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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Is this a love thing Alex? they say that people tease the people they want to get it on with. But seriously, he scored 1 goal every 5 games on average right? I'm sure my memories not fucked, he was shite. we were going mental when he signed.
  2. Hey Jimbo, good post that - Keegan was saying the same thing about Ginola last year - he said he got him to one side to ask him to teach other players how to do some of his techniques and he couldn't do it, as when he put thought into his actions, during training, he couldn't do it himself.
  3. Fuck me, has everyone lost their memories, he was absolute dog shit when he came here. "he had the best first touch of any Newcastle player" fuck off man, how many first touches did he have, they must have been his only ones? he was a massive disappointment - absolutely awful and didn't give a fuck. He scored 5 or 6 goals and I was at nearly every game he played in. He even went to the fucking papers to say how he was underperforming because fans from all teams were abusing him. We were abusing him, because he didn't make any effort most of the time. Bellamy and Kluivert would have done better if Shearer had been sold as bobby wanted. What a fuckin crock man, as if on all counts.
  4. Yeah cos he did brilliantly when here didn't he? I'd rather someone like Shearer do it (as was rumoured).
  5. Alex, "the internet" was really shit banter. Try harder
  6. That's it really in a nutshell. We need to get enough points to get out of the relegation places in the next match .. the further we drop behind the more the players will lose faith and the less likely we are to get results. Despite the total fuckery of last night, I still see the potential for a fuckin brilliant striker in mitro and a legend in Gino - I really do see class in there somewhere. I think with Mitro he just needs to get a few goals under his belt and man up a bit and stop shitting himself everytime he's in a scoring position. Sissoko is so frustrating , it pisses me off just looking at him now. He's capable of decent crosses and shots but he just shits himself far too often.
  7. where did you get the avatar pic from mate?
  8. yeah he only played 1 game though didn't he?
  9. wtf is a wum ? and it's fuckin true man, its going to be mental I bet you. Work Unit module? Web Utilization miner? Wind Up Merchant?
  10. We should send Taylor to Sunderland - let him broadcast live from the Bridges. I fuckin love Taylor at times like this.
  11. For the first year ever, I'm glad I'm not going to be there - this is going to be nasty , fan behaviour wise. I fully expect some serious violence. Nothing gets a radgies blood up more than a nonce.
  12. Good point from Howay like, its the injuries that scare me - hopefully Rafa's new team are more careful - our injuries are just baffling sometimes. I feel the same as when McClaren joined, from game 1 its another clear improvement in playstyle and effort (from most) - but it didn't last with McClaren . The fact that Rafa's just come from one of the best clubs in the world will hopefully keep them motivated moreso than Steve could manage. It boils my blood though, that we appear to have so many players who are paid a kings ransom to wear our shirt, who need cajoling into actually putting any effort in.
  13. I liked him when he first arrived and perhaps up till last season. He was absolutely woeful yesterday. Surely the coaches have to be responsible, they've fucked him right up.
  14. CT, why do you always latch onto the outsiders , the players on the fringe / unplayed? Have Mitro and Perez been that bad? Just wondering, you're always backing the unplayed .
  15. 85% possession last 5 according to the stream I'm watching
  16. fuck me, whats the forum become? Bedwetters R us? 1-0 against the league leaders after 55mins.
  17. I know right, Slayer. It's fuckin infuriating how much sharper and more enthusiastic they look in this first 15.
  18. Compared to the football antichrist Allardyce, Rafa looks like a messiah, maybe that's the mackam view?
  19. Bit harsh on anita here, as usual. He's not so bad. What I want to know is what Tiote is doing in training for successive managers to omit him.
  20. Yeah, the pessimist in me wouldn't be surprised if Rafa does keep us up , then Mike Ashley tells him to sling his fuckin hook at those wages and control and appoints John Craven. Hopefully Rafa's signed a 3 year with only the relegation break in HIS favour and no clauses for Mike to fuck him about should he stay up.
  21. It wont be the last one, just from memory, when did we play a top 4 club and play shite in the last 2 years?
  22. it's bringing me back to being a whippersnapper this like, when Ozzie went. I can feel a revival in me bones.
  23. I don't know, I always fancy us when we're playing the top 4. It's like everyone gets their price tags on and hopes to fuck they'll get spotted. Same today, might well squeak a result here then lose against the mackams. God fuckin forbid.
  24. As much as I backed McClaren, it was the belief that people like Rafa were way out of our league. With Rafa being interested, they should have moved McClaren within 5 minutes of the call.
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