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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Take the piss out of Willo's return, but if its to SACK colo out the fucking first team after his last 2 matches, I'm all for it. Willo > Colo ... Can't believe I'm thinking that, but it's true. Colo's career at Newcastle should be over now, the fact he's stayed on a year and kept the armband has discredited him in my book, he's on the take. He has to know he's shit.... < stop rant >
  2. I think 50 quid is fair, it takes an hour to setup and 15 quid for the stick. Time is money after all.
  3. If he isn't I am. Get some jam on em and let me bring me bees.
  4. Agree with you Hayd, I am still gutted about how they treated Hughton, I'm fairly confident we'd be a better club if we just hadn't rid of him and had him up until now. I don't give a fuck if we're in league one if I can watch the games, and support them without feeling like a total fuckin mug. Still think everyone's being harsh on McLaren like. He's still above what I thought was in our reach. I hope he gets to stay no matter what for at least 24 months. Like I've said a million times before, my own view is no fucker can do any better with these players, recruitment strategy and board. Seeing Keegan this year just made it even more so, he said so so much more than I've ever heard , when he knew theres no media allowed in the room.
  5. For posting that I forgive you. You tiny tadger'ed fuckwit. Do you work for GHCQ ? My knackers are indeed MASSIVE
  6. he's right though. Even though we're getting fucking rolled by everyone we're still trying to play better football than last year. Id rather try play the way they are (or realistically CANT) and lose , hoping the players are learning. Fucking shocking how shit some of our players are. Poor Steve...
  7. This sort of post is embarrassing to the club , any hack gets on here and it's oh aye, fickle geordies again. We could have Ferguson with this regime and he'd struggle. Not condoing Gemmil's ban attempt by the way. Should ban people who call for bans... oh shit... didn't think that through.
  8. Oh well that's alright then... So glad we didn't think the same about the Nazis I mean, who gives a damn if humans are dying as long as its not your country/continent ey. God help me for questioning happy face data, but that seems very low globally given we've reports of 10000 yhadzi's abducted and murdered in the past 2 years. What about book harem too, they've done thousands in too. 17000 seems far too low. Funny how American attacks don't count as terrorism, I can't think of anything more terrifying than living as an innocent civilian under 24/7 drone flyovers
  9. you're so clever, how do you find time to post here when you're doing a better job than Interpol, the cia, KGB and ghcq put together?
  10. Makom, Russia have had ground forces in Syria for over 2 years now. They call them "specialists" but they are a little more hands on than that. The rest is said with such authority I'd love to know how you've managed to outdo the entire world's intelligence services. "the rebels" ey? Who would they be then? History is dumb like that?? Huh.... past events have an IQ? Do you have a qualification in history, or is Wikipedia and Google all we need? Oh and intervention in Cambodia cost more lives did it? Same for america and russia joining ww2, that cost more too did it? Well tuck we may as well just cut our own throats and save lives eh.. Muppetry at its finest.
  11. Because shit coaches hold jobs for years at Manchester United with Alex Ferguson and get international team management jobs.
  12. I hear you Billy, but what "options" would he have, with what's on the bench?
  13. Too right howay Colo needs taking off, worst I've ever seen from him, so slow bad decisions , diving in for everything.
  14. Here we go again, it's all Steve's fault when its really almost fuck all to do with him. Yey! Lets get another manager that's going to change absolutely none of the clubs problems.
  15. Back on topic. I agree with Corbyn but for entirely different reasons. It's my belief that wars like this are not winnable without massive ground forces and support forces behind them to hold territory and help the population rebuild (e.g UN, Red Cross, NGO's etc). Vietnam, Afghanistan etc etc all show just how hard it is to defeat an enemy like this - conventional war doesn't work. Air support is supposed to be exactly that, support to ground troops and naval vessels - it's fuck all use blowing up 3 IS ragheads with a 100,000 quid bomb and dismembering some poor fuckers dad whos just there with his livestock or whatever the fuck. I believe no to airstrikes , as its been put forward now (as airstrikes then some imaginary co-ordinated "friendly" other bunch of local yocals do the ground offensive). So, my perhaps controversial thought is that we need to do what we did in the 2nd world war all over again, and back the lesser of the two evils (e.g. Soviet Russia with Stalin, vs Nazi Germany with hitler). Yes to full co-operation with Russia and Assad . With the full public eye and co-operation on Russian military actions, its going to be hard for Assad to be quite as much a monster as he is without us watching. It's fuckin horrible to even type, but its the only chance in hell we've got of really destroying Islamic State and not just fuelling more recruits with the absolutely massive "collateral damage" that airstrikes on populated areas does. (hate that term) The US are currently using Thermobaric bombs out there, Russia are using them too, but not anywhere near Assad held territories.
  16. You know what CT? I always had you down as a genuine guy who just spoke his mind and opinion , which , of course you're entitled to. I didn't really subscribe to the "he just says anything to wind everyone up" thoughts. But saying Cameron is the best PM in your lifetime, that's done it. You have to be trolling. he's among the fucking worst in mine - unless you're a multi millionaire with a vested interest in the development of china and other emerging markets , you're trolling. What good have those cunts done for the UK in their term? Name 1 fucking thing.
  17. Yeah get fucked essenbee you total cunt, don't use a dead man for a cheap jibe. I think the club should do more tbh, something should happen on the 5th year if only to raise awareness of mental health.
  18. I don't understand Colo keeping the armband, and have scratched my head for over a year on it. He doesn't communicate with the players, he doesn't play particularly well himself and is as guilty as anyone of having a lack of enthusiasm or drive to win a game. There's 5 players I'd pick as skipper in front of him, perhaps there's some kind of obligation or something? Very harsh on McLaren with the change of play style he's trying to put in, we are losing but the last 2 games aside, they've looked so much better with a passing game , than under Pardew or Carver.​ That said, as many of you say, he knew what he was getting into. The sudden decline of performances in players is a major worry though, Gino was on fire when he arrived and his head's already gone down.
  19. I'll always remember him a bit sadly, he had such potential but he never truly recovered from his injury.
  20. There are over 190 countries in the world. if the "top tier" consists of only 1 country (the one that won) then I'll accept that. Otherwise its arrogant pish.
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