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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I want them to buy someone I don't rate - like Jonjo Shelvey again.
  2. If 8 mil is the real figure, we've done very very well
  3. @@David Kelly - What do you mean by "we'll play him in the same position he was playing in when we were scouting him" If we do , it will be a rarity, I thought we always did the opposite and play them out of their position. We've destroyed an ok CF in Gouffy.
  4. Ah that's a good point, the French kid. My fault, I've already written him off as yet another shite with potential, if he's good hes gone in 6 months type of signings.
  5. Glad he's gone tbh, but again we are selling without replacing (we need to get Colback out of the first team until he improves / is coached). I know jonjo might be seen as a replacement for Tiote, but I'm not convinced - he's more a first XI replacement for either Anita or Colback ??
  6. So who was Steve's in the last? Gino? (I think Gino could be a fuckin legend here)
  7. But we are playing decent football mostly - that's where the optimism is for me. The results will come once the consistency of performance is predictable. I do think they are getting there, definite progression month on month. Good to have matches where I think "shit , we were unlucky to get nothing out of that, we played them off the field" A big change from winning a match that was shit and negative and seeing players actually getting worse month on month.
  8. I'd like to write a big angry rant, but all I can add is - seriously??? what the fuck.....
  9. Sorry I was on the Jet , sometimes it makes me forget I don't live in the future.
  10. Henri Saivet. Another French midfielder when we sorely needed a striker and went on to get relegated two years running.
  11. Ok, now hopefully the floodgates open for our forwards. Really impressed , but again I don't think they played much better than they did for the past few games, but they got a result. Should have won really.
  12. As long as he replaces Colback and not Anita, I'm happy. Bit underwhelming though.
  13. scoobos

    David Bowie

    I remember family guy showing the whole video in 1 episode, it's that fucked!
  14. They are still playing better than anything I've seen in recent years though. Getting very frustrating now - I really hope its a confidence thing and as soon as Mitrovic and Thauvin actutally score the floodgates open. Created so many chances in the last two games, through positive, passing play. call me a dick, but I seriously prefer my team to be playing football and losing than playing the absolute shite we had under Pards. Steve really needs choices, I thought the lineup was good but he's nothing on the bench.
  15. Say what you like - he will make an immediate impact at the mackams. I'm the last man to be hyping up their players, but this lad isn't shite or unproven by any means. He's the captain of the under 21 Germany side isn't he? That's when I saw him a couple of years ago (I work with a German football nut)
  16. Look who the Mackams have landed! -> Jan Kirchhoff... Have to admit to that rattling me. Exactly what we need and willing to go to a club in the wrong end of the table in the North East.
  17. It's all a big lie innit - they feed it to the managers too - how many times was Keegan / Pardew etc embarrassed by the "big signings coming soon, I've been assured" statements?
  18. I like the idea of getting youngsters in, especially of this calibre. But its not going to help anyone when they come here and have their morale destroyed by the fans and club pitching them as an answer to any first team squad problems. I think this is an issue with perez for example, yes he's a brilliant youngster but throwing him in as a key player when fighting relegation isn't going to help anyone. (I love Perez btw, but we'd be much better developing him if he didn't have so much expectation on him. I think this is where Steve is making his selections , trying to protect these guys (thauvin, iranu, and perez)
  19. On a heartbeat I'd take him with the squad we have. Very unlikely either he'd want to return or we'd pay for him. If its premiership I'd put my money on Palace, he's one of Cabaye's best buddies isn't he?
  20. Well, the "recruitment" team are doing a great job. Here's a half decent player who fits all of Ashley's requirements for 5 fookin mil. Marko Grujic - 5.1 mil - 4 years at Liverpool.
  21. Deja Vu and I'm fucked if I'm falling for any of it - This will break Steve , like it has every other manager with the exception of Pardew. We will buy fuck all other than some obscure french kid who had a good year a while ago and is now struggling at this current club. I bet Charnley or whatever he's caleld, shit himsel when Lyon accepted the offer.
  22. Fuck me, judging by this thread we're all super charged for this match!!
  23. I'd do her, and wipe my knob on Mike's curtains afterwards.
  24. cisse crocked for 3 months. Remy available on loan. We're ducked. Can we even field a "second team"?
  25. We sent the flowers, miserable old bastard :-) and we'll do a collection too.
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