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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. wtf, please tell me that wasn't riviere I saw.
  2. Premier League Pass has technical difficulties... well fuck what a great afternoon.
  3. It's like Pardews mind controlling him. Worst strategy I've seen under McLaren - are they man marking ? zonal? Not pressing? Countering I mean fuck - what are they doing, they're just never getting closer than 2 feet to a player. Jonjo just chased a player down then in midfield and started slowing before he was even 5 foot to him .
  4. wow well so much for my prediction
  5. @trooper - I'm not sure about the KK style thing, although KK's sides leaked goals I think we had the best defenders we've ever had , with the exception of Woodgate and perhaps membembababaabaa . If KK had our back 4 he'd struggle to put more in than we leaked.
  6. My prediction: Everton count as a "big club" so we'll perform well and probably win comfortably.
  7. Agree with Gemmill, where's the old favourite saying of the pundits' gone? - "Players need a season to gel in a team" - got pretty irratating how much they used it, but it does hold some truth. Who've we signed to give such confidence? I see a foreign striker on loan (not purchased) who may or may not do well Andros who's played what? Less than 5 premiership games in a year (that's not a fact, its just my guess) Shelvey - out of favour at Swansea and not technically strong either. Even if we'd bought 3 first team regular premiership players, expecting an immediate impact that the manager is fully accountable - for me, is a bit manic. Just look at teams like Man U and Arsenal etc - it takes months for new players to adapt. Edit : - ok on re-read that's a bit whingy -> what I'm over the moon with in this window is Perez signing a new contract. This lad , if he can stay with Mitro and Gini has amazing potential. (in fact, I think he's already very handy as a number 10 or wide forward)
  8. Another guy I don't think's worth it - hopefully I'll get proved wrong again.
  9. heh, was just reading the chronicle article on D day for Berahniososiniooo - "Newcastle United's interest in West Brom striker Saido Berahino is coming to a head and may be decided in the next 48 hours" .. Erm ok you don't say .. so in other words it may be decided by the time the window closes? I think its over lads tbh. I can smell the usual Bullshit coming our way. if we wanted Saido we'd have put a decent bid in and be talking by now, its all the usual smoke and mirrors - we've had our lot and anyone whos bid for can probably go. I don't see any bidders this window though ...
  10. Looking a very real possibility I'm parroting on here, but it's such a shame when they are playing more attractive football. If mitro gets a goal it could all change though, despite his absolutely shocking misses of late, I still see a great player in there somewhere. Problem is, I've been happy with him because of his strength and hold up play, but on Saturday that wasn't there either.
  11. lol its been a few years since I heard a David Seaman joke, just as good now as they were then. When Beckham scores I drink becks, when scholes scores I drink SKOL, thank god david seaman was a goalie.
  12. Lol ewark 9 out of ten - how many years is that 10/15? And I think Bobby's team with Lineker, and Gazza, Shilton (with seamen in reserve?) was just a little bit better than anything we've had since. England is a shit international team and has deteriorated steadily for many years or competitions. I'm still smarting about the watch selling comment.
  13. Well ewark, I would and Englands performances in these competitions (out as soon as elimination is possible) show that qualifying is already an achievement
  14. Bit late to the game, but I wouldn't change the starting XI to include either of these players. I'd drop dummet from LB and put that mbabu or whatever there, other than that I'd drop Colback over anita any day - Anita and Shelvey is the future! (I know no one here rates Anita, but for some reason I always think he's a good player everytime I see him). Again railing against the concensus, I'm happy to put Perez on the right (he's comfortable there) and bring Gino behind Mitrovic, as Gino's runs are always dangerous.
  15. "McLaren isn't an innovative coach" I think thousands of Man united fans from the glory years along with the Manager would disagree passionately with that statement. I don't understand the hate the fella gets, the England job is a poisoned chalice because of the fans expectations - England are shite and have been since the mid 80's.
  16. "It takes a lot of mental strength to keep doing that so I'm delighted we got what we deserved in the end" Really like that statement, I think its very true and I am genuinely impressed with the change to attitude and playstyle that McLaren is slowly giving us. Such a shame that everyone else above him is a total cunt.
  17. Yeah strawb cos when you're fleeing a civil war you get the same chance of organising things... its likely she had little choice.
  18. He's decent now, in my book, End of.
  19. I like Taylor, it's a shame he's an injury prone absentee - One of those that I file under "could have been great" . Very few players can go through so many injuries and still be PL standard, I regard Taylor to be bottom end of that. Woodgate and Darren Anderton were exceptions I suppose, as they were mint even though they were fragile.
  20. I'm hoping that these players are to give a bit of depth rather than replace. I'd prefer RadgeVic over Berahino if Berahino doesn't instantly whack them in. Mitrovic's strength is key to our sides style at the moment, scoring or not. Townsend is going to be shite (I said that about Jonjo) so I don't care if he's in or out or on for 10 minutes at the end of each match for 6 months.
  21. Just reading about him, 1 hell of a back story and for every negative there's 4 positives.
  22. Loved the "black rimmed glasses" comment, well observed!
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