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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. @@David Kelly - I hear you, but when it comes to buying 2 defenders or a CB and an attacker, I'd go with the former. I rate Cisse and Perez, De Jong's around, and we've got Gino too - so for me there's 4 attacking players that are alright. I think our attacker situation has looked worse only due to Pardew and Carvers' preference to le hoof ball. Put service to Cisse and Perez's feet and they'll score loads I reckon. I can't say the same defence wise - I rate Janmaat (who's had some poor games) and that's about it. Willo, Taylor and Colo just aren't good enough. Haidara's ok, but then that's all our strength and depth innit?
  2. Colback's alright isn't he? I agree completely though, I'd sell 80% of the squad before Anita.
  3. I thought it already had?
  4. I'll try again , 3rd time lucky. Is this it lads? 1 "super signing" and then duck all else? Poor Gino's going to be gutted if he's the only one. I don't care about strikers or midfielders , we desperately need 2 CB's , Colo, Willo and Taylor just aren't good enough.
  5. @@Andrew -- here's one place I saw it. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/steve-mcclaren-plans-lead-newcastle-9648354 ffs why can't I cut and paste in this forum.....\ Btw, I'm not saying I don' think the man we don't mention anymore isn't a wanker.
  6. Yeah fair enough kitman. I was just comparing to a few years back when I could last be arsed to watch pre season (think it was Keegan under Ashley era, but could be mistaken). Sissoko baffles me though, with his back holding puffing and panting malarkey. RE: the McLaren "style" thing, it's too early to say , but I defo noticed a big change as far as playing the ball across the floor much more often.
  7. I watched the full 90 and agree with everyone else really. Although it is pre-season I was surprised some players got a full 90 - but the fitness level and sharpness looked woeful - worse than the last pre season campaign I watched. Colback and Anita had decent games, Sissoko's goal was lucky, wouldn't have flown in the premiership. One thing not mentioned - does anyone else notice Sissoko's almost constant feigning of injury? Does he have a problem with his lower back or what?? He was doing it all last season in every game, puffing , holding his back and walking like hes been rammed up the arse.
  8. Ok MF, I won't mention him again. I never said owt about 5th though tbh and I'm not saying he's a good manager, I'm saying that the baying wolves wanting him fired and expecting DeBoer or bloody Moyles to come and replace him were mad. I'm over the moon we've got McClaren as imo he's far better than what I thought was within Ashleys reach. Your "scoobos is a shit fan who's happy that Newcastle are shit cos its proved you right in a forum topic" bollox just goes to prove what I'm saying about having a contrary view igniting a flood of unwarranted shite. I've no beef with you, but having a counter opinion resulting in that sort of reply is a bit shit. McClaren - when talking about having "no confusion" over his role as head coach, he mentions his job is the same as before, get players in, coach them , increase their value. That says to me that little has changed
  9. Strawb no neeeeeed man. I hear u fish, but look back through this thread and you'll see me say getting rid will result in us getting worse, which we did. Mclaren is already quoted as saying his mandate is to increase player value, whilst he's a better manager, you could have fergie work under Ashley and struggle.
  10. And that's what I'm talking about , the whole bracketed (I doubt in your case) bollocks. I'm a fan through and through. Lets see ey? Of course I want McLaren to do well, I'm a fan of him to be honest - but I'm fucked if I'm saying that ridding of Pardew solved much, In fact it got us Carver. If McLaren can do better than Keegan & Pardew I'd be happy, but with Ashley I doubt it. He'll fuck him over and have his people write statements for him just as before, in fact I reckon his first statement has already continued this trend. Of course I want to be optimistic and see the club do well. But then I can't be very optimistic because I don't believe that anything has truly changed. I'd bet money that Pardew will do better at Palace this year than he did at Newcastle (5th aside).
  11. heh same response as last time then. Well I don't give a shit, I'm sticking to my guns. You can't still use the "the team hasn't been Pardewed yet" response at the end of next season mind. I might be a sucker, but maybe Ashley has changed a little bit and let McLaren do a good job too.
  12. Whilst I wasn't exactly endeared to him, I didn't really understand the sackpardew movement, as it needed to be rid of Ashley really. But I've banged on about that enough, he's gone now and thankfully I've been proven wrong that we couldn't get anyone better as McLaren and Pardew are worlds apart in my opinion of them. This season at Palace will show him more fairly though, whos to say his stupid behavior and tactics weren't related to the endless shite he must have endured working under Mike. The juries out for me, I was surprised with the tactics he used at Palace last year - especially against Man City where they had a go (yet many forum members on here went apeshit saying they played really negatively)
  13. Christ Fish, some of your posts have gone WAY WAY over the line..
  14. That's my gripe, I don't think he can control the aggression. I'm also probably in a minority, but I'd rather Anita gets a "first choice" run for at least 20 games as I want to see him recreate his form prior to coming to nufc.
  15. Yup pointless having friendlies in the US. Nearly as pointless as having Tiote in the squad.
  16. I reckon / hope he'll play: ----------Cisse-----, Perez, -----------Cabella, -----Gino, Colback or Sissoko------ ----- Anita OR Colback ----- I've never rated Tiote tbh.
  17. It's an absolute disgrace that the tories have won a majority. I've not seen much mention of the fact that these "12bn savings " are not financing any imaginary deficit reduction / repayment, as he's also slashed corporation tax and the bank levies , to the tune of approx. 2.8bn per year for the next 5 years... (stats from my mate, but I believe him) Redistribution of wealth at its very worst. The big shocker I've heard of, is that the working tax credit change doesn't stop there, there's an IT Team outsourced and commissioned right now to REMOVE the functionality from the systems.. This will ensure that it can't easily be re-instated without substantial cost and another IT project. That says it all to me, it's slash and burn on the welfare state . Anyone who didn't vote should be ashamed. It's about time we did what Oz does and force everyone to vote, even if its just no confidence. I believe that the tories won't privatise as such, they'll set each area to fail, e.g the NHS and then say they are "increasing exposure to the private sector" and wait for the whole public side to fall over. <off soapbox>
  18. I'm going to try the same trick twice. It's depressing that we're buying no one, the best we can get this year will be Adam Johnstone or Teddy Sheringham. We're getting relegated lads and buying no one. <sits and waits>
  19. He'll also do well sat behind a striker in a Beardsley type role. Many people think he'd be just as effective as a CF
  20. And that's how long it took. If it all goes to shit at least I got sumthing out of it.
  21. I should fire off a rant more often. A wank, I think
  22. Lol you bastards, stop updating this thread if there's nowt going on. I'll repeat myself, I reckon we're fucked. We're getting no-one, or a chance "low value" player at best. What a waste of Carr's scouting ability, he's given some good targets in the past and we always ignore em, put a stupid bid in, or just buy the cheapest "less good" player on his list. What a fucking joke, I hope no fucker goes to the matches next year and Ashley's little sky sports speech gets ridiculed.
  23. Any player who goes on strike whilst being punted around like an item of furniture under Ashley, is ok by me. Sour grapes I think. Another season starts soon, and another one where I'll be amazed if we don't get relegated.
  24. Ashley's hopefully shot himself in the foot now I hope, making a rare public appearance on Sky Sports speaking shite. Now the media sees him doing what he's done to us for years. I really hope they tear him a new one.
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