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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. scoobos


    Might be a good move bringing cabella on.
  2. scoobos


    Cisse off for perez......
  3. scoobos


    Shit, game over for Obertan
  4. scoobos


    Bloody hell a formation change?
  5. scoobos


    what is it with the media and pardew?
  6. scoobos


    It's been too long since I was excited on match day. Who knows how it'll go, I reckon I'm still in shock over man city. No better time to meet liverpool at home though, they've been in a slump. Park Life's probably right ..
  7. scoobos


    Well, it's the definition of treason, so I say hang the fuckers. Really. Hang them or drug them. I'm one of those really annoying lefties too, but I think it's warranted
  8. As catmag says, I'd also say if you're fed up and have raised your objections and nothings changing then get another job. Whining (I know, it's not whining, its caring about your job. But as a manager you'll just fall into the trap of losing credibility if you keep complaining). From my experience, staff sending emails all the time is also a ball ache and I personally never look favourably on it, so I take that as poor advice. Always remember that you control your working life, raise your objections ONCE with HR. Make sure you note down an agenda for that meeting so that you don't ramble or get over emotional. When that doesn't work (I think HR is the most useless department ever for things like this), leave the job and get something better. No jobs worth being pissed off all your working week for.
  9. I always thought Obertan did have skill and speed, my problem with him is his football intelligence, he can dribble and has a bag of tricks but his passing and crossing used to be awful. If he's thinking to go himself and score that doesn't matter as much though does it?
  10. I missed it :/ ffs, but cheers for the goal links. Really pleased to see Sissoko doing well, he can be a rock for us if he stays beyond the Ashley regime,he'll be brilliant in a attacking team.
  11. Bugger, well that was an anti climax :/
  12. Thanks for the genuine belly laughs lads!
  13. A nice simple inflation graph for you is on the bbc website. Five years was a bad pick. It's pretty much the same as is was in 2000, but thats not counting thr figure fudging thats been going on. I think your average consumer will argue that prices certainly aren't just a few percent higher in 2013 as 2012, especially fuel and power. A massive redistribution of wealth has occurred and anything to defend the actions of the current government is hard to understand, if talking in terms of everyday people, from my perspective. GDP is not a measure of success in my view, standard of living increases are. Does anyone think standard of living has improved since 2004? Mine has, but only because I left. I live on a tiny island that has to import everything, electricity bill is 300 a MONTH, yet we can live and save here doing the same jobs, that we couldn't make ends meet with in the UK.
  14. Proper know it all aren't you ewerk? Be a good lad and try not to be quite so rude. Inflation lowest in years,, hehehe... which measurement you using you tory defending sloth. And while I'm biting back, you know fuck all about offshore or you're not very clever if you believe the shite about accountability. Bermuda, jersey, guernsey and all will never have accountability like that , lest the details of these funds and deals reach the public eye. According to you all we do is sell watches on the beach anyway remember?
  15. scoobos


    Well at least one good thing then, it will save us trying them for treason when they return, and if we don't then I've truly given up on Britain.
  16. Cheers for the link to the man city moments where he skins attackers under pressure.
  17. I hope not, I have a lot of respect for Nicky Butt, I wouldnt wish the job on him, you can't win with Ashley. If he gets a good side, then the best players will be shipped off and it will give him a bad win loss record. I still believe, as poor as Pardew is, that we could get Pep in and he'd be fucked too. All this talk of "well, its how it works in Europe", is it? Really? Name one other club thats sold off at least 2 key players season on season, without replacements in first?
  18. If Dyer's not lying and that's the real account of the fight, Lee Bowyer should knock him out. He said fuck all in the weeks after it happened and Bowyer was dragged through the media and became further labelled as a racist. Dyer said nowt to defend him, he was also making decisions above his station, the manager chooses who's good or not, not a single player. Knob. Looks to me like Bowyer just totally lost his temper after having the piss took out of him.
  19. scoobos


    Hopefully, I'm being proven wrong as IS have been pretty much kicked out of Kobani, by airstrikes and weapon drops. Hope so.
  20. Wow, nice work and another get out of jail for Pardew, who again has been shit.
  21. Too right stupid comment on why Obertan didnt look back when hes leading the run with 3 defenders round him...
  22. Wish I'd watched the sunderland game, they are getting a real battering
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