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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Scary thought. Just how far does this go? The Lord Mcalpine thing was very worrying, given he used the same debunking tactic he wrote in his fucking business advice book years before. Pub talk, but when I was working in London a few fellas were running a campaign in that swanky westminster bar on the water, that the 70's/80's tory "gay" was actually code for having a weakness for young children. Seemed to have some credence as they had tons of examples in the little booklet they were handing around, some of which have now come to light.
  2. Psychology would suggest that we can't get away from our primeval instincts. But yes, in spite of it we have it more controlled I reckon. So many studies suggest that even the most philanthropic individuals are still driven by selfish motives (be it they get pleasure, or they feel its necessary for future survival of offspring etc). Everybody at a base level fears the different , or the unknown, and that's a primer for racism. It's not racist to try and enforce your culture and language to economic migrants though imo. I've always followed customs of each country I've lived in a at least attempted to use the local language. I feel that England's neglect of this has been a mistake, we are losing identity and culture at an alarming rate imo. But is it all immigration, I think not, TV has a lot of blame.
  3. I'm not eligible to vote, but wouldn't vote ukip. The main reason being I haven't actually heard any concrete policy from them, as to how they will market to europe if we leave, what we will actually sell outside of financial services. As someone said, indian outsourcing has a very strong foothold in the city, as does cheap european labour in support services. I've never had a problem with immigration, as a many times migrant worker myself. What I do have a problem with, is manufacturing nothing, importing from europe and then talking about leaving the union. Another bee in my bonnet, is how completely uncontrolled our immigration is, and how easy it is. Every single country I've worked in has a more rigid immigration policy than our own with strict limits. Final annoyance is more cultural, e.g. when our government says we should allow certain behaviours because they areo cultural, when in fact they aren't cultural at all, its just ignorance on our part. NHS material, immigration forms and benefit applications in multiple languages for example. I've a story from Malaysia (most muslim country in the world) from a cleric in KL's biggest mosque, where he basically says that he knew Preston (even named the area, Deepdale) and said that many "crazy people" were not happy with Malaysia's tolerance to other religions, so bought and moved to an entire estate and built their own mosque. Not targetting muslims in particular, I just thought that was interesting and eye opening, that we are more tolerant to extremist religion than Malaysia. That's what I mean as a single example of how we are culturally ignorant. Same with the romant gypsies etc. Sorry for typos, on my tablet...
  4. Interesting, although I'm not quite in agreement that england have not deteriorated since the three foreigners rule, I seem to think they were in the quarter/semi finals of competitions more often. I also think a lot of english players are made to look better than they actually are due to the quality around them . But, yeah, as paddock said money's screwed the league. It's testament to the power of marketing that we say we have such a great league when, in reality there's so little competition,
  5. I thought it was clear enough from Jonas's very first statement to the Argentinan press. I know its very uncomfortable to believe it.... fuckers. Funny thing in the paper saying that Pardew is likely to point out that Jonas lost his place for months before being diagnosed... is that right? I didnt think so, I thought he was injured and then didnt return at near enough the time he went for treatment.
  6. Now that we are without Colo, Stephen Taylor.... there I said it. The defence has noticeably improved when he's been included, and dickhead goalie tricks aside he's put in a good account of himself.
  7. Totally agree with Fish, its an o'leary at leeds situation all over again. O'leary was smart enough to keep the new players in when the "first teamers" got fit again, unfortunately I don't have any faith Pardew won't revert...
  8. Did you have a favourite place on your cruise? I think they are good if you get on a cheap deal and you get a kind of sampler of places you've never been to for next times holiday. I know that the prices have crashed in the carribean, but they are really busy.
  9. scoobos


    Now the pakistani argument is a good one, and valid, but I do believe we take heed of international law and do try and look good for the UN , as no one wants another league of nations style collapse. I'm stepping out now, but I still don't believe its factually inaccurate to say we are at war with IS, its in all the papers if you search for the parliamentary debate you will find it. I'm not sure how me giving my views is saying im 100 godlike on the subject, but look in the mirror with your own posts.' But whatever, im out of this thread.
  10. scoobos


    The clues in the name ewerk and again with the abuse. Dont throw stones in glass houses mr no war since ww2, heh. I'm still waiting for your political comeback which you "will reply fully to on my return". Liking the war with IS, Vietnam (usa), Indonesia, to a buzzphrase "war on drugs" is invalid, of course you can have wars without fighting a country, you fight ideologies within a country. North Vietnam was not a sovereign state for example, there's liberation wars too. I find it grating how I can come on and give my views on any subject and you roll in with this "I am correct" attitude. But I don't have anything more comstructive to add really. Fish, bit of a mix mate, we get the US channels if you get satellite but the domestic is BBC world service and a local news that is mostly foreign office / governors news. I've found BBC world service news to actually be of a better quality than the real BBC for some reason. They tend to push a different agenda.
  11. Collapse, how societies choose to fail or succeed. Sounds boring but its really good. Another vote for Marabou Stork Nightmares though, I think its in my top 5 books of all time, just for its execution.
  12. scoobos


    No genuinely I'm not on the wind up, I hope ewark is though, with the no war declarations since ww2 comment. Whilst formal declarations on the radio are a thing of the past, a country has to make a declaration otherwise we would be breaking international law bombing anyone, which unlike Isreal and the US is something most countries take seriously. Islamic state is a self proclaimed (and possibly now very nearly) state, therefore we are at war. We've pretty publically declared war on IS though, which is why I'm a bit bamboozled. Even here in the carribean its been all over the media. Treason includes fighting for an enemy during war, co-incidentally I was happy to read that the house of lords are discussing the treason debate, as several of its members want treason charges against any returning fighters. I find it abhorrent that the the public are apathetic on genocide , in a world with far more open media than just 10 years ago, and also that the state would even consider allowing ANYONE whos been fighting with IS back in. Mothers appealing for sons to come home should know that hes getting arrested at the border. I quoted google meaning to find some factual references, which would of course be admissible as evidence, we may disagree but its a bit silly to try say anything that can be found via google cannot be cited, we'd be pretty fucked if that was the case. Not really got anything else to add here, I've had my soapbox moment.
  13. scoobos


    Havent declared war since WW2. Lol. So the 25 plus wars since then haven't happened.. nice to see remembrance day brings home more modern conflicts.. Korea, the falklands, operation desert storm, were just a game... a schoolkid can use wikipedia and see the history of war declarations.. I'll just agree to disagree on this one. I don't understand why the view is we aren't at war when it was officially discussed in parliament, so I bow out. Search any news site , e.g channel 4.
  14. scoobos


    Erm... yes we are at war. We declared war on them in the houses of parliament after the beheading of the UK citizens... sheesh, google it if you want. We don't bomb anyone we are not at war with, that would be against international law and the UN would be all over us. Thankfully we are doing quite well but it's shocking to me how some people seem to think that they are no threat when it's been publically stated, in their strategy to not stop until there is fighting in our streets. This is from the leaders speech back in May , hopefully he's in pieces as I write this though. I think the debacle of Iraq and the campaign in Afghanistan has numbed people and put IS at an advantage.
  15. Heh, I swear we're destined to have opposing views on some stuff. I thought Sammy did alright today I really did, it's his drive and enthusiasm, I reckon it gees on other players. After months of a team of water carriers we have someone who will run at the defence and look for interplay, but yes today he wasnt quite as strong. Totally agree with Cabella though, I remember hating Cabaye after his falling over, throwing his gloves off etc, but he soon hardened up, from the videos on the web Cabella seems to need players looking for quick passes and interplay again, shame him and Sammy have been on opposite flanks. Oh, happy to see sissoko get the armband when colo went off too
  16. I wouldn't put tiote back in, Pardews stumbled on a winning team and any changes would be daft. Looks like santon, tiote, gouffran, cisse and willo can warm the bench, which is a good position to be in imo. I can't believe I'm saying this but Dummett deserves a run in the team, some good play in the last few games. Surprised more people aren't putting the spotlight on Sammy, I think he's looking hard to handle and has some nice tricks up his sleeve.
  17. Have we stopped using stones as weights now? I'm 5 11 and I reckon around 15 stone, maybe 14.5. But fuck that, back to my Jerk Pork and Caybrew on the beach, 35 degrees today , I'll sweat it off.
  18. Brilliant goal from Perez, sack pardew might have to amend stats at this rate. I really had no belief that they'd continue to improve. Cabella looks soft, but so did Cabaye, I'm giving him time.
  19. What is it with pardew and the full back sub ?
  20. scoobos


    Sometimes on this forum, it appears that you really like to jump on certain posters with petty abuse, thanks for the attention. Fish, its a risk to the UK, jihad is not aimed at iraqi's. They want to control resources and build capability. All infidels are in their long term sights. My definition of treason would be to fight for an enemy of your home country. We are at war with these guys Glad that with such views of allowing genocide that we are in 2014 and not 1939.
  21. What is it with this Cab bel lar pronunciation from the commentators? Reckon we'll lose, but fingers crossed we keep the run going. Taylor's been alright , seems strange to change a winning team. Been very impressed with Sammy, much improved from a couple of years back.
  22. Yeah and so will the tax hike and compulsory drug testing at work and pre job interviews just like where I once lived, then you'll wish it was back to how it was now.
  23. Lol Gosling, being fickle is a newcastle fan stereotype is it? Spend weeks using long term stats to illustrate his lack of ability, then all of a sudden forget that on 4 games and "back him". And we wonder why the media has us down as actors in a soap opera.
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