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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Edit - townsend thompson same fuckin thing I agree with DK <edit> my view is if we could manage to keep "new fans" away from St james and the existing season ticket holders just don't show up for 2 games in a row, the media will get right on his back. There was no better opportunity than when the media were on to his Sports Direct sweatshop, with MP's on the news discussing it - for AshleyOut to really go for the jugular. But getting a co-ordinated effort in footie fans is like herding cats , it seems. Do something like everyone go to the match, but don't enter the stadium, just sit on the bank and block the buses / cars exiting the stadium, just fucking anything really.
  2. I never said it was English I said it was an English trend. Nowhere else in the world I visited last year had bottles of the stuff in every fuckin house. Oooo it's like champagne but cheaper..... ffs. Sparkling wine is sparkling wine. bad day at the office.... now fuck off getting on poor Steve's back the lot of you and give the old bastard a chance.
  3. wtf is chateaubriand ? is this another one of those cringeworthy English trends , like proscecco or whatever the fuck its called that everyone was drinking when I visited last year? I'm not really convinced we've seen McLaren "enjoy" freedom in the transfer market, hes still only 1 guy out of 4 decision makers. Mitro , Shelvey and Thompson may well be his choices, but who knows really?
  4. No love for my Jimmy Johnson post sniff.
  5. I don't think anyone in the Premiership has problems similar to our own. My view is that the FA should be creating rules to limit who can run a football club that's registered with them. I don't know of another club in the Premiership that is setup as a free advertising mechanism / secondary business and has had all of its retail arms handed over to the owners own companies. Ashley doesn't give a fuck about success, he's taking the piss and laughing all the way to the bank, he's no scruples what so ever. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he enjoys just squeaking through, if only to fuck over the fans who try to intimidate him. (not quite as close as this year though) I thought McLaren was above what we could reasonably get, he is (just) an experienced and established manager. I think its too much of a gamble for a "young" up and coming manager - believe it or not, I know a manager of this ilk, whos doing particularly well in the lower leagues. Taking a job like Newcastle would constrain him too much and if he failed due to Charnley / Ashley it could well destroy his career if the responsibility is pinned on him.
  6. I said we HAD no chance of getting Garde back then, but now we probably do have a chance (thus the "maybe not now tho!") comment, as he's had a howler and will soon be out of work with his reputation damaged. the team got worse under him.
  7. How quickly you forget just how horrible we were to watch under Pardew, or Carver. It'll take a very long time before we're that god awful again. Worse than under allardyce Mio.
  8. taking the pies out of predictive text is low. You big hairy nipple
  9. Fair enough, but why think positive about a situation that quite clearly isn't. I'm well past stage 1 of bereavement, denial, Until Ashley goes its down down down. That said, I'd have thought that by supporting McLaren you'd think I was positive and not defeatist? It's defeatist to say the managers shit get him out, after half a season. There's been at least 4 games this season where we have played better and got points, than we ever did in the last four.
  10. Sorry I was dizzy with all this talk of shaved pubs. You cock
  11. come on then Howmanheyman - tell me when, under Ashley, we appointed a manager who was a step up? We can say Joe Kinnear's replacement, but he had a heart attack and came back as Director of Football to do even more damage. We're all entitled to our opinions sure, but , how don't you see a better style of football under him? How is it "useless" to take over a heap of shit like Carver left and in 6 months have them passing to feet and running with the ball? Everyone screaming for Garde, who we had absolutely fuck all chance of getting (maybe not now tho!) - and look what he's managed ?
  12. RE: our form hasn't improved so sacking Pardew wasn't the answer. Personally, I think it's harsh. Especially given that after 4 years of Pardew we put in bloody Carver to do even more damage. 4 years of a business plummeting , with a CEO who leaves, then they replace him with a senior non exec manager . Who would expect the company to start performing competitively after a new CEO being at the helm for 6 months? Why are we doing the same? For the first time in my life I'm believing the anti Newcastle hype of unreasonable expectations. Money spent or not, we're talking about doing a 360 from what has been drilled into most of these players for nearly 5 years. How the hell we avoided relegation last year is anyone's guess, Steve has inherited a relegation team, not a decent mid table team who nearly got relegated against the run, but a pure shite team playing pure shite long ball, defense first, football. There is improvement , but not results. FUCK wrong thread!
  13. Why is he blacked up? And is that the theme of the day on the forum or something?
  14. I don't think he'll be replaced and if he does , gawd only knows what lesser has been we are going to get.
  15. fuck, just seen this injury report. There goes my Taylor and Mitrovic CB dream :/
  16. He needs to try keep morale up, hes akin to that Iraqi defence minister. But he can't come out and say "we're shit , we need vast improvement quickly etc" as most of our players will play at hiding and not being held responsible for errors. I expect any manager to make statements like the above, he's little option. I bet he's fucking raging that he didn't get any defenders or a striker (Doumba really is a smokescreen imo).
  17. Alright, toon fan aside. ANY club, ANY that is found to do this needs punishment from the FA .
  18. scoobos


    Taylor and Ragevic at CB. That's a winning combo.
  19. scoobos


    fuck. its like a curse is on us (or hopefully fat mike). Taylor's back right in time, as usual.
  20. Great article that. I need a Happy Face graph to show if we have actually "spent" anything though , in terms of Ashley investment. I bleated on in the McLaren thread about this, but 80mil is not the same buying power as it was even 2 years ago . I don't see 80 mil in two windows, with the increased tv rights money as "putting the wheels on the cart" or whatever. It buys you nowt really. Wasn't it the aussies who put a law in saying that you can't own a football club unless you have a direct attachment or show by proof of investment? something needs to be done, the council are opposed, the public are opposed and no one likes to see this sort of ownership.
  21. Every day this trial goes on it gets worse... disgusting.
  22. I think its a bit harsh again on here. Do you want the manager to say the players are all shit and be all depressed? He needs to try and keep spirits up and keep the players onside in coaching to actually get them to learn how to play again. all this 80 mil talk, yep its a lot of money, and a few years ago it's a lot of money as far as transfers go, but now its fuck all - clubs are spunking that sum on ONE player. If you want a world class player you're paying 80 mil plus some. I'm keeping the faith, Saturday was shocking , but I can't blame McLaren for not having defenders as I still think he's got very little to do with transfers. Getting Shelvey, Mitrovic and Townsend were probably his only "purely independent" decisions. So disappointed... I really don't want us going back to hoofball in order to get results.
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