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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. hahhahahahahahaha.. Someone said it here before , but can't believe he got the job following that BBC documentary years ago.
  2. I've put my score in now btw, 3-0 in case anyone wants to pull the deadline bollocks again.
  3. It'll be motivational, they didn't make this purchase blind - he's fuckin class and PSG won't waste him, in the long run - end of.
  4. I don't know you know, there's a feeling in the air. Also, the massive kudos he's instantly got for staying with us when relegated , in the same year he led one of the best clubs in the world. Could be a fairy-tale in the making .
  5. When's the deadline? I'm determined to give you a good drubbing ewark
  6. Oi! We won 2 nowt yesterday, why no points? Stewards enquiry ;-)
  7. To those at work - watch those tabs in your browser when on this forum! Boss is giving it - what's pedlar of the putrid prick? Could have been a lot worse if it was last week! 2-0 toon.
  8. No its on my surface pro. Two minutes when you know - I had to search for 20 minutes just to find an ares wizard link that wasn't trying to get me to pay first. Installing pulse did nothing to solve the issue , I've just tried re-installing now. I'll try again at the weekend I suppose.
  9. If only it was 4 minutes - it took me bloody ages - using aegis installer. Strangely enough though, now I can find the programs but I cant actually run them (just says working) and never fires up VLC
  10. So, what are people using for the televised matches? My kodi is dead as phoenix / Robocop are no more .
  11. Do you not think that Englands demise has coincided with the doing away of the foreigners rule? For me, we have no leaders because no top flight team is going to put that trust in an England hopeful, we buy superstars from around the world and put a few token British players alongside them. It is, to some extent kick and rush football because we have world class international players who can be relied on to make something out of nothing. All of our players look scared of the responsibility of having the ball, I thought in the last match even Rooney was dropping deep and hiding behind players at times. Seriously, the last team I can remember that had more than 7 English players and challenging , was us, under Keegan, all those years ago. Also, I think the playing style does matter in these early stages because they need to gel and be creative and defensively strong if we're going to compete when we get there, the players need confidence and self assuredness, 10 men behind the ball isn't going to achieve that imo. I also doubt we would have won the last match if it wasn't for the sending off,
  12. Where did that info come from? What a class A knobhead.. If Spurs falls through I want him training and playing with Beardsley .
  13. Well , good job I'm not charnley - I would have flogged him for whatever I could get, early doors.
  14. I think blaming 2 of the 3 players, who were only signed last year - with manager overhauls a plenty - for our relegation is a bit off the mark. The whole way the club was run from top to bottom relegated us, not Gini, Mbemba and Townsend.
  15. Can't believe he's sat in an airport "waiting for the call" again. What a fuckin numpty. I also can't understand why we aren't ripping peoples arms off for half of what the club are asking. 15 million is a big gamble on a guy like this
  16. Colback out, schweinsteiger in... come on Rafa.
  17. He's looked alright to me like, problem was when I last saw him play (last season? or the one before?) no fucker would pass to him.
  18. Martyrs (2008) - hardcore I thought, but had a great story and developed really well. Spookiest ending I've seen in a while too.
  19. 7.5 mil not bad considering we paid 5 for him. I'll always remember him fondly for being perhaps the only person on the field to give a shit AND score goals in a few games under Schteve.
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