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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. No word from the club? The papers were saying a Monday announcement, or have I missed something?
  2. We don't have McLaren yet.... If we get him, I'll be happy that at least we've got the very best we're ever going to get under Ashley. Not O'Leary, George Graham in an iron lung or a league 2 manager etc. Great post Trooper btw.
  3. Wishful thinking I reckon. Ashley's sky sports interview is more of the same, bullshit statements that have always made. It'll be McLaren, O'Leary, George Graham in an iron lung, or Michael Appleton... Hope, just for once, my limitless pessimism of Ashley and co proves wrong.
  4. I'm not sure the "Ashley model" is so bad, its just awful when the owner has no interest in football. being financially self sufficient and scouting promising european players for profit and club use is good. Ashleys got no balance tho, I'd be happy if we were selling on players but retaining a first eleven and perhaps that is possible with the club as it is today. It's Ashley thats the problem, if only he'd stuck to his original vision rather than biting at the quick profit everytime,
  5. I hope you're wrong Park Life, but I'm not sure you are either! I reckon every "for sale" of the club under ashley has been manufactured bullshit.
  6. Thanks for more abuse Ewark, much appreciated and once again unnecessary, but at least you didn't call me a cunt again. You're really good at contributing positivity to a newish member, I can see why this forum is so busy! But yeah, in my opinion, if he wants out and he can't sell he's more likely to sell everything and wind up than hold on and lose money. The 100 mil write off would hurt him as much as a bee sting with his wealth.
  7. lol, when I dnt want it to, it does.. ducking hell
  8. Yep im paranoid, but going down wont see Ashley going, but.... Say he did want rid after relegation, he'd ask far too much money and liquidate the fuck out of nufc and leave us for dead. soz gemmil, im on windows 10 on a surface pro and I cant for the life of me say fuck on a forum for some reason
  9. Holy duck it's coming to something when an nufc forum has people voting that they want relegation?
  10. After some of the shit you guys throw at conflicting opions, I can be as anne widdecomey as I like. It's alright for you to be snyde is it Ewark, but no one else? Mako, I agree. I wonder if you fucked Ashley off enough whether he'd get out demand his money and force the sale of everything, the stadium, training grounds and all assets just to put one up us. Looking at his behaviour anywhere else, he's carrot and stick and traps people. This loan that he's not taking back could well be used badly, e.g. give me my money back in 60 days or nufc gets wound up. Ashley's not the incompetent blunderer people would have me believe, he's a top grade snake and killer businessman. Since he knows little about football and has hired very few advisors on football, I think it's safe to say his buying of nufc has fuck all to do with it. I'll never say Pardews a good manager, I'm saying he was the best we could get and performed under Ashley. All that the clamour to get him sacked was misguided and against the interests of the club. (before you jump on that I mean he could keep us in the Premiership with the same ownership). When we get our next manager he'll be no better. The Ashley campaign is looking all too similar, IN MY OPINION boycotting won't work as the fans that leave will be replaced by new fans , unless you get 30,000 or more boycotting. Attacking his brand would be much more effective, some campaign against sports direct.
  11. Everyone should just wave the logo of Ashleys competition (JD / JJB / footlocker etc). try smuggle some in every single match to catch the media's eye and see where that takes us.
  12. A bit cunty, but I feel vindicated at some of the flames on here when I voted dont sack Pardew and defended him. I fear we are in a much worse position without him. The positive is that it may well get ashley to fuck off, but then I worry he's not taking his loan back so he can effectively wind the whole operation up by selling everything to recoup his cash. I'm not buying that Janmaat, Anita, Colback, cisse, Sissoko, Cabella, Perez etc are anywhere near as poor as Carver's making them look. They are decent footballers who've been conned into becoming warehouse commodities at a club that sold them a lie , have no ambition football wise and made international footballers train under a fookin numpty with no skill whatsoever. I think it would test Messi's morale and application (well, he'd just fuck off I reckon) ho hum, happy birthday to me and all that jazz
  13. Jonas , what a shame he didn't get a few years under Keegan. He's putting in a shift when others aren't yet again.
  14. I don't feel as confident as you Rayvin, we are only 2 points clear and 6 or 7 goals behind on goal difference even if we do draw.
  15. The ref is having a mare of a game too. First a clear shove with no ball contact in the box to Cabella, not even acknowledged, then a yellow for Barton winning the ball from Jonas.
  16. He's from maidenhead, well a posh little village nearby anyway. Maidenhead is categorically the worst place I have lived in the entire world, with many people just like him everywhere. cheap rich bastards with a disdain for anything or anyone worth less than a mil, or northern. just felt like sharing that.
  17. What happened to Desmond, used to post some canny jibes
  18. Nope. But, he does look creative, positive and hard working.
  19. I ducking despair sometimes, I really do. Thank duck I'm not paying taxes to that set of bastards. "We'll finish the job" by Cameron is ominous. Expect the NHS to be made to look like its failing worse than it is due to cuts, and be handed over to the private sector by 2019. who the tuck votes conservative?
  20. o'leary, dennis wise, peter reid, george graham, any other of that ilk... we're fucked lads. I really hope the boycotts go on forever till he's gone
  21. Yep, I know 3, one of which was at the 1966 world cup final when mags and mackams all chipped in and went down together! There's another guy who drives round with an NUFC numberplate on his sports car.
  22. Rare as rocking horse shit to see a football story in my local paper, but Newcastle have made it ! Seems the anti-Ashley movement is making waves, great news imo, as this is the way to hurt him, by his ego and reputational damage. Link here: http://www.compasscayman.com/caycompass/2015/05/06/With-no-ambition-and-a-revolt-by-fans,-Newcastle-in-free-fall/ It's an AP article, so its hit many US local papers too! Lets hope Ashley cares about the North American market!
  23. Fish, I'd replace the word negative with realistic. What historical evidence during Ashley's time do you have to say he'll appoint a good manager?
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