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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. lol I meant only in Saskatchewan in Canada you numpties. But a bit scary they're over in BC now, the hospital was adamant in 2005 ish that they were only in southern sas. A cassowary might well be a bird, but its a five foot high fooker with razor sharp claws and head. I really should read all posts in a thread before replying
  2. I'm happy with McLaren, as I've posted before , he's better than the best we could get under Ashley imo. A real surprise that he agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes the same way as Keegan though, as he's got lots of friends in high places and is no doubt being shat on as we speak.
  3. black widows are rare and only found in saskatchewan
  4. Got a few, though cheating death might be a bit strong. 1. Drunk as a student, thought I'd stick my finger in a live light socket to see if it was turned on. That was nasty. 2. Got bitten by a black widow on the toe while out hiking in Canada , got a blister the size of my foot - on my foot, then once the red burning rash reached my knee I panicked and finally went to the hospital, was told I was lucky it was my toe, anywhere on the chest and I'd be in trouble. 3. Whilst hitch hiking from my campsite to the hospital from above, had a bear encounter, it was scary but not really that dangerous. 4. Whilst hiking with 2 ladies in Oz, we were ambushed and chased down by a cassowary , I remember going super calm thinking we were dead and did the bear drill with it, which half worked. Managed to inch away after it had done a few charges at us. 5. Oh, I was ran over twice in one day when I was a kid, off my bike, the custom sports car had once of those licence plates that hangs under the car, which they reckon saved me from going underneath.
  5. I wish I was so certain, I was back in the day when we were promoted from the championship, but then he sacked Chris and its all been same old same old from there on in. There is no hope imo, or any credible evidence to suggest optimism isn't just blind. Only an insane person sees the same actions and expects different results. But that's what being an optimistic toon fan requires nowadays, borderline insanity. The thing I'm certain of, is that once Ashley dies or sells (probably not the latter) then things will get better and we might be a football club rather than a marketing business.
  6. Milner is the consummate professional, he's managed his career so well. I'm always chuffed for him, as he's a fantastic footballer and has been for years and years. How he's avoided the "golden boy" / "Englands best hope" media bollocks is beyond me. He should coach youngsters on career management when he's finished as a player.
  7. Too right DK. You'd think at 15 mil for Austin that already is good value! They are like the guy who tries to buy your car for 30% less than its advertised after turning up on the day saying he was bringing the asking price to buy it. Austin, if he has 2 good seasons, will easily go for more.
  8. If we weren't undergoing strife that's already a media circus, I'd honestly take Balotelli. Liverpools play style might not suit him, but he'd do well as an ego maniac with a team built round him. I reckon he'd do well with le'hoof ball.
  9. Can't quote on this forum for some reason, but: Nice one Monkey's
  10. The fabled July 1st has came and went, we're ducked. Don't know why I was so stupid as to get my hopes up that we'd even sign a single shite player by now (
  11. Fuck off it that needs evidence.. ffs
  12. Got a signed bottletop shirt with Keegan, Harper, Didi Hamann , Laurent Robert, Shearer, Harper and others. Signed Blue Star asics top by Keegan (last weekend) signed photo of Keegans first newcastle goal against QPR, do I win?
  13. Agreed, I also wonder about these "injuries" as Ashley's been known to make players feign injury during negotiations with buyers.
  14. Ffs..... There shouldn't be tumbleweeds this far into the break.
  15. Cisse's fuckin top class in my book mind, we'd see that if it wasn't for the squad / pardew.
  16. I don't know CT, watching the same old pattern with the worst squad we've had under Ashley is bad for my health.
  17. Fuck me lads, we're not getting anyone are we?
  18. Yeah, the paper took one so I have to wait until its published before I get it. Got my Robson era shirt signed by him, ran out of space now though, got a Newcastle First Goal photo (against QPR) signed and another replica blue star shirt. Was nice to chat to him though, he is a fun loving fella.
  19. Brilliant night, it was like a comedy show lots of laughter. CT sorry, he didn't remember. I dared ask NJS's question and got a very long answer with lots of anecdotes, and I was on my 2nd bucket of caybrew - here's snippets of the answer: He would have got behind Alex ferguson in 96 to be in pictures with his face so unhappy after the 5-0 win. (lots of jibes at man u and ferguson through it, although he did keep saying he respected him BUT) In 95/96 he wouldn't have stopped the rant, "I may have lost it a bit there" but I meant it and I wouldn't change it. He told a story about Steve Watson saying he was a great lad, but not the brightest - keegan asked before a match (think stoke, sorry was pissed?) for Watson to let his man see the inside, his opposing player was weaker on that foot and would try come across him. Keegan said "now I thought any footballer would understand that". Each time Steve's man ran at him, he just stepped aside and let him run through the inside, going on to score twice. Team were 2 nil down at half time At Half Time Keegan said sorry lad, but why would you let him just run through you like that, get your kit off and get in the bath, your games over today. Then having sent him off looking all gutted, Mcdermott comes in and says that another key defender has a strain and needs to be taken off , can't play the second half. So Keegan had to go back with his tail between his legs and tell steve to get his kit on again and get ready for the 2nd half. Went on to lose 3-0 There was loads of stories all through, and the general impression I got is Keegan's a bit bitter about the whole Man U saga, He enjoyed ribbing Ferguson and Cantona in the changing room area after the 5-0 and made many mentions of man u's ability to rule goals offside or use extra time for dodgy penalties etc. Was very funny. My question was a boring one, best and worst players He said he wouldnt say the worst one, but then did - 10,000 signing in league 2? at Newcastle who could tackle but couldn't do anything with the ball. Best was a few, but he specifically named Ginola as the most skilled and Rob Lee . Can elaborate if anyones interested.
  20. Pessimistic predictions from me on signings. Austin will go elsewhere. 2 strikers, 1 under 20 with potential and 1 unproven European who's quite good (a' la Ba, Cisse etc) 1 defender . Fully expect Tiote and Cisse in the 1st team next year, with some fuckin "like a new signing" bullocks peddled. Not much speculation on names I know, but to be honest I haven't known who any of our signings have been before they came, other than Anita.
  21. Got the ticket, everyone will eat with Kevin and then have a chat / autograph session. That got me thinking, other than 1 thing I've got no questions to ask really, if anyone on here has a burning question they've always wanted to ask Keegan, let me know and I'll do my best to get them asked when I meet him. Right..... another wank I think.
  22. http://compasscayman.com/caycompass/2015/06/05/Keegan-buzz-kicks-in/ ​ I just spunked a little bit.
  23. As long as it's not a case of "not getting him over the line", actually part of me hopes he's making Ashley work for it , giving his demands perhaps. He's got to want to sort the coaching out and he'll have a style he wants to build to.
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