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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Seriously, if we got Pearson, I'd feel the same that I did when McLaren arrived "ooo, he's a bit better than what I thought was within our reach / would work with Cashley" The decent ones are dreamworld.
  2. lol you folks love teasing yourselves don't you? as if we'll get fuckin Moyes or Benetiz man, its paper talk. Fuckin rednapp or Sherwood if anyone off that list, I'd rather McLaren stays.
  3. Well, what a shit show. You all know I think about the manager, but to have the players take 2 days off since the last match is inexcusable. This leadership is a fucking joke.
  4. Kitman with you except the OAP bit - experience is what is wanted isn't it? If you're saying all old people are slow or have memory loss you can kiss mine. we have a team of scouts right? or is it seriously just Carr?
  5. I was really optimistic this year, to be honest every year before, since Pardew came, I've bet on relegation (I know, I know)....
  6. All I hope for is a miracle and somehow for things to turn around. I think Shearer hit it dead on. I cant see a manager change happening, and I don't see the Manager as actually having any real difference, its the regime that's rotton and mr S is on the board too. It's likely he'll lose coach job, but stay on the board! An insane situation. Team selection aside - it was the same core of reliable players that put in a stint again (and unfortunately for some on here, Colback was one of them) - Jaanmatt, Elliot, Taylor, Mitrovic (kind of), Colback , Shelvey were our team at the weekend. 6 out of 11 isn't good enough.
  7. Truly horrible comments being made over there like.
  8. OMG people defending Ashley. I'm shocked, seriously I am. Cronies means his mates GPirlo, he's defo doing that, they've got salaries - I didn't know that Ashley didn't take a salary and find it hard to believe tbh. He gets free advertising for SD - has stolen the retail arm - do you have any idea how much this is worth if it was a salary? I'd rather the fucker took a salary!
  9. You could have used that post, albeit with different players, at any point in the last 4 years and it would have fit. Ashley's doing the club no favours, he's helping his cronies and leeching this club to death. yes it was good what he did straight after buying , but that was just to stabilise us financially and have a platform to build his business brands on. Which he has done magnificently , its selling lots of his brands.
  10. Yeah I get what I'm given when I go cos I'm buying on the day or borrowing a mates .
  11. I hear you DK, I do mate, I just have lost this really, in the last season and seeing the fans bay at a Manager who I think has made us play a better style at most times. Your defeatist is my just seeing it how I think it is. I KNOW that Ashley is fucking my club, that's the one thing I do know. But hes done it for years and years now - so I have no reason to think that they are going to start making good decisions, its a downward spiral to me. Ok, I'm miles away, when AshleyOut started, I got more optimistic; but to me it just looked like "awww the stewards took our banners away" , how injust! And then really just a bit of fannying on. It should be a defeaning chorus of Anti-Ashley chants, with singers buying tickets in each section to get them going. They can't take peoples voices away and there's 40,000 regular fans in there - why isn't it? It pissed me off to see some of the stuff on the Stoke thread , with people baying at McClaren. Why cant we just for weeks on end send a strong vocal message to the media and apply pressure on what we really need to change, instead of what we're doing to an alright bloke , a good coach, trying to turn the squad around. He didn't inherit a winning team, we were fucked and much of Pard's style of shit play was just starting to wear off when he arrived. Oh god I'm ranting.
  12. Kinnear to Shearer wasn't a decision though was it? Kinnear nearly croaked and they had fuck all option, Shearer jumped to the rescue and got bummed for it. Fair enough reply DK , it's a difference of opinion though - I'm not sure the team is better for buying 1 defender when we need 3 or 4 really. WORSE: Colo is worse than last year, Krul is fucked, Mbemba has been fucked a few games, Taylors just come back to co-incide , Colback is worse than Tiote , I could go on but wont waffle on. Gini is a good signing, as is Mitro . It's a question of the squad for me, the first team , if everyone's fit, maybe better on paper - but the reality is the squad is thinner than it was in Defence and goal. We've been up shit creek without a paddle because he didn't have a first or second choice keeper for 2 games, we've got basically 4 defenders on the books that are premiership standard - and have injuries among them. I just cant see many opportunities we've had to field strong defenders , midfield and 2 up front for the entire season. When we have, we've done ok. Sounds so much like excuses I know, but I just do think Ashley and co fucked us right up with no defender bought. There's no footballing logic in our squad, theres just money making - thus the saleable midfielders. Did we really need 2 more midfielders over a defence this window? I like them, but fuck me I'd rather we had 2 decent CB a LB and cover for the RB, not to mention a striker.
  13. When I last went (last September) it was a shadow of what it once was. There were seriously 3 lads singing , when me and my mate joined in we got told to stop shouting by the young suits in front of us.
  14. The only thing that's nailed on Dickie, is it'll be fuckin worse man. Tell me a manager change since Keegan that hasn't been?
  15. Dr Gloom , in your dream team half the players aren't available or are borderline crocked according to reports. Mitro's coming back from injury, Aarons had a niggle didn't he? , Townsend is unavailable. I doubt Perez is out of favour and more that McClarens got fuck all to play with up front - De Jong unfit, Mitro unfit, Riviere is his only option. If Perez isn't playing its surely due to fitness or playing it safe so if Mitro falls again he's got a second striker. We've got fuck all players, I might be being overly optimistic in the manager but I'd play safe with how many decent players I put on the pitch when there's fuck all to cover. If Perez got injured at Stoke we'd have Riviere and that's fuckin it. Wouldn't be surprised if Gouffrans being played just to put him in the shop window in advance of the summer . It wouldn't be the first time the fat cunts done this kind of thing. I am being optimistic , but I'm not changing or I'd just cry.
  16. There's an argument just to that statement , saying we've spent around 80 mil on the team FOR him. I doubt this is the case, all managers who leave tell stories of being made to play certain people at certain times and being pushed players. Shelvey and Townsend are the only signings that go against the norm, so that's probably his two signings . For me, its a bit like a new government taking over from an old - he's inherited a team down on morale, fucked over with shitty managers and expected within half a season to turn it around with 3 new first teamers and no cover for defence at all. I'm not saying I think he's the greatest manager, I never have, but it's so harsh of the fanbase to be on him like this after so little time. It just adds to the "geordies have unrealistic expectations" stereotype; and given the response to losing 1 -0 to stoke away (not a shit stoke team either, and we hardly ever beat them), I'm seeing that on this forum too. I know the teams shite, I know the owners shite and the manager is not the greatest - I don't know why anyone expects anything positive from the club after so many years under Ashley. Sure lets change our manager, and get even further in the mire. The only manager change I've agreed with is McClaren from Carver - every single other one has been a downward step. Why does anyone think getting rid of McClaren will be a good thing? It boggles my fuckin mind man.
  17. Oh I see, so you're advocating Sam Allardyce and Sunderland knowing his correct position immediately, from playing him on his debut in CB, for a single game? Of course, how silly of me to think Bayern Munich, Shalke and Germany were probably right.
  18. no, no and yes. He's a CB, with Champions League experience. Oh and rumour has it he went for 1.4 Mil EUROS. yeah you're right, not worth a shot.
  19. I have my own proxy server in Azure and if the providers have any clue they can circumvent this easily. Turn off location services on your devices / browsers have a dynamic outbound IP on the proxy, you only need static for inbound (as in your connection). Bobs yer uncle, unless they want to start blocking massive ranges of IP's that could or could not be legitimate , you're away.
  20. Funny that comment about Kirchhoff - according to many here he was a write off already and only played 2 games in 20 years or some shite. Why the fuck we didn't approach him is beyond me.
  21. Clearly thought out in advance. I don't care what anyone says , I can see some serious repercussions for Sunderland here like, Child abusers are often given disproportionate coverage in the media and treatment so I can see the FA going mental. Before some fucker jumps on me, I'm not saying its not a heinous crime, I'm just saying that the hype factor goes through the roof with anything to do with this in the media.
  22. It was in the news here a few days ago that the Sports Direct board had basically told him to fuck off on financing - due to dirty money (whatever that means). He gave loans to the company at a great rate, that netted him 300,000 a year in interest - they've gone to the offshore banks and paying them 650,000 a year in interest instead. Of so I've heard.
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