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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Anyone know of a premium streaming service for the championship?
  2. well, bugger the media say Ewark and Gpirlo are dead on. the move to London has done it :/ What a fuckin tit.
  3. yep, and I'd be surprised if that was to go to Palace. If it were everton, Liverpool, etc then yeah he'll go. But palace, naaah. Also, if he goes to Palace he's risking his reputation as one of those players that is often in relegated sides. It'll only be twice, but that's enough for most of these fuckin brain dead commentators we have to listen to nowadays.
  4. I still think there's a potential legend in Wijnaldum .... not wanting to do a CT but if he's going to, Rafa's the man to do it.
  5. I would be VERY surprised if he goes to palace.
  6. Just posting to say - what a fuckin brilliant thread title! Kudos!
  7. hahaha nice man, nice. Nah I was petrified because I had been reunited and then shit myself as I followed through. Nissen Fundoplication about 6 months before.
  8. I've shit myself several times, but then I had an operation with that side effect. Did it at a family reunion where I saw my step sister for the second time in over 16 years. at a pub, ran to the loo then shat myself on the way. not good. So + 1 to the shit yer pants
  9. WHS. Townsend might well stay. If we're going to pay the wages and these players cause a storm in the Championship its probably a better option for them than going into the reserves again. How in hell Townsend wasn't picked regularly is beyond me, he really looks like he has the ability to influence games.
  10. How full of shit is Charnley or am I missing something. How the FUCK has he "known Steven Taylor since he joined the club as a teenager" ????? Also, I really wish we'd buy before we release, I know there's time but how few defenders can we live with?
  11. We've also got Rafa now, so there's a chance we can still attract quality. Out of favor or unsettled in their current club quality, that is. DK - Short of cash and quality is what we've had for the past 2 years , according to ashleys "the bank is bust" bollox anyway.
  12. Fish is bang on - we don't buy defenders because they aren't likely to increase their resell value. We need defenders - how you can say we did ok when we were playing Colback and Anita as wide defenders is beyond me.
  13. Sissoko can get fucked, Gino looks like he's going to be good for us imo.
  14. FUCKIN GET IN !! Champions League in 3 years Or another court case in 12 months time when Ashley fucks him over.
  15. So harsh to put Shelvy in the same bucket as Obertan there HF! I also thought him and Townsend were McLaren's signings btw.
  16. Straight Edge - nah mate. for DMF (purely defensive midfielders) we have Tiote, Colback, Anita, Shelvey, Saviet Only 1 extra player I know, but 5 is enough . Tiote will prob go nowhere, if he was going he was going by now. Colback we're lumbered with , Saviet hasn't even had a chance. Add to that the other 7 midfielders we have - and we really should be looking at Defenders and Strikers for our "overdraft budget" that ashleys kind enough to lend us.
  17. I'm willing to give him time, he has been dropped for a few games, is clearly very passionate but is also a 21 year old Serbian. He'll chill I reckon
  18. Another DMF ? Really? I'd hang on to see who we lose - our squad must be 50% midfielders already.
  19. @@Renton yes Ashley isn't stupid, but he is exploitative and manipulative. I don't believe leopards change their spots - if we do keep Rafa, I fully expect it to burn in flames at some point due to double crossing or cuntstricks.
  20. probably so resilient to being wound up because we've all been cnuts to each other at some point. The stress of Ashley gets to us all.
  21. I walk along one of the best beaches in the world, when I walk out my back door on this Caribbean island. I'm here saving for a house where I'll buy and settle for the rest of my life. I've lived and worked in Stevenage , London, Reading, Godalming, Sydney, Vancouver, Toronto, Cayman, Indonesia, KL Malaysia. Which city will I settle in. Newcastle. End of. * Your "sunny magnum eating" southern towns and cities are at the bottom of my list. Its fuckin shit man, too many people , too expensive and just generally less fun by a country mile. I'd seriously rather live in fuckin South Hetton than Tottenham, how you can say its great because it needs 1 billion spending on it just to bring it up to scratch with the rest of London (smoggy, dirty overcrowded, SHIT city)
  22. woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning ! In fact, I woke up to my neighbors car being smashed up, all 4 tyres slashed and "Go Home" spray painted across it. Was thinking more that Ashley sells, saying theres a repayment deal then uses his slimy underhanded bollocks he uses everywhere else to then get it renegotiated 4 months later. Really gutted we're going down, but as many say here, if it hurts Ashley or rids of him, its a win.
  23. The threads have failed, enough already. Tend to agree with Gemmill, but I'm terrified that this will be the end of the club. All it's going to take is Ashley to sell at a low price and demand all his money back. (can he do that?)
  24. Not for 3 weeks now :/ phoenix seems bust and robot is gone, now I'm stuck, not working on vipbox for me either :/
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