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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. scoobos


    in my opinion there is no way Colo wrote this, it's constructed in a way that indicates a native english speaker. Someone wrote it and he agreed to put his name to it, at best. As others have said we've had much worse captains too.
  2. Agree with Fish. Also half these players arrived better players than they are after a spell with our coaches and managers. Gouffran poor lad, was an ok sub striker when he arrived, gets so much stick on here but it isn't his fault he's been bought on a lie and made to play all sorts of weird shit instead of just up front on goal. Janmatt, Krul, sissoko, tiote, Pérez, cabaye, cisse, ba, Anita, mbwia, santon were all very good buys imo, at good prices (maybe not Anita). The players clearly know more than we do about the internal workings of the club and what is said when they sign, and we all know how fucked we all feel. Christ, toon fans are boycotting matches, that's just as much a sign of having enough as our players have shown. We could have real Madrid squad in a year and Ashley would sell 7 of them in January if he made a few Mil. Our managers couldn't get a performance out of Messi atm.
  3. Last time I was open to getting relegated as I thought it would shed dead wood, Ashley would sell and we'd bounce back with shearer or Keegan. This time I'm dreading what seems a 50/50 , if we get relegated I don't think it will result in any ownership change and I also don't think we've got the squad morale to get back up. I don't think our players are as shit as some here think, I just think they've been just as tucked over as we have as fans. Sold a lie, no ambition for them or the club, the treatment of Jonas, carver as boss. Pérez, cabella, janmatt, krul, sissoko, cisse etc must be well fucked off. This time we don't have committed passionate players like Nolan etc, we've dissolutioned first time premiership players sold a lie of personal progression and easy moves into the top 8 clubs if they perform.
  4. ffs will we ever learn? we've already rid of Pardew which many wanted sacking and now look. sack carver and we'll have steve stone or beardsley in. Russian saying, if the fish is rotton its started from the head.
  5. Hate to sound all bleeding heart liberal, but someone living in Newcastle should raise this with the council to add to the pressure. Is peaceful protest an EU human right? They were great back when he was going to change St. James's.
  6. Garde???? Lol what a laff. Nothing like hopeless optimism.. If the likes of Mclaren and sherwood won't come why would garde? We will get either Carver or an old school relic whos been out of the game for years, or someone who's had a bad few years with a point to prove (michael appleton, poyet, curbishley? O leary etc) I wouldnt bet against them having already approached monkey's heed or dicanio, just to fuck us off.
  7. Yeah, I was thinking last time we got relegated that it could have a silver lining in him fucking off. If we drop this time though I doubt we'll bounce back and hopefully he will go, leaving the club at least saleable. I totally agree on the gambling point, I think Ashleys got 3 motives: 1. Generate revenue / advertising for Mash / Sports Direct 2. Play big money gambles with commodity football players, where else can he make 3 mil plus on one sale item? 3. Fuck over the Geordies for being so disrespectful (his view) in the early days. If we are relegated he'll still achieve 1 and 3........
  8. They can be in league two when I get home and I'll still be there. We are looking like relegation contenders this season, de jong's goal was nice tho.
  9. His run at Palace man.. Ewerk, it says Best 12 @ NUFC. That could be any 12, thats why I asked.
  10. If they're consecutive then fair enough thanks for clarifying. Pardew isn't anywhere near as shit as some on here would like us to think, I'm not saying he's top drawer, but writing his run off is a bit blinkered. The regimes the problem and now we're going to have even shitter than Pardew until Ashley dies or I do.
  11. On performances like that we're looking like a relegation candidate, just 7 points in it, or is my maths shite?
  12. harsh on here again, course we have players that care. What about jannmatt, colback, colo, perez, williamson, cabella , they all seem to be putting effort in? Turning on players for matters beyond their control. Some despondancy evident with the others
  13. Never added as I had nothing to contribute, but great post +1
  14. Ok, lets pick that apart. Are the Best 12 at nufc consecutive? The palace ones are, which is a harder achievement. same with the worst.
  15. I won't disagree with you there Fish.. I still get up at stupid o'clock to watch all the matches live tho, insanity.
  16. But thats my point man, Ashley is never going to appoint anyone like that. My view, but I truly believe that NUFC is nothing more than a money shifter and marketing tool for Ashley and that he's only bought it to further his retail empire. This has been obvious for years, I can't subscribe to optimism that anything will improve footballwise because football is probably NUFC's lowest priority.
  17. Howay, good post and I do hear and believe the same as you are saying about Pardew being a nightmare. BUT where I'm coming from is that Ashley always has been the problem and I genuinely think Pardew is better than we'll get with anyone else working under Ashley. That's really the angle I come from, some are adamant to try say he's total shite but he acheived more under the ashley regime than any other manager under him. Also to say that the city game was crap negative football, I just don't agree at all. Even Pardew was worse under Ashley. Long term at palace may prove me wrong mind.
  18. howayman I'd probably show to be honest, but I live in the caribbean now so won't be there. that said, I do concur with Mako. SackPardew was embarrassing how badly it failed and moreso the shite they were tweeting once he went.
  19. If we can embarrass him enough, without resorting to "cockney mafia" type comments he'll sell up and leave. He's an egotistical bastard, hurting his ego will work. But, I doubt we'll pull it off and instead look like crying babies who just dont like a southern owner, this fanbase plays into the media's hands far too often. Some of the comments made about the possible future managers are just crazy imo.
  20. I watched it and they were positive compared to newcastle and the fact that man city couldnt break down his team shows more than I think some are willing to admit. The newspaper reports listed are a selection, the mail (as much as I hate it) seem to be watching the same match I did. They worked their socks off and went out to win, positively. The angle I come from is that the fans view of sacking Pardew being a good thing shows a naivety I don't understand. He's the best we're going to get under Ashley. SackPardew and the movement against him gobsmacks me a bit, Pardew managed a kind of harmony with a bloke that must be impossible to get on with. Agree Gloom.
  21. For those on the forum that love stats, his palace record doesn't really reinforce the view that hes crap. Ashley is the disease, Pardew hasn't played a style anything like he did at nufc with palace. They outplayed city tonight.
  22. It should have been ashleyout from the start, sackpardew was a big mistake imo.
  23. Going to piss people off here, but anyone been watching the Palace games? It's much more positive than the football we ever played, and he's produced a good team out of a shower of shite. Putting pressure on him, rather than ashley will turn out to be a big mistake when O'Leary's in next year. (Who I thought was a good manager years ago, but he's been out for far too long)
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