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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Danny Simpson has been fuckin good this season mind and Hugh. Both of which I would have had a fit about if we signed.
  2. Spot on trophy. I'd be happy if we got Appleton (unlikely), Neville or .... or..... anyone other than the guy Ashleys cnuts pick Also, not sure we even have the squad or the mentality to bounce back up. We thoroughly deserve where we are and still I refuse to blame the managers tbh.
  3. Or once again, the managers work with the playerson the training ground and see things we don't. Personally I'vea hunch he just wants to try stifle any shots on goal cos with our keepers you'vegot to assume every second shot on target will be a goal mission impossible now like
  4. Ok, I'mback in England for a funeral. Driving during match time. Tune in to radio Newcastle and it's all fucking Sunderland. Wtf???
  5. Agree howay. England do this though, we pick on reputation or past achievements over the actual form at the time.
  6. Top goalscorer, lol we were shite , in 5 appearances up to it he hadn't scored right? Then he scored 2/7 in that run.. 1 was a penalty against Romania, and shearer shad the same slowing effect on the team that Rooney has. He did beat Germany mind. Beaten by Portugal and Romania and not into the knockout stages. I love Shearer he was undoubtedly mint, but he just wasn't anywhere near as quick as he was before his injury. At the time it was a 19 or 20 year old Owen and 25 year old on fire fowler and we wont mention Kevin Phillips. Shearer got the nod but the team were more fluid without him. Long time ago now, but that's how I remember it. Portugal were good though. Saying that, just read Hodgson today saying we owe rooney better and he's been in the last 10 games as captain and they've won all ten. Always the same, we'll go in with rooney and the fans screaming for Vardy or whatever and get knocked out at the first bloody stage again wont we?
  7. Gloom, totally agree. They did the same with a certain other Geordie striker who was past his best and played for far too long on his reputation at the end.
  8. I can see the 60/40 for just getting sissoko the fuck off the pitch .
  9. look Elliott has done well, but he's still inconsistent and to say he's proved himself better than Krul seems a bit too much.
  10. Got to agree with that on Perez and Townsend. Townsend put effort in at times but he just seemed to zone out too much.
  11. Howay, don't disagree but he didn't change it to two up top, we started with that didn't we? Perez and Mitro. By the end it was 3 up top and everyone but Lascelles in midfield I think that's an excuse Haydonator, it pissed me off so much that at the time. If you were there though and Perez was doing that, fair enough, I only saw the TV angle.
  12. Mbemba was fookin ace btw , some Albert type runs were well needed. he seems to have confidence going forward, that's for sure.
  13. heh, no that's not my intention - I'm trying to say if McLaren made that first sub , or put sissoko at left back for the last 30 the fans would have reacted far differently than the weekend. I made point not of a shit sub, but when he subbed (I think Dummett) as he was injured and got jeers of "You don't know what you're doing" - While Rafa puts sissoko left back, Anita right back and not a peep. I am over the moon we've got Rafa, don't get me wrong - but I think the blame is stopping at a manager (McClaren in this case) for something that really has little to do with the manager. Rafa is new, fair enough, but he's getting much more freedom than McClaren from both the club and the fans - and the players are still dogshit in most cases. We were still as shit as we were before, but we threw everything in attack wise against a deep lying sunderland side and still only made 2 decent attempts, 1 of which was the goal. Who had a good game this weekend? the same that usually do at home - Gino, Mitro, Elliot, Mbemba - everyone else is having a howler (perhaps Mitro needs service, or perhaps his finishing just isn't quite there - he still missed good opportunities). Not sure if that clarified or muddied my explanation of my view or not.
  14. I never said he did mate, I said if he did the crowd would lynch him. taking off all but 2 defenders for attacking players. He tried to sub (was it dummet?) an injured player and got booed to fuck. Despite the result, one thing that came out of the sunderland match is that a lot of our players really are playing like dogshit.
  15. Said it in a different thread, but its telling that Rafa can make those subs without the crowd going mental - McClaren got booed and abused for replacing an injured player a few weeks back. That said, he'd never have dared do what Rafa did in that second half. Sissoko as a defender was funny, but he didn't do all that badly! De Jong did ok too when he came on, seemed to want it. On Topic, I think we could still stay up - but the players really need a lift, they are completely demoralised if that match was anything to go by. Would love it if Palace get drawn in and we stay up at their expense! That would make the entire season worthwhile .
  16. I think its telling that if McClaren had made those substitutions then the crowd would have lynched him , it was only a couple of weeks ago he was getting "You don't know what you're doing" when replacing an injured player. That said, massive Kudos to Rafa to daring to make those subs, McClaren never would have.
  17. Second half, 2 goals, all isforgiven. We all know what's wrong with the club.
  18. Cayman Islands, which is the Caribbean. I'm pretty sure its him but I'm in meetings and cant get out the bloody office. Cracker of a wife (for her age) if it is him.. and yep, I post on forums so that I look busy during meetings
  19. No shit, I could swear that I've just seen him fucking about in the sea on Seven mile Beach here.
  20. We're going to hammer the fuckers. Rafa vs Fat Sam - been ages since I've been this hyped about a match.
  21. Ah of course, the European games. he got 5 in the season he was here. I didn't go to Europe :/ I'll just crawl back under this rock.
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