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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I think people are expecting miracles. Under Carver we went so far backwards theres no way we're going to instantly bounce back on a manager change. We'll win this one, they are turning a corner. Once they are consistent playing basic passing football, then I hope Steve will move away from 2 DFMs every game. In my view he hasn't the squad to do anything else and they can't even get the basics right some of the time.
  2. NUFC over 38 games since Ashley arrived, not NUFC after Ashley's 38th game. Massaging statistics. End of. To the Pardew quote "We always knew there was a quality player......" Yeah you and the rest of Europe you feckin wanker.
  3. good point. I really hope they fuck him over, but it's the Tory dream to operate like he does innit?
  4. Wow didn't know about the rebrand - it's miles better than the XMBC I knew back in 2010. But sccchhhh everyone, I don't want to lose the easiest Premiership access I've ever had! (most other sites / protocols are traffic shaped as the island only has 2 submarine pipes for internet)
  5. How can he comply with employment laws when he's not paying minimum wage... sheesh.
  6. Fuck yeah! He didn't go far enough! Forget HMRC lets have him some jailtime. Or put him on a fire and set fireworks off.
  7. After Sunday, I've got faith in the manager's selection. I was not happy with the starting 11, but everyone's getting games under their belt up front and he had them motivated. Just think the players really do need coaching, but still they show that they can play much better than they ever did under Pardew.
  8. The axis are good, as it's relevant to Pardew and doesn't make claims to cover periods longer than what it is actually covering. Signed off. End Of.
  9. fuck off if Acuna was better than Anita. Holy fuck I wanted him to do so well as it reflected on Bobby but he was proper useless. Did score a goal though that I think I remember. End of discussion.
  10. doesn't matter who his appointment was, fact is Sam was manager when he bought the club. If you're going to throw charts about then its important thenx and y axis are correct 100%. My pet hate ...
  11. Anita is underrated on this forum, you're all sizist bastards. Colbacks the shite one . End of. Oh and Cisse is a lesser aerial threat than SdJ .... really? End of.
  12. Happy Face - huh? Keegan wasn't here when Ashley arrived, fat sam was. Hughton looks mint on that graph.
  13. @@Monkeys Fist - If it was St. Peters church (near Stadium of Light / University building) , it may well be. Ah bugger, someone else has posted it :/ St Peters is very historic, I think the oldest settlement of man in the UK was also found very close to the site on the coast - shame that the people there haven't moved on much.
  14. That's brilliant. "Even Peter Barlows wedding vows are more reliable than this ref"
  15. LG are pretty well made and seem excellent value for money. I prefer my new one to my Panasonic plasma, which cost 3 times as much as the 42" LG I just got . Smart TV / WebOS is excellent too
  16. I don't think that's built into Kodi. I've been very impressed with it on my surface pro - much better than XMBC etc.
  17. I read the match thread on rtg yesterday, as it was linked in the Liverpool match thread - was appalled by the comments regarding the MH17 disaster. Absolutely inexcusable "geordies are just doing for attention seeking etc".
  18. Dummetts alright at centre back, or has been when I've seen him. Gets a rough ride here, how many really strong Left Backs are there in the premiership? Like Left wingers, they're rare imo.
  19. Fucking get in ! Cisse has never been able to hold the ball up, but he's better than he gets credit for as a goalscorer, he just hardly ever gets the defence splitting pass he needs (like cabaye could do, for example). Anyhoo, what a match - fully expected them to cave in for the second half. Biggest thing I got out of this, say what you want about McLaren, but he's got to be a better actual coach than anything we've had in years, because our corners actually reached their targets! Ok we didn't score from them but I don't think our players are ever expecting the ball to make it past the first man! Really hope they keep the energy and effort up, I'm forgetting history and waiting till the next match.
  20. scoobos


    After the last two games I think he's absolutely past it.
  21. scoobos


    That can't be any worse than what he already offers, despite trying. He's so past it and it's a bit sad really, he could have left with the same kind of affection as Jonas had. But wear the captains armband and you can't take the piss like he does. Totally past it, he must know it.
  22. McLaren > Colo , lets have him do 30 mins at the end when we're 10 nil down. Lets see if he has "what it takes"
  23. rename site to AshleyGTFOyoufatcheatingrobbingcuntofaman.com imo.
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