This is baaad shit, makes Iraq and al q look like a street brawl.
  22. Forgive me, for playing devils advocate, but other than a couple of articles in the telegraph the only "traction" I'm seeing is that brainless commentators and pundits are putting it down to stupid geordies with short memories and over ambitious expectations. Not saying I agree, but its just another add to the soap opera of Newcastle for them. Not turning up is the only real protest and we're not going to see 30,000 people chuck their season ticket, and worse still, even if they did there's another 30,000 who would probably fill the seats anyway, great that we are so well supported but it's futile really and I fear if they do get their way it'll be bloody Joe Kinnear or Dennis Wise again anyway. Bottom line for me, is that our sport is rotting anyway and has been really since the inception of the premiership, there's simply too much money and no loyalty left in the top flight. What's happening to us is happening to others, albeit on a less offensive scale. Once players start earning more than 5 million a year in their mid twenties, the sporting body does nothing to kerb foreign ownership with no prior connection to clubs and takes back handers for the world cup to be held in Qatar, and we've got an owner who acts with pure resentment and hatred based on the geordie faithful scaring his son at a match. I reckon he's been fucking the club much more purposefully since then. If SackPardew wins, expect worse What we need is a sniper
  23. Careful now chaps, if Pardew does go, this is my tip for the next manager...
  24. Every time I see his second I am more impressed by the finish, looked hard as fuck to me.
  25. David, to answer, I meant that he's improved from a discipline perspective. I thought he was a liability for the first two years but hes kept his strength and lost the silly tackle rate.
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