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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Haydnator : "what would my team be without sissoko" My answer - Better.
  2. Shteve was saying he was his number one man just a few months ago - wonder how this went down behind the scenes. Again, I'm ranting on the recruitment policy, but I think he was a massive missed opportunity for us, he does look like he could be a quality player - I find it hard to blame a lot of these French targets for their attitudes. I had a job a few years ago I moved countries for , only to find out the whole sales pitch was a lie , and I pulled a sissoko - no guilt. if we're bringing em in cheap , with promises of "play well and you'll move on to a great team" , then what do we expect. Only the true "rounded and finished" players we've bought haven't pulled this kind of thing. (I'm thinking Cabaye, Mbwia, Santon and Anita) Cabaye did pull a trick, but again it's hard to blame him given the bullshit we feed these people. Ashley/Charnley will probably see this a win, they've got good money for him there.
  3. Cheers Ant, can't do links for some reason, he's on fire at the moment.
  4. At least you can copy and paste , no matter what browser I use on this site, no luck... Even quotes don't work for this kid.
  5. Youtube "the hatem ben arfa show Week 8 2015/1016".. End of.
  6. I'll step right through you boyo, if you start knocking MSFT. Now give me some acestream links biatch.
  7. Gemmil, wtf is wrong with Edge? Browser snob. I cant get Kobi in my region for some stupid reason. Been tough this year to get decent acestreams too, since the great site went down last year. Any other options on finding acestreams? It's been really difficult for me to get anything half decent on island this season :/
  8. RE: Ginola, Keegan told us a couple of months ago that Ginola was the most talented and hard working player he has worked with as a Manager. End Of. (he also added that Ginola couldn't pass on his skills in training because it was just a natural thing he did without thinking about it, so he couldn't explain to his trainees how to perform some of his off the ball / first touch skills).
  9. erm, I don't think he meant from history. Arfa is class, the club fucked him over. End of.
  10. Who the hell is that? looks like a 70's doctor who on crystal meth.
  11. All this talk of ridding of McLaren is making my skin crawl. Who the fuck do the "McLaren needs to go after x months" brigade think that we are going to hire? I mean seriously, it's only going to get worse all this anger at the manager. He's been here about 3 months and getting the blame for years of bad business management decisions.
  12. Yeah, good point that, Gino was sharp in pre-season and a threat all the time - he's already looking nulled.
  13. mmmmm. calling for sacking already , here we go. personally, I find it hard to judge Carr - if you look at the players he's suggested - we don't know whether he's presenting them as 1st 2nd 3rd choices or what , Arfa, cabaya, Ba and remy were all premiership class from day 1. It's our management and board that ruin them imo. So many gave Arfa stick for his attitude, but we just don't know what lines these players are fed when they are bought, and what makes a player get selected - is it ability / psychology / fitness or what? Arfa the "fatty" is still running at defenders and scoring wondergoals , when many are ready to dismiss him as a misfit who left at his own fault, not the clubs. Just singling out Arfa as I thought he was one of the most gifted players we've had since Ginola. As someone's already said, there's got to be something badly wrong at the club for us to lose to Weds reserves.
  14. "bringing Newcastle fans back home" how the fuck should I be in the pub watching the game when there is no pub.... If I want to stream it on the beach and text I will herr commandant. In other news, they'd better fucking win this one like, its starting to take the piss.
  15. ffs, yes its funny - but its sending completely the wrong fucking message to the player.. Oh its all just a fucking laugh , the fact we've bought you and you've fucked up your own start with some fuckin stupid cards already. If it was the first time with his red , sure give him the benefit - but the fucker can't last more than 20 minutes . I'd already be reading him the riot act, new kid or not. Shape up or GTFO
  16. Forget Tiote, he's not worth it .. Have to say in response to my own comment. No , it isn't too early to say the formation doesn't work. Not with Colback anyway.
  17. Same Gloom, Why sissoko over perez ? Saying 4 2 3 1 doesn't work is a bit premature . It's going to take games to get these lot away from the years of Carver / Pardew coaching. Hell of a goal mind. Hope the lads can kick on from this, early days. Need a win here though.
  18. Someone made a comment a few years back that seems to be coming true - someone wants Football to be a non contact and therefore more higher scoring game. Every tackle is becoming a foul.. Mitrovic doesn't help himself though, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a card for his hideous fanny lick celebration, should we ever see it.
  19. Any sort of Agent for that matter, same applies to Estate and Recruitment agents.
  20. Agree that it's been ok, but I see a fair few positions in immediate need of addressing, if we are to play players in their proper positions.
  21. Best window under Ashley, hands down. I bet they tried their damn hardest to offload: Tiote, Dummett, Perez and Cisse, though. I'm still totally skeptical that anythings changed in the boardroom though, just got a few more red label players in that we hope will go purple. Though how the fuck we got Gino is anyones guess, he's a hell of a player.
  22. If only it was a slave kid in Taiwan, that's too expensive for Ashley.... On topic, this is brilliant and I love the design. I'll be getting some, once Ashley's lawsuit falls on it's arse.
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