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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Its true David , it was his coach that said he could play anywhere, and him that added that rm is probably his "best" position. Prob got it in my favourites at home, it was a hell of an article, it made him out to be one of the national teams future heroes. And yeah DK, good point about "next season". We'll stay up though I hope, even with McClaren and the "old way" of club structure I still held hope of us not being quite shit enough. btw - I'm going to chance my arm and say hes going to play 3 at the back (or 5 with two higher wing backs). I'm glad I'm not manager though as I've too many possibles on the left. Taylor, Colo/Dummet, Mbemba / Colback Janmaat Aarons / Mbemba Tiote / Anita/ Colback Perez / Gino Shelvey Townsend / anyone else but Gouffran. Mitrovic - Gino / Perez
  2. The reserves mean nowt, not to me for a new signing , he should be at least making effort to get on the ball. the video I saw he looked like he was ready to fuckin sleep. But I'm going overboard, I'm not saying he's shite - but Perez is , in my view, a really good player who's only getting better. Mitro and him deserve a chance to gel together. I'd rather play our actual players than someone whos probably not going to be here next season , and think Mitro Perez are more likely to score the goals we need. Perez is quoted as saying RW is his preferred position also, I don't see why we've stuck with Sissoko tbh. Perez on right, Mitro up front now we've got effectively 4 strikers on the books. Much prefer Perez on the right though, but he seems handy playing behind the striker too.
  3. CT doumbia has played, for the reserves and was shockingly ineffective. Perez not a natural goalscorer? That's harsh, he's had a very hard job in his time here - he needs support like any forward, or to be played consistently in his other favoured position, on the right.
  4. I don't think he can/will play that formation. So I'm not playing.
  5. Its still not McLarens fault, it's Ashley. But surely getting Rata means a change of strategy and admitting that the way we were running the club was shit. At least I hope so.
  6. Look, you've all read me banging on. I don't care about any clauses, it's still a big reputational risk for him, it's a challenge. I never in a million years thought we'd get a manager under Ashley with the pedigree that Rafa has, so if he keeps us up and stays, I'll be loving it.
  7. well I feel like a cunt .... fuckin get in.
  8. Whoever said he could be a legend , the similarities between him arriving and Keegan arriving are there. If he saves us on the last day of the season I'm flying back to Newcastle for the piss up. Hopefully Bigg Market will have the red phone boxes back ready for the boirds to get their jebs out again.
  9. They'll say yes to anything to stay up. as long as they don't try and power play him once the seasons over .
  10. fuck. I should have double sheathed this morning, its 9:41 here and I'm sat in my own spunk explosion.
  11. I'm jus saying that him selecting the players we are most likely to never be able to offload is strange. Gouffran just seemed weird - we all said when he came well he's done well cos gouffrans not even on the bench, then he ends up playing him when hes got better on the bench. And yes, anything to do with NUFC I will blame on Ashley, because it is down to him, all of this shit - if we do (and its not even fuckin done yet) get Rafa , I'll cream myself , but I'll be very surprised if this bunch of fucknuts actually get him and retain him. FWIW - I see Rafa as a massive step up from McClaren, but I'm not sure he's the same guy he was 5 or 10 years ago. Pretty much lost it in his last job.
  12. I tend to believe the story on nufc, I reckon he was told who to play at certain points. Hope we do get Benitez after all this
  13. Difference? We're going to sack McClaren and replace him with a total fuckwit. Lets see how deep this Fuckwit coach rabbithole goes.
  14. I just don't think you can expect anyone signed in January short of a world class player to give immediate impact like that in a new club. It's no fuckin good buying a handful of players at the tail end of a massive downward spiral and then saying "well its 12 weeks later and we haven't done better, must be the manager's fault (who isn't even a fuckin manager) - instead of the clubs fault top to bottom. I kicked off at the 80 mil is a load of money stuff to much flaming - but lets use say, spurs they spent 48 mil since September on mainly squad players and it looks like they've spent steadily over years - we throw 80 mil in 2 windows at (some) players we don't even fucking need. We need defenders, strikers not more saleable midfield prospects. That said the quality of our signings these 2 windows has been a little better at least.
  15. I'm not serious btw Fish, I'd love to give you a big man hug you positive thinking old bean you. But, I still wonder if you're arguing for the sake of it, or really believe that Spurs and West Ham are buying on the same policy as us. They are getting a better quality, because they are buying half way finished articles - we're buying not even started in some cases (riviere). Your post above just says what I said in different language doesn't it? Btw spurs bought 3 in 2014, 1 so far this year. cant be arsed looking up west ham. I wish I recorded Keegan last year, because my thinkings coming mainly from listening to his rants, I think he's spot on and we are too , well I don't know - but why in gods name we've filled the stadium for 5 years under this set of clowns is beyond me. We're supporting failure , but I just can't help it, it's my club and every dawn I think they'll learn. The problem isn't their lack of football knowledge as much as their complete disinterest in learning about it. McClaren, like it or not , has arguably more pedigree than Carver, Kinnear, Pardew and we're still worse than shit for a PL club. Who are the fans and media attacking? the wrong person.... end of.
  16. Not going to happen though mate, I'm probably the last faithful to the dream that McClaren has better chance of doing this than his predecessor. I totally believe these stupid stupid cunts will continue the same downward spiral. I thought McClaren bucked the trend, but he's doing no better either. I do still remember us playing some exciting football under him for 4 or 5 games this year, which is more than the last 3 seasons. Fish, fuck off again winding me up, Spurs and West Ham ffs. They both have a better transfer policy than us, and both are buying for the squad on ability, not the fuckin future sell on , on potential.
  17. and you can fuck off n'all. Which premiership established player did we buy before steves arrival in the last 4 years? How many?
  18. I'm not complaining about recruiting foreigners, as such. It's more going overseas to people with no premiership experience and buying them cheap on the promise of throwing them in the shop window. Hmm, that didn't really help did it.. Come on you knackers you know what I mean. Until this season (and credit to Steve) we've bought players who have at least played in this competition. Hows it a load of shit? because I don't parrot fashion the same views? How can you possibly say that we haven't had a policy to buy cheap overseas players and aim to sell them? Its fuckin obvious man, hows it a load of shit?
  19. @Dr Gloom no fucker apart from bloody Alex Ferguson's level could bolster this dressing room. It's looking to me that we're seeing the fruits of recruiting foreigners on the basis of selling them if a big club comes in . They realise no big clubs going to come in and get fucked off at what they think is deceit. Being managed by Pardew, Carver for years and being stifled so they aren't attractive - why listen to the next Manager who comes in, more so with the next one etc. Add to that the fear of relegation , and the prospect of going to a decent club ever further away - and we have the match against Bournemouth. They put in for a few months, then when it wasn't easily clicking into place for them, they resign themselves to failure. I think we should get Gino, Perez, Mitro, Elliot, Shelvey, Townsend, Mb, Jannmatt , then take off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
  20. Reading this thread makes me confused why saying McClaren shouldn't be sacked by us, draws so much vitriol.
  21. He'll probably stay on the board man. It's such a fucked up situation really. I can't believe they've fucked him like this to be honest. All this "80 mil" talk, we've neglected / quick bucked all of our defenders and strikers for years and 2 midfielders and a young striker are the answer - the manager is to blame? fuck that. I also wouldn't be surprised if the main argument - team selection is even 100% under his control, I bet Charn etc are wanting him to play Gouffran etc to try and increase chances of offloading since they have the midfield.
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