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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. The way I see it tho Howay is we have no players other than what he's putting out. So many have no heart or tie to the club because that's what they've come for, get in the premier league be seen , be sold. We're buying on that principle .. I still think we are playing better football than the last 2 seasons, problem is better than really dire isn't enough. Signings this year have been good , cabella/thauvin aside. Until he has decent options he doesn't take I can't see what the problem with selection is...
  2. Having a go at McLaren now! Fuck me, we're lucky to have him with Ashley and were probably among the worst squads in the league full of cheap crocked / attitude / prospects to make Ashley's cock hard with his accounts. Players did look totally unfit or demoralised after 40 mins.. Getting the sack for losing to Leicester, with 29 goals scored, first in league, leading goalscorer, unbeaten in 6 (5 wins 1 draw).... Mackem forum fodder this like.
  3. Wilnajdum is in the top 5 point scoring midfielders in FF, he's hardly been non existent for the season. Very low mood on here today. No ones scored more goals than Leicester and our best midfielder is anonymous apparently...
  4. no end product again and some panicky play. Gloom you've got be being sarcastic , losing at home to Leicester effs? They're top of the league man! Howay, don't you think the defence is at least better? We're not getting hammered at least.
  5. They all donate their money to charity don't they? I thought that was the deal.
  6. I never said that, I said from what he says so far (which has been very little tbh) he very much sees himself as an ex-NUFC player above all else.
  7. to the bbc post. It fucks me off so much reading such arrogant shit as that. Saying "England are second tier" is so disrespectful to so many clubs. Look, if you FUCKING QUALIFY for the world cup or euros, then you most certainly are in the top tier you fucking muppet. those that didn't qualify might be 2nd third forth tier. Bet the authors a fucking yank. Winners and losers and that's it.
  8. Funny that, I know a lot of people went with that view. But he speaks SO Highly of bobby it's weird. Either he's racked with guilt, or we've all been fed bullshit
  9. If you're watching Im a celeb , he's mentioned the toon a few times, and no other clubs. He definately shares your view Alex (apart from the cheek bit). The silverware comment is too true isn't it? I think he's still black and white.
  10. Anything that gets us westerners seriously thinking about ISIS and stopping the fuckers is a good thing. End of.
  11. "if they are out on the pitch, they can win you games" - that's the bottom line for me. To put any of our squad at that time ahead of him was just idiotic management.
  12. Unfortunately as I've approached 40 I'm not doing any of those 3 things.
  13. It's swings and roundabouts mate, you'll get a good spell - as soon as my contract killer feeds Mike his own fat arse. When I was younger than you are now, I was living in Harrogate near Leeds and a toon fan travelling up every weekend. Back then we were facing complete obliteration as a club , and Leeds were winning the premiership (division 1 back then) and getting into the champions league. I got a LOT of stick , but look now how things can change so much. Man city did something even worse and look at them now. It'll come , now stop feeling sorry for yourself , wash yer nads and get out and get some lasses like I was at your age. heh.
  14. I edited before you posted that Fish... but again, Ben Arfa is the best player we've had in years. End of.
  15. It's a nice place, bit old but I liked it a lot. Good drink too. Easy win for the toon. 6-0
  16. Ben Arfa is not an exponentially poorer player than any of our signings. Ben Arfa is a legend - End Of. Oh hold on, I'm misunderstanding. You're saying they're all poorer than Arfa, if so , sorry. If not - you can shove yer stat spreadsheets right up yer ring.
  17. I don't see why he shouldn't have a future here, especially given some of the shite we have on the bench up front (Riviere I'm looking at you)
  18. been of this link - but what a clanger - thanks for pointing that out. Connect 5... ffs.
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