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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. A bit late, but Spot on GingerQuiff.. Had a raging row with my mate over him shouting that all the bloody time...
  2. Heh, No shearer and Beardsley were World Class players, Anita is a great player, a league 2 player is a decent player...
  3. Bit harsh on Sissoko I reckon, especially given the shit he's put up with and the lies he's been fed. I'm more surprised when a foreign signing DOESN'T lose his enthusiasm than those that do, given that the club systematically feeds everyone bullshit. Selling ANY 1st team player is a big mistake imo, if we don't get replacements. Outside of CM we are paper thin. I fucking hate Tiote and think he's fantastically overrated by many fans, but I wouldn't want to see him go at the moment either, too short on DM. That said, if Mike really has changed (doubt it) and McLaren ends up lasting more than 1.5 seasons (again doubt it) there's plenty of potential for Sissoko to improve both mentally and technically. Say what you like about McLaren, but he's got coaching pedigree.
  4. 2 away games and over 200 home ones I reckon, have only been about 5 times since 1999 though
  5. I wouldn't put Tiote in over Colback, despite how midrange he is. I'd rather they both didn't play, Tiote will be likely to get sent off when he gets skinned over and over. Agree with ANS on the defense, but it all depends what head Colo/Wurzel puts on for the day. I really hope for a result here, suddenly it's looking like we have the potential for a good team again, but it's a big ask against a strong Arsenal side.
  6. Not a bad finish to last season either, he's a great player imo. Sure he's tiny but you don't have to be a brick shithouse if you're comfortable on the ball and a good tackler, which I think he is.
  7. Drinking with a Nice fan at the moment, seen the last two games and he's been cracking in both of them... Doesn't look to have suffered at all from his time out!
  8. Nice article mate. A good read. We'll get fucked over again, don't you worry.
  9. That's 1 goal and 2 assists for the new boy.
  10. Tiote yellow card and pen given away already... Knobber. next tiote slag update in 15 mins.
  11. The Tottenham figure is pretty impressive. Just goes to show what having just 1 young star can do to a team. 56 mil profit. Ashely's wet dream.
  12. I reckon he's right, given a choice why would you hire someone more likely to be absent?
  13. Slower pace than the last game, but the change in play style is more obvious. Early yet (15 mins in) but Aarons has looked fit and sharp and Gino gets a goal after 6 mins. Let in a shocker. Lol... 2 in now... oh dear
  14. Thing I remember about Owen is he was constantly unavailable for the toon, but EVERY fucking time he got an England callup he was magically fit and available.
  15. Yeah paye to their own companies. End tax Spam
  16. lol. I just hope he keeps that fucking horrendous celebration away... We get enough shit from the media at this club without him licking klunge in front of the wee bairns.
  17. I bet he isn't paying 4% tax let alone 40. His agent will be much more savvy than that. Which footballer does PAYE???? He'll have a LTD company or a conglomerate he joins. Don't get me started on football clubs either, they turn massive profits but pay very little in Corp tax. Have a search on "bing" for footballers tax dodge. Newcastle paid zero tax in 2012 and 2011 apparently, but neither did most other clubs. Blackpool paid 100,000 on 21 mil profit Anyhoo, sorry for bringing up tax.
  18. I don't think he can get a work permit??? Rules changed didn't they to only the "top 20" nations or something? Looks like a fantastic addition to me though. I also concur with the sentiment that Taylor is a better defender than most credit him with. His behavior and injury status are a different thing tho.
  19. What a great last few pages, thanks for the smiles during a slow afternoon at work . I have to ask though, whats this chilled grape stuff all about? Tried searching, but its been mentioned in so many posts I can't find the origin.
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