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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Any takers to get some flowers sent to Pav from the forum? I'm happy to donate if someones got a bucket for this kind of thing (charity giving website etc) Pav's funeral address is on nufc.com - Floraqueen.com do deliveries in the Czech Republic.
  2. Mbabu isn't available is he? ​What I'm trying to say and still think is the case , is: we don't have the players either in the squad, or available. I thought Gino was an Attacking midfielder tbh. I think Thauvin and Dummet on the left would mean we get crucified on the left. Thauvin and Mbabu might work as they are both pacey. Combine that with not having 2 DM's trying to do 1DM's job and we'd just fail completely. I'd rather we played some kind of football and lost 1-0 to west brom than fold completely and lose 3 or 4 like we did at the end of last season. Not having a go like, just frustrated with reading all this "we are picking the wrong players" , as we only have 13 players to pick from atm, thanks to Ashleys cunterism.
  3. All this playing players in their correct places patter. Well who then? and where? Dummets all we have at left back at the moment. He's playing Perez either behind the striker or on the wing, which are his positions Anita and colback are correct Who's replacing Sissoko? I might be being a stupid twat but I just don't understand who in our squad can enable McLaren to "play everyone in their natural positions" We've got like 4 defenders (counting Colo) and 7 centre midfielders and 3 strikers in the (first team) squad. The likes of Thauvin etc are brand new to the league, the team, I think its a huge gamble when you're getting bummed every week to throw him in and drop someone like Sissoko or Perez. That said, it might work better than when sissoko is on a cant be arsed day.
  4. I don't think the style has changed tbh Haydnator, I think its more likely the players are responding to coaching and he's able to put a little bit more on it week on week. They were truly unable to play passing football when he arrived imo, now we can pass at least a bit , it's time to try and get them to find some kind of creativity.... I really can't put anything on McLaren - are the players playing better football than last year, I think yes, but the results are worse. I'd honestly prefer worse results and at least a bit of hope that this shower of shite can develop under a half decent coach. This McLaren hating scares me tbh, I can't believe he took the job and is a better coach than anything else we'll get under Ashley!
  5. yeah, watch the players all step up to "how the fuck can you play like that against Arsenal and not WBA" level and squeak a win.
  6. Worse than Pardew is very harsh, I think they are playing a much better style of football, they are just shit at it. Like someone who's quit smoking, I think memories of pain fade too quickly and you forget just how horrid it was! Can't blame McLaren for setting up the way he does as he has fuck all options to do anything different imo. If DeJong, mitrovic and co are going to miss sitters every game what can you do? DeJong and Mitrovics efforts were absolute sitters.
  7. Agree with Dickie and Fish , again there are positives in there, I was impressed with how they got spanked in the first quarter but the heads stayed up and the effort went in. Unlucky not to get a point and I still just enjoy watching them play football in possession, they just aren't quite there yet. Lets see in 4 more games, no point whining at relegation if it happens its happened because the players aren't up to it. 1 thing I will moan about is commentators! Ffs the drivel they come out with, and whatever happened to the old phrase "they need time to gel" all of a sudden its new players in January will save them. No one we are going to buy is going to give instant results, its the playerbase we have now that has to make the grade.
  8. A blow though to the Ashley out campaign. This will work, unless the media can somehow latch onto the fact we're selling tickets for 2.50 through desperation.
  9. scoobos


    My fave bit is the finding of the mass grave of JarJar's with plastic toys shoved up their arses.
  10. huh? well that shows how out of date I am, I thought he was at Roma.
  11. ooo, controversial, he's a good player whos gone on to do well isn't he? Not his fault he had a shit manager who never picked him consistently.
  12. and in with Mouriho. Not sure if Alex would be happy or sad with that.
  13. I'm of a different opinion regarding McLaren's "Game Plan" in that I don't think hes got one as such, more a "Team coaching plan" - play this style until they can string 5 passes together, water carrying, trying to retain possession - then introduce more freedom of movement and forward play when he thinks they can manage to play 75 minutes of consistent "do nothing" football. In all honesty, I don't think they are there yet. All theory but reading between the lines with McLaren's "pass 6 times thing" it's like exercises we used to do in coaching with pro coaches. I don't think he's got the tools to be doing advanced game plans is what I'm saying, play this way at home, play this way away - until the guys have got the bloody basics nailed. Still infinitely better than Pardew. End Of.
  14. Not sure how true it is, but one of the local rags is saying that he was out and alone for 20 minutes at least :/ But the paramedics did manage to resuscitate him so hopefully he was conscious for most of that time. tragic.
  15. scoobos


    I have to say I quite liked the film and didn't know half the tragedy of his life. Really tore me up like, which was a bit embarrassing on my flight back home from the UK (knew everyone on the plane and booing like a baby).
  16. Aye but most were saying that about this season, don't get me wrong I'm not his fan - but the results haven't been so bad - just further re-enforces to me that Ashley's strategy is the real source of the rot. The fact he's getting better play out of that sack of shite is saying something.
  17. Landed on his feet with these new owners perhaps? Still waiting for Palace to go to shit mind. It's not quite happening yet.
  18. Legend, doesn't sound good though
  19. SDJ just isnt going to make it, that was shola esque that like Agree with selection though, if your players cant play for 90 minutes then play them for less, hoping for some energy and goals in the last 30.
  20. Hope it's not called off! Nice play cool, just flung his boot at it. Lol trophyshy
  21. If Cisse is in the shop window he's not giving the best impression. Why can't he ever learn how the offside rule works??
  22. I think cisse first is alright , fully expect to see Perez and mitro by the end.
  23. Good start so far. Playing half decent football again.
  24. @@The Fish - big timezone differences, Re; expecting miracles - I think expecting McLaren to have any kind of noticeable impact as far as results and individual work ethics go, in the first 3 months is expecting a miracle. The results have been horrible, no way of talking our way out of that, but the play style is different and I'm happy on that front alone. I really do mean that I'm happier at least trying to play football properly than watching the utter fucking dross that Pard and Carver brought us. We need new players, now that's expecting a miracle too, I reckon we'll get fuck all in in January, McLaren will get the hump and away to shite we go again. Ffs, there goes my newfound optimism.
  25. Guivarch was utter shite. Cort was alright until he started his career long injury boomerangs. But yeah, has to be Owen.
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